Wendy Burgers

by pobthespazz 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    They used to be my favorite before Carl's Jr. rolled out their "Six Dollar Hamburger"....the quality of the beef is far better, as well as the lettuce and tomato.

  • jaguarbass

    Wendys is doing good in Tampa Bay Florida, It is my favorite burger joint. You can eat healthy or greasy there.

  • Warlock

    The problem with Wendys is there are not too many, at least where I live. There is one all the way across town. I wish there were more. In/Out used to be good until they had to start over-cooking the burgers because of the food poisoning thing at Jack in the Box.


  • daystar

    They're all over here in Texas, though I don't think they're much better than McD's.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Wendy's chile, good, lots of meat. Good if your a cannibal.

  • jstalin

    I love Wendy's. I used to work there when I was 14. The most horrible job of my life, but I still love the food!

  • smellsgood

    Yes, but they're now in competition with Mcdonalds to see who can create the slightest most immaterial meat patty possible.

    Jack in the Box is better.

    The fries are still very good at Wendy's.

    Ah, now I'm thinking about fries! Oh wait, I was already.

    Anybody remember Burger Kings fries BEFORE they went all "spackly" as I scientifically put it?

    They were brilliant back in the day! aahhhhh the good ole days!

    I still remember the adverts when they were pushing how much better (cheaper) they were, I'd give my ear or something...well I'd give an ear to have the old ones back. I don't know whose but i'd convince them it was worth it for me!

  • watson

    Try a "double-double" animal style at "IN AND OUT BURGER!"

    Un beatable!!!


  • bikerchic

    Try a "double-double" animal style at "IN AND OUT BURGER!"

    Un beatable!!!

    My s-i-l calls those "quads" or "4x4's". I couldn't imagine ever being able to eat one of those myself, it must be a guy thing.

    Back in my day, um 1960's In-N-Out used to make a bigger burger, it's shrunk quite a bit over the years and costs about twice as much too! But they are still good and make the best fries so fresh!

  • free2beme

    They're on about every street couner in the USA and in every mall. They are a nice fast food burger.

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