Who Will Be Celebrating Thanksgiving & XMas This Year???

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The only thing I liked about being a JW is that I didn't have to buy XMas gifts.

  • Purza

    We will be celebrating both this year. Its now our fourth year tradition. One of my faded friends brings her kids and comes up -- we are each other's family now. However, I will wait until after Thanksgiving to buy a tree.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    My oldest brother just called to invite us to his house for Thanksgiving ! I'm so excited this will be the first time celebrating together . He was Da'd when he was 18 for joining the military . That was over 35 yrs. ago . He experienced on and off again shunning from the witness family members all these years . This past year I told everyone in the family this will stop as far as I'm concerned, and have rekindeled our relationship .Happy to say it's going great . My husband has agreed to go, as well as my adult witness son ! We will also have our JW mom (who is very ill and forgets she doesn't celebrate holidays ) my Jw sister and my unjw Dad . This is really a turning point I think for all of us . We are doing the right thing , and just being a normal loving family for once .

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    My oldest brother just called to invite us to his house for Thanksgiving !

    I'm so excited this will be the first time celebrating together . He was Da'd when he was 18 for joining the military . That was over 35 yrs. ago . He experienced on and off again shunning from the witness family members all these years . This past year I told everyone in the family this will stop as far as I'm concerned, and have rekindeled our relationship .Happy to say it's going great .

    My husband has agreed to go, as well as my adult witness son ! We will also have our JW mom (who is very ill and forgets she doesn't celebrate holidays ) my Jw sister and my unjw Dad .

    This is really a turning point I think for all of us .
    We are doing the right thing , and just being a normal loving family for once .

  • hambeak

    The only way we celebrate is with a traditional holiday meal and a few gifts at xmas no decorations though. Would like to see a holiday party of ex dubs in the Dallas area though maybe at some restaurant on a saturday night. Any takers or ideas or suggestions?

  • minimus

    I know of an ex elder who lives on the same street as the KH. He plans on REALLY putting directions up to put in in their face.

  • hambeak

    Min do you mean directions or decorations?

  • minimus


  • Alpheta

    Welcome Amber Rose. I sure hope that's an artificial "real life" looking christmas tree with the lights already on and easy hinged construction!!!!! If it's a live tree you bought it's going to be one sorry mess by the time 12/25 rolls around, no matter HOW much you steep it in water and keep trimming the trunk so it sucks the water in. Although maybe if you dipped it in glycerine and froze it, that would work...

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Yeeeeeaaaay Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!!!!!!

    Love them both!

    Took afew years to make peace with Christmas post WT. There is nothing pagan about it in my life and we avoid as much comercialism as possible. Actually my Christmas focus this year is on providing warm winter clothes for an 80 bed convelescent hospital where the residents are truly in need of them. I am starting a ministry called "Adopt a Senior".

    We get a live tree and then plant it after Christmas.

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