Sorry, I need to vent for a moment...

by Abandoned 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • wozadummy

    Ah ABANDONED ya poor sap! $7.50 an hour eh? Trailer park eh? My daughter in law told me what it's like there in USA when she moved here from there and it amazed me at how low the pay is in "ordinary" jobs. Crappy health service too eh? Jeez from reading your post I reckon you must be a good trusting guy that's an easy target for the shitheads who live there with you . Why don't you come out here and we'll look after you. Where's America the land of the free bs bs bs etc.....come to a country that appreciates honest true blue people. Hey don't just believe me, ask any of the other OZ posters here (but verify they are genuine OZ and not kiwis who moved from their beautiful country to here lol) Steve

  • Clam

    Abandoned - I sure hope you start to feel better soon. It's all peaks and troughs bro. To me you always sound like such a together, industrious and talented guy. I know its a cliche but today is the first day of the rest of your life. Maybe at this time look at other people's struggles and successes for inspiration. There are so many people out there who've had it bad, and they've channeled it to motivate themselves into succesful people. See the first part of your life as separete from the next stage. You're about to start chapter two and it's going to be amazing. Who knows - with your writing talent, one day you might write a book about it!

    Have a damn good weekend


    (Wozadummy we posted at the same time. Good advice!)

  • wozadummy

    Oh PS ....We need you here to displace some of the Pommie arseholes who come here thinking they know how to watch and play cricket....You'd think they'd invented the game

  • wozadummy

    Flamin' carp are'nt biting tonight wink

  • Outaservice

    Hey, it looks like to me that you might make a good songwriter! Maybe 'Country'! Have you ever submitted anything like AT THE BOTTOM to a singer?


  • jaguarbass

    Abandoned, I feel your pain, I can totally relate. But hold your head up tomorrows gonna be another day.

  • mann377

    Rule number one: Don't feel sorry for yourself.

    Rule number two: Dont't look back

    Rule number three: Learn from your mistakes and take responsibility ( tough but you can do this)

    Rule number four: Make your own luck ( I could write a book about this)

    Rule number five: Its not how much you make, its how you spend it ( I learned this the hard way)

    Rule number six: Have a plan. ( those that don't have a plan, plan on failing)

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hey Buddy...
    You're not alone, there are lots of people that made sacrifices in the hopes of doing something with more purpose than trying to exceed the economic status quo in this country. Being fooled by someone as sophisticated as Satan (he's been doing this quite a while, ya know)is nothing to be ashamed of... there are plenty of highly educated people that have thrown away a lot more than you and many of those poor bastards are still "in"!

    Instead of focusing on the sacrifices that you've made, lets look at what you've got going for you and what you've gained.
    You are now among the elite of the "Ain't gonna fool me again crowd"
    You have none of the liabilities that a wife and children would present.
    You have outstanding communication skills.
    You are a gifted writer.
    You are a very attractive fellow... (I mean that in the most manly way)
    You are a very compassionate person... always among the first to offer support for anyone feeling low.
    You are extroverted without being "cocky".
    You have a fantastic sense of humor.
    You are irresistable to big boobied women.
    You seem to be in pretty good shape, physically.
    You are very intelligent.
    You are a very humble person.
    You are willing to do whatever it takes to survive... jobs etc...
    You have the self-worth and ethics to go through the pain of leaving the WTS.
    You are not a complacent person... you obviously want more.

    From the little that I know about you... I'd hire your for just about any job. I think you should try and see yourself as others do. Try not to get stuck in using qualifications of what you "think" you are supposed to have acheived and look at the things that have real "substance" .... Being rich doesn't make you classy... being classy makes you rich!

    As far as what you're doing now, be honest... if that was the limit of your capabilties, you'd probably be content....I SERIOUSLY doubt that it is. If you want a better paying job.... Go GET ONE! What have you got to loose by looking? If you need some new surroundings and a fresh start... call me, we've got a spare room at our house.... Texas ain't that bad!

    (936) 524-0932 cell

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    In my many travels to Germany, one thing always stood out to me....The Germans regard all work as noble. Being a waiter is considered a career, and great strides are made to be as professional as possible. All work is noble if you take pride in what you are doing. Good luck on your journey!

  • anewme

    Dear Abandoned, CHOICES, its all about CHOICES.
    In a moment you can change the direction of your life. You can CHOOSE to view your life as a lost opportunity or you can CHOOSE to view it as full of opportunities still open to you.
    We are survivors for sure. And we can never gain back the lost years. But we have many years ahead of us still! We must focus not on the past, but the future. We must look at the glass of life not as half empty, but as a glass half full. Yeah sure we hate the Watchtower Society for all its fibs to us. (But I think they really believe that junk. So the pity is on them!) Lots of worse things could have happened to us (since we were so gullible to follow a monster down a strange path) So we wore ties and pushed mags for a few years. Ok, 35 for me. Forgive yourself. You thought was you were doing was right. Now you dont. You change directions. Thats what successful people do.

    CONCENTRATE ON THE POSITIVE! Thats the way the strong survive! It is a daily effort and exercise many do to look around, find the beauty, take the deep breath, and smell the rose. Otherwise, life is a miserable pity party and others are loathe to associate with us.
    Everyone suffers the same setbacks. Some suffer more than others. But ALL CAN CHOOSE THAT "THIS DAY IS THE DAY FOR CHANGE TO A POSITIVE APPRECIATIVE MENTALITY"

    Good things start happening from there.

    1. Envision your own happy future. Be detailed.
    2. Look around your life and cut the weight that is dragging you in the opposite direction from your goals.
    3. Enjoy the process of change. The people, places and feelings of a life on a new path.

    I am not a writer nor a life coach but I like you am struggling to re-construct a life post DF.
    I have found letting go of the anger and focusing on my blessings (glorious freedom!) and opportunities
    is helping so much.

    But you are right Abandoned, somebody should stop them. It'll come.

    Hang in there baby!


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