Email from the ex ... "come back"

by merfi 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • merfi

    Check this out (hope you have a strong stomach ) Any ideas for replies?

    From the ex:

    also, how are the kids handleing the holiday thing....for real....and do you really feel that is what you believe in, it just worries me......i havent said anything cuz its your choice, it is just that i wish you would come back.....move to omaha, and get into a diff congre, they would embrace you, they really would, .........heck, they embraced me after all the crap i did and fell and got back up.......i do see the good in you.......


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    They will embrace you...go into the one with us....

    Ok really though, sounds like he still cares.

  • whyamihere

    I would say this...but be careful not everyone can pull off a "Brooke"

    Please, refresh my are?

    or, if you really want him to go away..........

    I'm sorry, I guess you didn't get the hint - me not communicating with you means "in layman's terms", I have nothing to do with you. Now, I am going to erase your little "reach out e-mail" which you had the pathetic nerve to do and pretend it never happened, as I do with our relationship.


  • XU

    Uhhhh, I really do appreciate the fact that you care and are trying to reach out to me. I extend the same gesture to you. As much as you feel bad for me in my situation, I feel bad for you in your situation. And like you, I see the good in me, which is why I left my former situation behind. I guess where we differ is you haven't told anyone about me, but I posted your lame little email on an apostate board! Mwaa-ha ha ha ha! (Just kidding) Hey ex, I have a suggestion for you. You don't even have to physically change addresses. Just mentally move aside the fuzz and sign on to JWD! They will accept you! They accepted me even after all the crap I did. I've fallen and I don't want to get up.

  • restrangled

    I could, if I searched high and low, probably find a congregation to embrace me. Or I could simply make my peace with God (which I have already done) and put all of my energies into raising our kids to be strong responsible and independent thinking adults.

  • GetBusyLiving

    He sounds like a typical, generic JW. He also sounds sincere, but I don't know your history with this guy. These are the types that I usually feel sorry for.


  • james_woods

    Hate to be cynical, but I am an exJW...most of us are a little cynical.

    point 1: I would take this a little more seriously if he had of had the guts to show up in person, or at least call on the phone in person, or even make a handwritten note with some flowers or something.

    point 2: How do you really know that the eldership mafia did not put him up to this?

    Hope it works out for the best,


  • jgnat

    Am I missing something? HE doesn't miss you...the IDEAL CONGREGATION does?

    If this were me, I wouldn't know how to respond. So I wouldn't.

  • juni

    also, how are the kids handleing the holiday thing....for real....and do you really feel that is what you believe in, it just worries me......i havent said anything cuz its your choice, it is just that i wish you would come back.....move to omaha, and get into a diff congre, they would embrace you, they really would, .........heck, they embraced me after all the crap i did and fell and got back up.......i do see the good in you.......


    How are the kids doing Merfi?? How are you doing w/all of this? Any doubts about leaving the JWs?

    I don't want you to post a public answer please. Just think it over.

    Depends on your answers. Search your soul. You'll make the right decision. It's your life and what you think would be best for the kids.


  • SB

    i would tell him that if he wants to know how the kids are doing, then ask them. and OF COURSE his congregation "embraced" him. i don't know what he did, but i imagine if he did whatever he did, then made corrections to his life to get on "the right track", and became an amazing person BUT decided to leave the WT, then the said "embracing" would turn to "judging". i've learned it doesnt matter what kind of person you are, as long as you are an "active" witness. it sounds like you are a nice person, and a good mom. but JESUS CHRIST you've left the church....i'm worried about you...


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