Sunday Meeting 9/23/01

by peaceloveharmony 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • peaceloveharmony

    sorry all, this is quite long.....and of course, nothing new. but i found it interesting...i've been out 9 years and this all sounds eerily similar, like i'd heard this bs all before.....


    opening song #91, Being Taught by Jehovah

    CO is introduced and since i was half asleep still, i missed his name and the title of the talk! but had to do with adorning...

    first example, we all took time to get ready for the meeting today, none of us would think of just waking up and heading to meeting without getting ready. we take time to get ready, making sure we look presentable. we adorn ourselves.

    He moves on to how appearance relates to God and the he is the great adorner. The CO sites Rev. 4:3 which says "and the one seated is, in apperarance, like a jasper stone and a precious redcolored stone, and round about the throne [there is] a rainbow like an emerald in appearance." and Ecclesiastes 3:11 "Everything He has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the [true] God has made from the start to the finish"

    Then he invites us all to open our bibles and reads Psalms 19:1 "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; And of the work of his hands the expanse is telling." his points:
    God has ornamented the earth
    --Redwood trees: 50 houses from one tree, truly wonderous creation
    --our hands, perfectly designed (here's where i was worried talk would be on creation...had hard time controlling my eye rolling )
    --we observe the beauty of creation. Psalms 139:14 "I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware"

    Concept of beauty first in the Garden of Eden but sin marred the beauty-imperfection. Genesis 6:11, 12 "And the earth came to be ruined in the sight of the [true] God and the earth became filled with violence. So God saw the earth and look! it was ruined, because all flesh had ruined its way on the earth." So even though imperfect, we all still adorn ourselves and our surroundings.

    But only Jehovah can see beyond the physical adornment, 1 Samuel 16:7, "But Jehovah said to Samuel: 'Do not look at his appearance and at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For not the way man sees [is the way God sees], because mere man sees what appears to the eyes, but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is."

    *Spiritual Adornment*
    -how do we do this?
    Titus 2:10 "not committing theft, but exhibiting good fidelity to the full, so that they may adorn the teaching of our Savior, God, in all things"
    -God's teachings: live our lives according to teachings in the bible

    How can we adorn divine teaching?
    *Areas to look for adornment* (here comes the good stuff )
    1. Field ministry
    --alternative witnessing
    --attention directed to "the organization"
    --raise questions to the householder
    Romans 11:13 "Now I speak to you who are people of the nations. Forasmuch as I am, in reality, an apostle to the nations, I glorify my ministry,"
    --give attention to our physical appearance. we should never be casual in our appearance. Bookbags, shoes, clothing should be neat and orderly.
    2. Meetings
    --beautiful events and the people are what make it beautiful
    --we should be dressed appropiately and neat, modest in appearance (whoops! there i sit, in a mini skirt)
    --meetings not a social gathering
    --kingdom hall appearance important too, keep the hall clean
    3. Secular jobs/school
    --CO reads from a letter written to bethel from an employer (I think in Africa) gist of the letter, this non-jw employer was singing the praises of his jw employees, he'd had "no serious problems with the witness employees." He knew that that congregation doesn't stand evil doers and felt good that the congregation disfellowships the evil doers. (hmm, me thinks this employer is clueless.)
    --youth, stand out and be different. Reject the low morals of classmates.
    4. View of non-witnesses
    Titus 3:2, "to speak injuriously of no one, not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men"
    --Superior attitude will not attract others to "the truth".
    5. Clean in physical aspect
    --homes, automobiles, personal self. strive for modesty, good taste, cleanliness and order.
    --clothing, What styles are appropriate for true Christians? 1 Timothy 2:10 ""but in a way that befits women professing to reverence God, namely through good works" The CO stressed even though this was written to women, can apply to men too.
    6. Entertainment
    --Don't try to match/imitate the world.

    Our personal desire to adorn divine teaching makes kingdom message more attractive. [potential victims] see the beauty reflected in us.

    1 Peter 2:12, "Maintain your conduct fine amoung the nations, that, in the thing in which they are speaking against you as evildoers, they may as a result of your fine works of which they are eyewitnesses glorify God in the day for [his] inspection."

    Here i wrote "WORKS" in big letters and underlined.

    Modern examples of adorning divine teachings:
    Africa, quotes from officials working at conventions, JWs are good guests, clean, orderly, friendly
    Branch offices, visitors impressed with high standard of living found at bethel and are shocked to discover all workers are volunteers.

    Final points:
    -JW's work hard to add luster to Jehovah's teachings.
    -it's our priviledge to make Jehovah's teachings shine.
    -appealing way of life practiced by true Christians.

    *clap clap clap*

    song 76, Jehovah, Our Best Friend

    and now a some wonderful highlights from the watchtower study.

    "Abraham--An Example of Faith" from the August 15, 2001 WT p. 14.

    comment from the CO on question b in paragraph 4: "Don't allow family to come between you and serving Jehovah"

    quote from paragraph 7: "Like Abram, we may feel pressure to put material interests ahead of theocratic concerns. (1 John 2:16) We may have opposition from unbelieving family members, inlcuding disfellowshipped relatives, who might try to lure us into unwholesome association. (Matthew 10:34-36; 1 Corinthians 5:11-13; 15:33) Abram thus set a fine example for us. He put friendship with Jehovah ahead of everything--even family ties." this is were i felt like walking out!

