Something happened at church yesterday

by lovelylil 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    We shouldn't be suprised when the same JW demons pop up other places. Not that where you went was a bad as a KH, but some people just are more into their rules than they should be. I'd keep looking if I where you.

    I have no interest in pentecostals, but my mother actually had a pretty funny story about going to their church. She grew up Catholic, and of course when you are Catholic and late for mass everbody looks at you like your the spawn of the devil. So anyway she went to this Assembly of God church once and got their late. She quietly came in through the back and went to a pew. She said that everybody turned around (almost like it was planned) and smiled, waived silently lipped 'hi'). Totally the opposite of what she expected.

    Some are more welcoming than others.

  • new boy
    new boy

    You need to THANK GOD!

    You got the "RED FLAG" before you stepped through the DOOR!

    It reminds me when I has and a "attendant" at the assemblies---------on my power trip


  • bebu

    Wow, I've never heard of that kind of thing before. Seriously, I wonder where you live??

    I totally agree that if you don't feel comfortable and they aren't budging... that is one UNFRIENDLY and UNINVITING church and you have lost nothing by leaving.

    I would feel tempted to write to the church office and complain. Let 'em have it. They need to hear it.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Religion is a snare and a, what?

    ...pain in the ass.



  • lovelylil


    You are so right. If they are such sticklers for a year, I can only imagine how they would treat other "rules". My son felt forced and was totally uncomfortable. Mind you niether he nor we knew anyone at all in that church. And I am supposed to hand my child over to them and trust them? My son is very shy and even though he is almost 12 (Dec. 19), he almost broke out in tears. It was obvious to me how upset he was and would have been to the usher if he got down off his high horse long enough to see my son's face. Lilly

  • FreeFromWTBS

    I wouldn't go anywhere your not comfortable. Ever think of having service at home. Study the Bible together have open discussion. Jesus said where 2 or 3 gather in my name, sounds like you have four. I have heard of places offering children classes and having children directed family services, I have never heard of children being forced out of the main service. I would have a big problem with someone insisting I send my child off with strangers.

  • M.J.

    I wonder what kind of "non-denominational" church it was?

    Honestly, there are certain cults that operate under the guise of being "non-denominational".

  • JWdaughter

    He was out of line. That is just as dumb as the JW way. Most churches offer Childrens Church/SS, but the church part has always been optional where I have attended-about 50% attended the 'adult' church, but it was optional if they wanted to go to the childrens service. Some families did not want to send their kids to the kids church, and some kids got to be a little more mature and felt silly going there. I hope it was just a lame usher and not the whole church attitude. Then again, look at what 6 million have put up with in the KH's!

  • lovelylil

    This church is part of the calvary chapels of boston. They are autonomous and the rules are usually decided on by the Pastor. I met him and he seemed very nice. He has a radio program on the local Christian station. My hubby thought he was a little pushy though. He wanted the congregation to join him in a demonstration at our local state house to picket gay marriage and we both felt that was something we would not be comfortable in doing. I was out of the room when he made this announcement. This turned off my hubby big time.

    I want to just read bible stories with the kids and pray as a family right now. I think they still need time to decompress. I read literature from different churches at home like one from the Worldwide church of God (the reformed one) and Plain Truth Ministries and listen to sermons by ptm online. That is enough church for me. Its my hubby that says he needs the structure. He was not ready to leave the KH and I honestly told him to stay longer but he left to "save face" as the rest of the family had no interest in attending anymore. Lilly

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Just wanted to say that you go to Church for fellowship, that is the main point. You want to go to a place where you are welcome. I can totally see why you would be put off by all that protest crap. You don't need that in your life. You might find something more traditional better. Some of these groups get to wrapped up in their theology and mission that they fail to focus on the more simple things in life. You might wanna find a place that is small and liturgical, it may suprise you. I know that if I ever decide to go anywhere again its going to be a methodist or lutherian church, filled with old people that are just happy to have some fresh blood around.

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