Supplement letter to Witchtower Babble study next Sunday 17th

by hamsterbait 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    At the end of today's Witchtower, The Elder taking it said that next weeks meeting was about appreciating and showing respect for the meetings, and that a letter with "guidelines" - no don't laugh - from the Society about this would be read out.

    Is this why this week was all about being obedient drones and not questioning anything (except for the question "What does the WTBTS currently teach on this for me to parrot robotically while maintaining a rictus smile of fake joy?")

    Anybody see this letter yet?


  • sammielee24

    No..don't know anything..haven't seen the letter but in a fit of boredom I can easily draw a south park cartoon in my head..on one side the elder standing with a mallet in his hand bopping kenny on the head and screaming 'you can't question me'..and kenny bouncing back and screaming 'oh yes I can, I'm imperfect - I'm exercising my free will'..............sorry....I have been meaning to tell you though, that I love your avatar. I have fond memories of my little hamster from so many years ago.................................sammieswife.

  • fjtoth
  • blondie

    It is that time of the year that they release the information about next year's district convention: accommodations and how to behave, such as not putting more people in the room that is allowed legally, not cooking in the room when it is not allowed, taking all the ice in the ice machine for your coolers, taking extra from the breakfast buffet for lunch (it is free, right?).


    *** km 12/05 p. 3 pars. 2-3 2006 "Deliverance at Hand" District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***

    MakeArrangementsNow:To benefit fully from the spiritual program that is being lovingly prepared, we need to be present for the entire program. Wisely start now to make whatever arrangements are needed for you and your family to attend all three days. (Prov. 21:5) Such preparations may include asking your employer for time off, discussing your plans with a non-Witness mate, making hotel reservations, and assisting Bible students to be in attendance each day. Do not leave these important matters to the last minute. Rather, make them a matter of prayer to Jehovah, trusting that "he himself will act."—Ps. 37:5.


    Jehovah’s organization has gone to great lengths to ensure that sufficient accommodations are available in each convention city. Appreciation for the self-sacrificing efforts of the hardworking brothers who assisted in making these arrangements, consideration for our fellow convention delegates, and respect for theocratic order should move us to cooperate fully with the guidelines provided in this article.—1 Cor. 13:5; 1 Thess. 5:12, 13; Heb. 13:17.

    Using the instructions in the box on page 4, please reserve rooms only at hotels on the list and agree to pay only the rates shown. Please do not call hotels that are not on the list and ask if they have a rate for your convention.

  • Anomalous One
    Anomalous One

    - discussing your plans with a non-Witness mate.

    While witnessing be sure to tell others the dates you'll be out of town so they can break into your home.

  • dozy
    Anybody see this letter yet?

    Letter posted here - actually came in a couple of months ago. UK version - may differ from USA. Unusual to have a "supplementary" letter to a WT. edit - sorry it is so small - still haven't got the hang of converting images to JPEGs and then downloading them!

  • OnTheWayOut

    After reading the letter, I am a bit puzzled. Many sincere JW's attend a second convention because they were volunteering at the first or had to miss some part of it. The letter asks them not to wander around during the session (which is not such a big request), but in reality, it will discourage some JW's from attending a second convention. Perhaps the mind-control session only works if you get the talks in order. By picking and choosing a second time, it is possible that the brain is free to think as it might- very dangerous in the borg.

  • jayhawk1
    Rather, make them a matter of prayer to Jehovah, trusting that "he himself will act."—Ps. 37:5.

    Huh, that's exactly what I did! I told Jehovah, if he wanted me at the convention, he can find the hotel and pay my way. I have not heard back yet.

  • geevee

    Pharasees and their rules..............

  • jayhawk1

    So they want less socializing during the convention and some to dress better. Makes me want to shout out, "GO TO HELL!" Even if I did want to go to the convention, I will talk when I want and I will dress how I want. I wish the "brothers" had enough nerve to tell the GB what they really think.

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