How would you describe yourself since leaving the borg?

by hambeak 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • marsh

    I always said I came out of confusion and found more,life on the outside crazy but not half as crazy as life on the inside.

    I had some years of inactivity years ago,so went on holidays ,socialised etc: but still 'mentally trapped'and 'what if it's all true'so I returned.

    Having come from a very strict RC background ,then JWS, in between looking into other faiths,I guess I have wandered off down various paths.Yet all the while I believed in Jesus Christ.My fear dissapeared when I read Romans 8 .it was like a huge concrete block had been lifted from my shoulders.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Much happier, no longer judgemental

  • jaguarbass

    Less negative, more optomistic.

  • Xirian

    Much more conscientious of my spiritual personality. More involved with my family, happy, and best of all FREEEEEEEE FROM GUILT!!!! YIPPPPEEEE!!!

  • FreeGirl2006

    My feelings have been expressed: free, non-judgmental, happy, alive, no panic attacks, no wondering why people don't love me, no guilt for going to school, no more asthma attacks from attending meetings in mold-riddled buildings. I also LOVE being single...something I never liked as a dub because of all the pressure to marry.

  • misanthropic

    I feel like I'm a real person now, not being worried about offending everyone all the time. Not feeling like I'm walking on eggshells all the time, able to say what I want and be myself. And that feels great :)

  • Abandoned

    I'm not as judgmental and I don't fake indignation over "naughty" jokes anymore.

    • I still have a lot of disconnects left to make though.
    • I still have an aversion for other religions.
    • I still haven't voted.
    • I still have trouble wishing someone a happy birthday or saying "merry christmas." T

    hese are all related to the brainwashing though, so since I'm now aware of them, I'm confident of a full recovery.

  • codeblue


    NOT that I want to be back there........just lost...and in pain

  • reneeisorym

    better manners, know how to be a good friend. more charitable. more social. and know how to respect others. Know how to not be judgmental.

  • Purza

    I feel a sense of freedom -- and the feeling is wonderful.


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