Pentacostayoursanity - Come Back WTS All Is Forgiven!

by hillary_step 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock
    Pentacostals proving that a brain is a not an essential requirement for its adherents

    But maybe having an "open mind" is...........................................maybe too "open".



    Stolen post from YouTube

    It was actually a very healing experience for me; years of pain and stress fell away from me. I laughed so hard I slid off my chair and melted in a puddle of laughter and joy. I have been drunk and high in my past; but this experience was far and away the most incredible and exalted feeling, and it was completely pure. It is a gift from God.

    It would keep me from sleeping at the meetings.


  • LittleToe

    That would be one reason I'm not particularly enamoured of the Pentecostal movement. I have no issue with "charismata" generally, but those kind of "demonstrations" are obscene.

  • Finally-Free

    Those people are more fucked up than I was one night in 1976, at a party when I took 4 hits of acid. I was in rough shape, but nothing like those people.


  • jst2laws

    Six minutes and 22 seconds of drunken spiritual bedlam!

    My head is still spinning.

    What in the H*LL was THAT?


  • jgnat

    Been there. A veteran from the Toronto blessing came to our church. For the brief time he visited, our membership doubled. I was the one still standing .... me, and our ever-practical pastor. At the end of it all, I was reminded of the crowds who followed Jesus for his bread. I resolved from that time to seek after the richer blessings. Like integrity.

    For the adherents, a memorable experience.

  • kerj2leev

    Jesus....... I would hate to be them in the morning.....what a whopper of a hang over!

  • kerj2leev
    What happens at 2:55 is probably one of the freakiest things I've ever seen.

    Oh you must be referring to the black guy dancing with absolutely no rythm.Come on what is that arm thing he is doing!

  • Satanus

    It's freeky. I did it once, but i don't understand it. I actually started it in a church, that time. I felt very happy, and started dancing. About half of the people there started doing it, as well.

    Here is how it started: it was a praise and worship meeting. I got there late. They were doing the usual praise you lord chanting and whatnot. I was depressed, and told jesus that i didn't feel like doing this. Then the happiness/joy hit me, and i started what i described above. I'm perfectly ok now, though.


  • bonnzo

    that was the funniest f****** thing i have ever seen!! i almost died laughing!! or was it the holy spirit?

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