OJ SIMPSON sez: "IF I did it...Here's how I would have done it..."

by Rabbit 41 Replies latest social current

  • hambeak

    I agree james-woods but I think he is somewhat broke not destitute but he still owes a lot of money in the civil suit he lost. Besides who would hire him? To old for football, no good as an actor, not even a good golfer. He needs to make some money somewhere I won't buy or read his book I will wait for the reviews of his tv interview as I won't watch it either.

  • Rabbit

    OJ knows he cannot be re-tried for this crime. It's as tho' he's deliberately casting suspicion on himself by admitting or at least showing he's gone thru the thought process...about just 'how' he would murder those 2 people (if he did, of course).

    How many folks (innocent ones) like to think and publish in detail "how" they "would do it." ??

    Of course...it's great publicity...if you don't care if people think you are a cold-blooded murderer.

    * I hope any profits goes toward the Goldman's judgement. Does anybody know what the status is on that ?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I hope no one buys the book, and he loses money on it. I wonder at the mentality of those who are publishing it, but I suppose they think it'll make money, and unfortunately, they are probably right.

  • james_woods

    * I hope any profits goes toward the Goldman's judgement. Does anybody know what the status is on that ?

    The TV reported last night (Fox themselves) that the Goldman family has yet to see a single dollar of the judgement.

    He and his lawyers got what little he had left hidden, and the NFL pension is for some reason "protected" against the judgement.

    I heard he got in some trouble recently for stealing satellite TV. (really)

    Wonder how many miles that white Bronco has on it now?

  • Nosferatu
    He needs to make some money somewhere I won't buy or read his book

    He should make a rap album like Shaq did, and call it "Smell The Glove That Didn't Fit"

    All I really know is that I'm going to be hearing about this OJ Simpson shit at least for the rest of his life. It's like a bad fart that won't go away.

  • heathen
    If OJ admits he did this I will be the first to eat moose terd pie and accept my beliving in his innocense as a big fraud after all I did buy the jw doctorine after all

    ah that ocean front property is going real cheap , sure you're not interested ? It's a bargain ........... They never proved anybody framed him either just the way the thing was played out by a guy that wouldn't take the stand to defend himself . I suppose they planted the skin from his for finger on the finger nails of the victims too . They found shoe prints from his bruno molly shoes all over the place in the blood , 1000,00 a pair shoes ......................

  • hambeak

    Heathen lol too much war in Baghdad and the tigris is too poluted. I just like a lively debate and I like to look at real evidence. I used to work in the early csi game at the coroners office and not everything is as it seems. Remember the media made a lot of $$$$$$$$$$ over this and so will the publishers of that book. If the court has put a lien on any income he may receive the the Goldmans will receive most of the profits if not all.

  • Dismembered

    It floors me that, that bastard still walks and breathes.


  • heathen

    hambeak -- after having watched alot of the preliminary and the actual trial , the only reason OJ got off was because LA didn't want another rodney king style riot . Also you are right they did contaminate the evidence and there are racist cops in LA . The testimony and evidence convinced me reguardless, that OJ is guilty . Feel free to believe whatever you want.

  • hambeak

    Heathen I honestly don't know if he is guilty or not I didn't watch much of it. I only got a few blurbs on the news. But stop and think a minute what if he really is innocent? Then the murderer got away. What if OJ ordered the murders? With his money and fame at the time and having Ronnie Cochran (I think I have the name right) as his attorney, he got off. If OJ did do it He got off again. Wouldn't it be great if attorney client priviledge expired when the case is over and the lawyer dies? Didn't Cochran die? Also what about Mark Fuhrmans the detective in the case how about his real notes instead in a high profile case he wanted to make a name for himself. A lot of questions unanswered. Why did the jury only take 3 hours to deliberate a case that took months?

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