Could satan be the good guy?

by LtCmd.Lore 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Well I'm an atheist, so now I can feel free to think whatever I want without getting struck by lightning. But I've been playing with this idea for quite a while:

    Is Satan just looking out for the poor little humans? Think about it. In the garden of eden, Satan didn't lie to Eve, in fact he told here a truth that god kept a secret. God did not kill them that day, like he said he would, and Adam and Eve were able to decide for themselves what to do, plus they became unretarded, and could tell that they were naked. (Not sure how they were supposed to reproduce if they couldn't get arroused anyway, but that's not the point.)

    Later god caused all kinds of problems for humans, by screwing up out langages, setting us back 1000 years with a flood, turning the animals against us, causing us to grow old, get sick, and die.

    However Satan is trying to prove to god that humans can successfully rule themselves. But god won't allow that. Also Satan never attempted to take gods place, he wants humans to take care of themselves, without gods, or his help.

    So while god wants humans to fail, satan would want nothing more than to see humans in a self ruled utopia. Free of god.

    I just wanted to get you guys opinion on this.


  • XU

    Well, if he exists - he doesn't answer prayers. When I was DF'd in HS, I prayed to J.Hove and got no answer. And for about the last 15 years before that too, but that's another story. But for some reason (going out of my mind) I decided at least maybe Satan would take mercy on me and answer my questions. So I asked him to send me someone to fornicate with, but no one showed up. So I sort of thought, hmm, no lightning, no cracked earth, no flames, no answer, no nothing. But yeah, it was curious that the way people talked about him at meetings, there wasn't really any scriptures to back up his badness. H to the Izzo was the one killing everyone. What's the devil without hell? Interesting thoughts.

  • vitty

    So if Satans argument is that people can rule successfully without intervention ( im not sure if thats the case ) but anywayby God . Why is he jepardizing his own argument by making peeps have wars and killing each other. Surely he should be helping us show he was right............if you understand what I mean

    I hope you do, because tomorrow I may not

  • LtCmd.Lore

    That's mostly my point Vitty, the dubs say that Satan is behind all the wars and problems, but offer no scriptures to back it up. Plus common sense would indicate that he, the guy who said humans would be better off without god, would do everything in his power to make the world a better place... right?


  • AlmostAtheist

    The elder that conducted my Bible Study that ultimately brought me into the Troof said that Satan MUST be insane. It never occurred to me that if true, it would mean poor ol' Satan was built broken from the start. Jah screwed up, and then blamed his creation for it.

    But I don't buy it. If anything, Satan's on to him. He knows the score, and is just doing what he thinks is right. You go, Satan! You da man!

    (Or maybe Satan, Jehovah, and the whole fairy-tale just never happened. Yeah, actually, that makes a ton o' sense.)


  • pobthespazz

    I have this little feeling that when gods great battle of Armageddon begins , Satan will win!

  • Justahuman24

    LtCmd.Lore, Satan DID lie to Eve. He told her that they wouldn't die but they did. Granted, it wasn't immediately but they eventually died. Satan didn't say: you won't die right away." He said very generally that they wouldn't die. Also, God didn't cause them to die and grow old. It was all a result of their disobedience. And confusing languages didn't necessarily cause problems. Nowadays groups of people speak different languages and yet we manage to communicate and not kill each other bcz we don't understand what other people are saying. It's people's actions, bad actions, that cause people to hurt each other and kill each other. And Satan is not the good guy. He knew and still knows that by him supporting or advocating human rule, he's disobeying God. Plus, history has proven that we humans cannot rule ourselves. Too many wars, most of them caused by the greed of humans. God didn't cause the wars, nor did he make humans go to war. He merely allowed them to happen so we can see that we're not capable of ruling ourselves. justahuman - but super nonetheless

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Insane? Well I never thought of that before but as you said, that would meen God screwed up anyway, how the heck would a spirit creature go insane... a chemical imbalance? I think not.

    Anyways, what kind of leader would give a hoot what some random nutjob says? That's not saying much for gods wisdom. lol

  • LtCmd.Lore
    LtCmd.Lore, Satan DID lie to Eve. He told her that they wouldn't die but they did. Granted, it wasn't immediately but they eventually died.

    Well, then at least they both lied. But if I tell you that you will not die if you drink a certain liquid, and you live for another 900 years, I wouldn't call it lying. But If I say you will die that very day, and then you live for another 900 years that would be a lie. Of the two who was more truthfull?

    And confusing languages didn't necessarily cause problems.

    I beg to differ. The laungage barrier is just that, a barrier, and it has caused problems all through human history. What more can I say?

    God didn't cause the wars, nor did he make humans go to war.

    He caused wars in many ways, religious wars are fought all the time because of his bible. He ordered the Israelites to go to war all the time. Plus there is the language thing again. And maybe if people had more time to live they wouldn't be so desperate to get everything NOW.

    Also, God didn't cause them to die and grow old. It was all a result of their disobedience.

    If you can explain how that works I'd love to hear it, but as far as I can see. Either god created us wrong, so that he had to support us for all eternity lest we would die. Or he changed us physically after Adam sinned, so that we would grow old. Either way, he caused it.

    The only way to truly see if humans are better off without god, is to leave them as they were when the challenge was made. When that challenge was made, they were perfect, all spoke the same language, and would never have gotten sick. But god didn't let it that way did he? Why not, unless he may lose the challenge?

    I don't mean to offend or pick on you. I'm just having fun with my new ability... free thought.


  • LtCmd.Lore
    LtCmd.Lore, Satan DID lie to Eve. He told her that they wouldn't die but they did. Granted, it wasn't immediately but they eventually died.

    Well, then at least they both lied. But if I tell you that you will not die if you drink a certain liquid, and you live for another 900 years, I wouldn't call it lying. But If I say you will die that very day, and then you live for another 900 years that would be a lie. Of the two who was more truthfull?

    And confusing languages didn't necessarily cause problems.

    I beg to differ. The laungage barrier is just that, a barrier, and it has caused problems all through human history. What more can I say?

    God didn't cause the wars, nor did he make humans go to war.

    He caused wars in many ways, religious wars are fought all the time because of his bible. He ordered the Israelites to go to war all the time. Plus there is the language thing again. And maybe if people had more time to live they wouldn't be so desperate to get everything NOW.

    Also, God didn't cause them to die and grow old. It was all a result of their disobedience.

    If you can explain how that works I'd love to hear it, but as far as I can see. Either god created us wrong, so that he had to support us for all eternity lest we would die. Or he changed us physically after Adam sinned, so that we would grow old. Either way, he caused it.

    And Satan is not the good guy. He knew and still knows that by him supporting or advocating human rule, he's disobeying God.

    True, he is going against god, but just because god was in charge doesn't meen that all opposed to him must be evil. After all, Hitler was in charge for a time, but surely you wouldn't say that anyone opposed to him was evil, just because they went against the big guy. So yeah, Satan is against god, but what if god is wrong?

    The only way to truly see if humans are better off without god, is to leave them as they were when the challenge was made. When that challenge was made, they were perfect, all spoke the same language, and would never have gotten sick. But god didn't let it that way did he? Why not, unless he may lose the challenge?

    I don't mean to offend or pick on you. I'm just having fun with my new ability... free thought.


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