Who Will Be Celebrating Thanksgiving & XMas This Year???

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xirian

    I really don't celebrate any Christian holidays or pagan ones for that matter. Not that I probably wouldn't, but it just doesn't seem right to me to take on the celebrations of other religions, because I didn't celebrate them when I was younger. I'm not saying that's the reason others do, but these are simply my reasonings.

    I find that when I have tried to celebrate in the past, I didn't have any reason for it. These holidays don't really matter to me and never really have. I don't even celebrate pagan holidays even though I consider myself a practicing witch. However, I don't claim any relgion because I don't feel that it's needed to prosper spiritually.

    I do hope you all enjoy the time you'll be spending with your families!!!

  • Abandoned

    I will be celebrating both with the enthusiasm I did before I was involved with this horse-crap jw religion twenty years ago. I'm going to get a real tree even if I have to sell my blood to pay for it. In fact, I may sell my blood to pay for it even if I do have some extra dough.

  • V

    I have been invited to a JW gathering including a circuit overseer and wife and two regular pioneers on Thanksgiving day to have a turkey dinner.

    No joke.

  • Fisherman

    Not me, It is a pagan holiday, but I will be eating turkey and cranberiies, stuffing, sweet taters with my family. I will also enjoy all the xmas goodies but I do not celebrate that holiday either.

  • LeslieV

    Yup I love them both!!! Bring on the bird and the Xmas tree.


  • misguided

    My family is!

    Being in Canada, we've already had Thanksgiving...and it was great! Mmmmm so good. Had 2 turkey dinners. One I did for our family, and the other was at my fiance's co-worker's home and they had deep-fried turkey...sooo tasty!

    Christmas is next and for once I'm a little prepared. I've even got most of my gifts bought and already wrapped.

    On the 25th of November, we're having a family day. We're going to go up the mountain (I live 15 minutes from a ski hill) and cut down a tree. Last year we did it for the first time and we had such a great time, hot chocolate, tobagganning, snowball fights, roasting marshmallows, cooking smokies over a fire. The tree was horrible, but we had so much fun getting it, it didn't matter.

    I'm lovin' every moment of the holidays.

    However, I think Halloween is still my favourite.


  • Warlock

    I won't do either. I still have immediate family in the Org. but I wouldn't do it anyway.

    I do enjoy the atmosphere of the holidays though.


  • gaiagirl

    I will likely celebrate some form of Thanksgiving with friends, and almost certainly will observe Solstice.

  • jaded

    We have been celebrating for about six years now. This year will be the first year that we put up lights outside. I feel so free! No elders better show up at our door!

  • lv4fer

    You bet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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