What emotions were you feeling as you started reading the posts on JWD?

by What-A-Coincidence 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    My reaction: Shock and awe (TM). I was an elder and had just left Bethel. I didn't want to believe what I was reading especially from current and former Elders. I went into a depressed and suicidal state. But thankfully it didn't last long.

  • lost_light06

    I remeber shaking, physicaaly shaking. I also felt sick to my stomach. I would read a post then quickly close my browser because I wasn't supposed to be reading it. Within 2 minutes I was reading more posts. My head was swimming. Thankfully I kept reading and researching because now I'm out and it's because, in part, of this forum.

  • anewme

    I couldnt believe it! It was like finding long lost family! It was like discovering my twin!
    The many posts I read spoke directly to my heart!

    I was in shock for days afterwards. And I was hooked.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't remember the particular thread, but I linked from freeminds.org.
    I left that thread and went to the homepage and linked around.

    It was close to the "kid in a candy store" feeling. I already knew there
    was anti-JW stuff out there. This is the mother-load. WOW.
    I lurked for months, read quite a bit occasionally. I had to join in a
    discussion on Bethel layoffs, but I was worried about registering. I still
    have some paranoia about getting caught, but I would get over it.

    I thought I could cut back on JWD, but because I still interact with the
    congregation, I need my fix. I get on here way too much.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    I would read a post then quickly close my browser because I wasn't supposed to be reading it. Within 2 minutes I was reading more posts

    Me to! I would lie down and try to ask for forgiveness fom the god of the JWs...which is a dual god "FEAR and GUILT". Then I said, I will look again, he has to forgive me anyway.

  • carla

    I'm astonished that any of you are here and believe any of the stories told! My jw keeps toting the pary line, 'all lies', 'sourgrapes', 'can't live up to...' , you know the list.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    For me it's a roller coaster of guilt, sometimes nervous apprehension if I don't understand somebodies intentions and a nice feeling of connectedness with what we all have in common. Sometimes I have to walk away from it though. Too much sometimes. A lot to face. Sometimes anger too. With all those emotions It's amazing I can make a sane comment.

  • love2Bworldly

    I felt shocked as I learned how evil the WBTS really is and how unkind most of the elders really are, and that many people get disfellowshipped who want forgiveness and are repentant.

  • Mystla

    I was shaking and nauseated.. I kept reading, though. I had sweat running down my sides.. a complete panic reaction. The more I read the more anger I felt for being so decieved. Then I felt stupid for having bought into jw crap all my life. Then I began to feel justified for leaving.. and began to accept that I had been duped, but so had others and they survived it and so could I.

    I think these are all things I would have worked through without JWD.. this site just made it easier and faster, months instead of years. Now I come here mostly because of family related stuff that I still need to get past.


  • jaguarbass

    When I first started reading jwd, I had already been out of the org for 23 years so I found the post very entertaining.

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