Is manner of dress more important than respect for Jehovah?

by LaurieM 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    I owe the Witness dress code much thanks for my freedom from the Witness group. Actually the dress code and my 3 year old son's love for Rainbow Lifesavers.

    The Witness men harasses me right out of the Kingdom Hall about my tenancy not to wear a necktie to meetings. The Witness employed security guards harassed me right out of the district assembly because my son liked to eat Lifesavers.

  • crazyblondeb

    They have the "best-dressed" child molestors anywhere!! puke

  • LaurieM

    Everyone speaks of this "dress code". My mother who has been a Witness for many years, who asked this question, does not even know of any written dress code. Likewise, we have been unable to find any scripture or opinion of the Society which stands for such a dress code. Does anyone really have any proof that one exists--if not why are so many so worried about it--if you are a true follower, a Witness, then I say attend the Hall in a come as you are manner and to hell with what anyone thinks, after all you only need to impress Jehovah--he alone determines your rightousness.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh I think the society has something out there about being modest in dress. There might not be any spelt out rules on what you can wear or can't wear but that doesn't mean that the brothers/elders haven't enforced what they thought is modesty in dress. I've seen it and read many a tale of people being pulled aside and councelled (sp) about what they were wearing.

    As for me, I frankly don't give a damn. Last time I was in a hall I wore pants, daring anyone to say squat to me. No one did.


  • fullofdoubtnow
    we have been unable to find any scripture or opinion of the Society which stands for such a dress code

    It seems to be an unwritten rule, which is probably why it varies from congregation to congregation. For example, the elders at the kh I used to go to would not allow anyone with a privilege, like microphone handling, attendant etc, to remove their jacket while they were on duty, no matter how hot it was, but I've been to other halls where this was allowed.

    I found this article

    Which, in part, contained this comment

    We do make an effort to reach everyone. The challenge that we face today is that people are so busy with life. They have less time to give to a day-to-day sermon," Mr. Brown said. "There's no dress code," he said, with regard to the conservative manner in which Jehovah's Witnesses seem to dress. "You would typically see someone in a shirt and tie. It varies as often as someone's personality."
    "That's encouraged," affirmed Mr. Volgewede, who tries to devote two to three hours a week to ministering, of the Jehovah's Witnesses conservative dress. "Let's say, you were going to go to a wedding. There's a certain dignity to the occasion. Since we're respecting God, men wear a shirt, tie and slacks, and women will wear a nice dress."

    It seems this guy sees it as undignified to go to a jw meeting in anything other than a shirt and tie, or a dress for women, showing a lack of respect for jehovah. I don't go to meetings now anyway as I'm da'd, and won't be going again, but I agree with you, the wts should clarify things so that there is a universal"dress code", rather than individual elder bodies making their own rules. I would think though that if that happened, the wts would insist on conservative attire anyway.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Each person does whatever they can to look presentable. After all, would anyone really like to dress like a moron, bum, slut or a generally nasty piece of trash? Of course respect is number one but if a person can't afford new stylish clothes, SO WHAT? The busy bodies in each KH need to keep their F'N mouth shut and mind their own business...........OH GEE!!! ---did I say that?...........LMAO!!!

  • cyrus

    Hi guys ,there was a myth going round in uk a few years ago that one particular cong had a rack of white shirts at the hall.these shirts were given to visiting cong to give public talk who had the affrontary to turn up wearing a shirt other than white. i dismissed this until a friend gave a talk at this cong wearing a pastel green shirt and was shown to the rack of shirts .the cong was in heywoode near manchester.

  • garybuss

    To me it seemed like the Witness way was to notify me of a rule AFTER I broke it.

  • parakeet

    Yes, to the JWs, manner of dress is more important than respect for Jehovah. They want to present a wholesome, Ozzie&Harriet, good-family-values appearance to lure in unsuspecting victims. Like the evil Queen's poisoned apple, the surface may look appetizing to susceptible people, but once they bite the JW apple, the thinking, reasoning part of their brain will be shut down. Just keep pushing the slacks issue and watch what happens--they will not relent unless you agree to help them "polish" that rotten apple.

  • truthsearcher

    If I may add a conservative Christian perspective to this issue: Manner of dress has been an issue in some churches due to an interpretation of an OT law about it being wrong to wear the clothing of the opposite sex (don't have that reference right handy...) which led to the belief that women should not wear slacks, but dresses. Our society used to follow that pattern, but has changed. Some churches still lean that way, though. The truth is, however, that in Biblical times men and women both wore robes, so if we really want to do things like the early church, maybe everyone should get out their kilts! Also, since we go to church for corporate worship, should we not want to dress for the King? How would you dress if you were going to meet the President, Prime Minister, Queen Elizabeth or ______________(insert local royalty). But is it not possible for women to wear dressy pants?

    Actually Jesus was very clear about not judging the hearts of others by external factors, and ministered to all, regardless of race, sex, social level, etc. To me, the situation you describe is another example of man-made rules meant to impose a standard while not addressing the heart of the matter--modesty and reverence, regardless of what you wear.

    Any thoughts?

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