As an Elder I believe JW's have the Truth

by JWFreak 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWFreak

    I also believe in Santa Clause and that David Beckham has a Phd.

    Seriously though, I have only been here a short while but it has been more than enough to convince me to hand in my resignation.

    I have telephoned our Sec, and told him that I am stepping down. I have been a coward though as I am blaming stress depression etc.... We shall see what transpires.

    But I do feel like a load has been lifted.

    The road ahead looks long and tiring, but with light at the end..

    Thanks for all the support you have given me so far


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good for you JWFreak. I don't expect your boe will be happy with your decision, but if it lifts your load and gives you peace of mind, their opinions are irrelevant.

    Good luck


  • carla

    Good for you!! It is a long road but there are many on the journey with you.

  • Honesty

    You are not alone. There are thousands of former elders and minsterial servants who have done the same thing you are doing.

    It's rather difficult for a human being to live the Watchtower Lie and serve on 'the body.'

    BTW, the body is the entire church, not a select group of brain-dead minions who jump through whatever hoop their masters put in front of them.


  • crazyblondeb

    You are a very naughty boy!! My heart sank when I read the title!! You deserve a spanking for that one!!


    I hope they don't hassle you alot. Know we are all here for you!! Keep us posted!!


  • acadian
    The road ahead looks long and tiring, but with light at the end..

    Looks can be decieving, keep your head up, it only gets better from here... Welcome to the board! Peace

  • LovesDubs

    So maybe you streeeeeeetched the "truth" a little bit :) Isnt that what a good JW would do? You learned your lesson well young Paduan.

    It's a place to start. And you are not under any obligation to EXPLAIN anything to them or to answer constant annoying probing questions. You didnt sign up to live in a fish bowl and your bidness aint their bidness.

    "Id rather not discuss it but thanks for your concern." should become your mantra.

    welcome to almost FREEDOM

  • mouthy

    JWFreak. Great news.... So happy you have seen the light....Go ahead ..You will never regret your dicission...... It will be difficult to lose all the love ones you have made but there are so many "Out in the world"that love in an UNCONDITANAL way what ever you believe ....God Bless

  • Clam

    Good one JWFreak !

    It's important to be true to yourself. Remember, like the others have said, you're not alone, but also remember that you're an inspiration, especially to people that lurk on this board who may be contemplating an exit.

    All the best and look out for the first British University to give David Beckham an honorary PhD. Anything's possible!


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    The brothers will try to give you "time off" or a "break" from your responsibilities. Don't give in. You can do it. Be firm. If you were well liked by the congregation you will be under the watchful eye of everyone who counted you as thier "personal elder". Just watch how they drop you like a stone once they see you wont kiss their asses anymore.

    Be free and don't feel guilty for taking care of yourself.


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