Is the Watchtower really this decietful? Say it aint so. Really?

by icocer 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Abandoned

    Yeah, and you'd better watch out because if the watchower ever quoted you, it'd look like this:

    I found this page thatlist what they believe are their top 10 deceptive quotes in the "Should you believe in the trinity" booklet. The site is trinitarian. My itention is not toproveor disporvethe trinity, itisto find out if the watchtower is really this decietful. In your opinion is what this site saying about the Watchtower qouting practicesvalid?

  • Junction-Guy

    Yes, they really are that deceitful.

  • Honesty


  • What-A-Coincidence

    Sucks huh?

    Either way, Merry Christmas from Theodore Jaracz

  • veradico

    The people who write for the Watchtower are certainly not scholars. They hold such a radically anti-intellectual and anti-education position that it's a wonder they are able to write at all. It comes as not surprise that their use of quotes is often immature. They find sound bites that seem to say what they want, and they don't concern themselves with the author's actual intent. I think they are used to the fact that just about anyone they quote will be someone who ultimately disagrees with them on at least some major point. This will be the case whether the person they quote is a spiritualist like Johannes Greber, a "higher critic," a scientist who (among other things) believes in evolution, or just about any other sane person on this planet. Their use of the so called J-texts in the NWT is another good example of their confused idea concerning what citations are for and of their selective and sloppy methodology.

  • Kudra

    Good one, Abandoned!!


  • SirNose586

    Good old selective quoting...intellectual dishonesty at its finest.

  • LadyConstantine

    Just wondering what about the phrase "satanic quoting". Anyone have any idea what they were getting at with that? And I agree with Seeker about believing all of Christianity being of pagan origins. I personally don't see any difference between early religious beliefs and Christianity, except maybe the fact that the early pagans seemed to be more sincere.

  • bebu

    It really is so!

    This is one of the first things I discovered, too, when my JW neighbor gave me litterature (sic).

    I spoke with her eventually about many weird issues and red flags, but one thing I really hammered her on in the end is that if she wants to make a convincing argument about anything with me, she will have to back it up with something besides WTS writings, because I've discovered thru the Trinity booklet that the WTS is dishonest and deceitful! I told her that it made me completely distrust them, period. (It helped that there were other writings that I showed, besides the Trinity booklet, that the WTS had been extremely deceitful). She had nothing to say. I see her every week or two now, but she never brings up religion anymore!

    btw, icocer, does that stand for "international church of christ ER?" (You wrote that you used to belong to that group.)


  • jwfacts

    Not only here, but it is a normal practice of the Watchtower Society to use misquotes to prove a point.

    In regards to the early Church Fathers, they generally believed that Jesus was God and was to be worshipped. Even prior to 100A.D (prior to when John had finished writing his Bible books) they were writing about the divinity of Christ. From about 180A.D. the concept that Jesus was part of a Trinity started to be formulated and the word specifically used. The Watchtower misrepresents this as they want to make it appear that it was always clear that Jesus was not worshipped and the early Christians believed what the Watchtower teaches.

    Interestingly the Watchtower used to say that Jesus was a god that should be worshipped up until the 1950's. see

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