Do You Know What I Hated About Service?

by Legolas 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • PrimateDave

    "Service" was a complete drag, to be sure, and there was nothing about it that I liked. But, when I started to go to the Spanish congregation, I found that preaching to Hispanics was far more tolerable. On the other hand, I remember going into subdivisions in the English congregation's territory with big, beautiful homes and found that the residents were some of the rudest people alive. We used to say, "they already have their paradise."

    Dave (who no longer has to wear a suit and tie in the midmorning heat)

  • lighthouse19something

    Meeting my business customers

  • Justice-One

    I guess the all time "best" service moment I ever had, was the day that a girl came to the door that I knew from school. And I had just the day before called her a bitch to her face. (And yes, she really deserved it.) I guess you can say, there was not much to say at the I just turned around and left. (After opening and closing my mouth at least three times.)

  • Leolaia

    I hated missing Saturday morning cartoons! I watched the Smurfs religiously.

  • Gordy

    Doing the same street for the umpteenth time. Knowing that out of 50 or so houses I'll be lucky to talk to 2 or 3 people.

    Collecting the "Not at homes" from the others and thinking, there are so many that we might as well just start the territory again.

    Spending the next month trying to get the "Not at homes" in.

  • anewme

    It is amazing to me that I got talked into this religion and went door to door. I really tried "to sell" it too! I took the whole thing so seriously!
    But I forgive myself.
    Poor dope!

    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!"


  • XU

    One time, this householder listened to us and kindly asked in an almost pleading way, "Why do you guys keep coming back every few weeks? We've told you we are Christians and happy with our religion. We aren't interested in what you have to say. Why do you keep coming here?" I felt pretty bad, I was like 12. Another time, someone yelled at us from their upstairs balcony and was like "Nobody in this neighborhood wants you here! I'm going to call everyone and tell them not to answer their doors! Go away!" Being faithful never felt so awkward. Well, I also hated getting people at home, god forbid placing anything and facing a stupid RV, cold feet in those stupid 80s girl meeting shoes, and pretty much everything about it until we went and got frozen yogurt and coffee at 11:45. HATED IT. Oh yeah, and the time I actually got a bible study and had to go tell her that I no longer could believe the shit I was saying, so I would have to turn her over to someone else. She said she understood.

  • Taltek

    Gawd, I hated FS. The heat, the cold, the dogs. But of course I had to show a good example being an elder's son. Being a born-in, I was forced to peddle books since I could read, and memorize a presentation, and then using the same presentation for every book or tract or mag untill my late 20's. Of course I lied about my hours, to keep my MS posistion. I never averaged more than 3hrs, but I always put in the national average times 1.5. I can honestly say, I went in FS many a time with a hangover. Oh yeah.

  • Ariel84

    So many things I hated about service.....

    I hated the cold, snow, and rain. I always found myself wondering why the hell we were out in a blizzard or 95 degree heat when any sane person was inside where its warm or air conditioned.

    I hated being out with this one particular "pioneer sister" whose favorite question to ask me was "when are you going to get baptized?".

    I hated it when my mom aux. pioneered and dragged me with her in the AM since I had PM kindergarten. I would have to change into my school clothes in the back of Br. Pioneer's conversion van. It was soo embarrassing;even though I was just a little kid.

    The highlight of the day was always "break" and there were some die-hard door knockers who would try to get out of taking one.The nerve! My persistant questioning about "when are we going on break" would usually win out. Some of the adults would think it was cute and say "oh do you want to go McDonalds honey" ,but there were those that scowled and said that "we must slave for Jehovah first".

    That about covers it I think

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I hated the first time I did things such as the first door in the morning and thr first return visit on a newly interested person. Always ate away at me inside because I am a basically shy person

    But the thing I hated the most was when I saw all the people washing their cars, cutting their grass, etc It really bothered me that I had to go home and get a late start on all the household chores.

    Actually, I just felt it was a huge waste of time, as most were not home or not really interested.

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