Sorry, I need to vent for a moment...

by Abandoned 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Backed away
    Backed away

    Well said Apostate Kate.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey Abandoned,

    Looks like we're posting back and forth. Thanx for posting on Jealousy. I love people too and love to write since this is my new life, but I'm OK with the fact that not every one will become my friend. I guess part of the thought behind the new thread is that I used to get jealous of someone who was paid more attention than me. But you see, at this point in my life---20 years older than you---I'm no longer dealing with what you're going through. I survived your current situation and pain. And so will you! I'm so happy that everyone is supporting you. I take what I learn here and tactfully, or openly, share it with those who do not know the wisdom of the information highway. My pain now is illness, getting old and dying, not that I'm morbid or anything. Just that I gave up my career and such---on stage for 10 years. Composer, like you. But it's okay. My life now is here with you and all my other new friends. And I'm not worried about reciprocation. I throw in my two cents and like you, I've got spunk. Don't you just love Mouthy?

    Will you be my friend?,


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey Abandoned,

    Looks like we're posting back and forth. Thanx for posting on Jealousy. I love people too and love to write since this is my new life, but I'm OK with the fact that not every one will become my friend. I guess part of the thought behind the new thread is that I used to get jealous of someone who was paid more attention than me. But you see, at this point in my life---20 years older than you---I'm no longer dealing with what you're going through. I survived your current situation and pain. And so will you! I'm so happy that everyone is supporting you. I take what I learn here and tactfully, or openly, share it with those who do not know the wisdom of the information highway. My pain now is illness, getting old and dying, not that I'm morbid or anything. Just that I gave up my career and such---on stage for 10 years. Composer, like you. But it's okay. My life now is here with you and all my other new friends. And I'm not worried about reciprocation. I throw in my two cents and like you, I've got spunk. Don't you just love Mouthy?

    Will you be my friend?,


  • whyizit

    Your friend from high school grew up and got a job doing what he had a passion and talent for. He probably didn't give a rat's behind about his future pay scale back then. He just liked working in mechanics. It payed off for him. If being a dope head was all that great, I doubt if he would have went very far.

    You can do the same NOW. What do you enjoy? What would you love to do, even if you didn't get paid for it? Check out related job options in that field.

    What kind of educational options are available to you? My Dad was injured in the military, which gives me the opportunity for a college education, paying only for my books. I had no idea! My brother had a military disability, hearing loss from working on aircraft. That qualifies his kids, which is how I found out about MY benefit through my Dad.

    It kind of ticked me off too, because I had big plans as a poor kid, but because we didn't have any money, I goofed off and got a factory job out of high school. Ended up creating a business working with animals, but my dream was to be a vet. Here I am 40-something years old, and NOW I find out I could have done it!

    Just because we aren't as young as we used to be, doesn't mean we have to settle for less in life. I'm going to go to college now. My dreams have changed. I don't want to be a vet anymore. But I'm going to use the time I have left to go in a new direction. I may not make a lot of money, but then, it's not about making money. It IS about making a difference.

    I just had surgery and I am slowly bouncing back. Had a cancer scare, but it turned out to be a false alarm! I'm grateful for the good news, but on the road to a slow a painful recovery. Plus the realization has set in that I have to move in a new direction, as far as my occupation goes. It's scary, yet exciting. Lots of choices to make. But at least I am going to be around and healthy enough to get it done!

    Praise God for that, because two weeks ago, I was trying to get my affairs in order, just in case....!

    Don't give up, Buddy! We're not ancient, just a little seasoned! And a whole lot smarter than when we began. I'm out here cheering you on and wishing you the very best. Go for it!

  • Thegoodgirl

    It's the dang JWs, not you. I can relate to things the JWs took away from me that I am permanently missing due to them (social skills, etc). Others say it better than me, but in other areas of life, you are doing much better than the people you ran into. You have introspection, and you are a great guy. Remember, you're not seeing all the crap they may be going through now. Things change drastically, and I'm sure your life will improve in the direction you want it to. Hang in there.

  • Abandoned

    Backed Away, yeah, her advice was good.

    compound complex, sure I'll be your friend. I would love to hear more of your story too. I'm glad you got spunk and for the record I love the crap out of Mouthy.

    whyizit, thanks for the comments and suggestions too. It's so nice to finally experience what it means to get unconditional love.

    Thegoodgirl, you're right, I don't know what's going on with him. We talkded about the old days and a car he had when we were hanging out. It was a yellow TR7. Gorgeous car. He took me out for a ride one day south of town. We were going along a two-lane country road about sixty miles per hour when all of a sudden he yanks the parking break and turns the car around 180 degrees. I would have crapped my pants but it was over too fast. Anyway, he made a point to tell me that he still had the car and I think he just wanted some connection to an old friendship. Yeah, that introspection stuff can be powerful.

    Well all, thanks for the wonderful comments and amazing support. I don't know what happens next, but I really feel like I'm in the game instead of watching and waiting for the half-time, armageddon show.

  • looking_glass

    Hey A Bad Don(ed) -

    I have friends that own a bakery/coffee shop. Some times I help them on the week-ends if they need additional help. There is a chick there that works the register and she is always nervous when peeps she went to school w/ come in. I finally asked her why and she said because she is afraid that they feel sorry for her because she is working a register at a bakery. But what she fails to realize is that 1) she is doing what she needs to do to pay bills for her and her kid (hubby left over a year ago) 2) that these people do not know what her situation is ... she is going to nursing school on top of everything else and 3) who the heck cares what these people think.

    If any of the people you mentioned stayed friends with you, they would know your story and they would not think the less of you. That being said, you could be a guy scooping up poop for a living, your job does not define you, you define you. Anyone who looks down on another human for what they do for a living, will have a long hard fall when they get shoved off their high horse.

    Life is a journey not a destination. Enjoy the journey!

  • hambeak

    Abandoned your sweet and cute as hell any woman would give anything to have a true guy like you. Don't worry about the trailer or the pay your heart and personality is what is of true value.

  • Abandoned

    Thanks looking_glass, I appreciate your take on things. I'm better now. There's this lady that comes into the bakery nearly every day. Well, one Saturday, I was working the cash register and she comes in wearing a "World's Best Grandma" sweatshirt. I'm a bit of an extrovert at times and so I gave her a serious look and asked whether what her sweatshirt said was the truth or not. She looked around nervously for a second and then saw the facetious expression on my face. I call her grandma everytime I see her now and she beams from ear to ear. Yeah, I guess I'm doing OK.

  • proplog2

    Be happy you discovered all of this when you have more than half your life left.

    You can do amzaing things in a couple years. The groundwork for successful living usually takes a few months of concerted effort. You've probably have done most of the work already. Just need follow through.

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