Worst Jw reasonings of all time

by drew sagan 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SirNose586
    Ships do this when they are struggling against the wind. What I'd like to know is: what is the "wind" that God is struggling against that makes it necessary for him to resort to this tactic?

    Very good question. So far no one has given me this funky "tacking" explanation, but when they do, I'll ask them this.

    A couple days ago, I came home from work, and I had a scratchy 5-day beard. I grumbled about shaving, which is my wont. At dinnertime, I really pressed the issue, and dad snapped back with, "Well, we'll just have to wait on Jehovah!"

    Basically, the excuses given were: it has bad connotations in the US (60s/70s hippy movement), it might offend a brother from another part of the country, and that the Society hadn't said we could yet. I made short work of the excuses, and all I got was, "Well, just look at the Society's literature as to how to proceed."

    It's just so tiresome, trying to combat cult thinking...

  • ninja

    What about Leviathan being a steam train and its tongue being a coupling hook.....finished mystery again...sorry if already posted

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I hear ya SirNose586. How can you ever break through when all they care about is what's in the Watchtower magazine? It shows you what is at their core, submission to the org at all costs.

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