    The next paragraph tells us how Abraham's faith effected his immediated family, Sarah, Lot and later Nahor all became servants of Jehovah, "why, even Abram's father, Terah, agreed to leave with his son!" the quesion askes "what might Christians learn from this [Abraham's example]?" one sister's comment was that her hope was to get her unbelieving family in to the truth and i had to chuckle, because my hope is to get my family OUT of "the truth"

    The WT writers must have been feeling nice the day they wrote this article. paragraph 10 and 11's B question: "What encouragement can be given to Christians who care for aging parents?" answer: "Many Christians today likewise have the privilege of caring for aging or sick parents, some even having to make an adjustment in order to do so. When that is necessary, such ones can be assured that their loving sacrifices are 'acceptable in God's sight'--1 Timothy 5:4" Well, hallelujah! That's great to know that God finds it acceptable to care for your aged parents! but hey, now..what if they are disfellowshipped?? then what? I was shaking my head here, seems like common sense to me.

    One interesting comment from an older brother when discussing how Abram would have needed to take pains to protect his family from the Canaanite's corrupting influence (paragraph 15). Brother P said today's corrupting influences are "the internet, movies and music" This was the only reference to the internet. I just love the sweeping condemnation, but I forget, most jws think in black/white.

    I'll leave you with a quote from paragraph 18, "Christians today must likewise remain 'no part of the world' (John 17:16) While we are kind and courteious to our neighbors and work associates, we are careful not to get entagnled in behavior that reflects the spirit of the world alienated from God.--Ephesians 2:2, 3."

    a truly uplifting study article, no?
    what i got out of the study: Have faith like Abraham, screw your family, relationship to Jehovah(=the organization) most important. But remember to pretend to be nice to non-believers, since they (and your unbelieving family members, except those pesky disfellowshipped ones) are potential converts! oh yes, and if you find it in your heart to care for your aged or sick parents, jah will not strike you dead for this.

    Okay, now the concluding talk by the CO. (hmmmm wonder how many are still reading this? thank you for making it this far!)

    What Makes You Strong?

    CO lists a long list of ailments we all may suffer from time to time
    -just plain tiredness

    Strength is appealing
    -world puts value on being strong
    --physically, mentally (LOL @ this, "strong personalities" oh damn, i'm screwed....all you outspoken people are screwed!!!) and financially.

    We may wonder to ourselves, How can I successfully gain strength? Serving Jehovah and turning away from the world's standards. Nehemiah 8:8-10, "And they continued reading aloud from the book, from the law of the [true] God, it being expounded, and there being a putting of meaning [into it]; and they continued giving understanding in the reading. And Nehemiah, that is, the Tirshatha, and Ezra the priest, the copyist, and the Levites who were instructing the people proceeded to say to all the people: 'This very day is holy to Jehovah your God. Do not mourn or weep.' For all the people were weeping as they were hearing the words of the law. and he went on to say to them: 'Go, eat the fatty things and drink the sweet things, and send portions to the one for whom nothing has been prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord, and do not feel hurt, for the joy of Jehovah is your stronghold.'"

    Our source of strength? The JOY of Jehovah!

    Jehovah's people have many REASONS to show joy and that in turn gives his people strength.
    -Relationship with God through Christ. Everyone can on a personal basis can have close individual relationship with God.
    -Religious freedom. JW's flourishing world over (hmmm flourishing, not quite right Brother CO)
    -Biblical understanding
    -Kingdom hope. No other people on earth come close with answers to present day sufferings. (reference to WTC, "like the events last week")
    -Paradise. Pefect people in paradise, THE answer to all of lifes problems.
    -United brotherhood.

    Haggai 2:7, "'And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory.' Jehovah of armies has said."

    -Life of purpose. JW's have as much joy as they can handle. They have constant joy: The Truth. (needed barf bag here )

    Despite all these reasons for joy, we will still experience problems but if we rely on Jehovah, can still have joy.

    Examples from the bible:
    His human reaction to horrors, Hebrews 5:7, "In the days of his flesh [Christ] offered up supplications and also petitions to the One who was able to save him out of death, with strong outcries and tears, and he was favorably heard for his godly fear." How did Jesus maintain joy during this horrific event? Hebrews 12:2, "as we look intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith, Jesus. For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

    Early Christians
    Hebrews 10:32-33, "However, keep on remembering the former days in which, after you were enlightened, you endured a great contest under sufferings, sometimes while you were being exposed as in a theater both to reproaches and tribulations, and sometimes while you became sharers with those who were having such and experience."

    So how can we today apply these examples?

    Must realize that joy is not external. The world has not figured this out. Do not get a self-absorbed attitude. When problems are faced, we can maintain joy. James 1:2-4, "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance. But let endurance have its work complete, that you may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything." The problems will eventually end, our endurance with pain will eventually give way to joy, ie, paradise hope.

    And now, CO commends the congregation:
    -Older ones here, look to them to see how to show joy
    -Young ones, need to make spiritual goals to be truly joyful. Nice career, furthering your education, nice clothes; all selfish goals (big eye roll here! How can you put "nice clothes" into same category as an education?!?!) Youths goals should be: pioneering, becoming an MS, bethel...these goals ALWAYS bring joy. Parents need to encourage young ones. You are NEVER too young to consider these goals. You will ALWAYS look back, wishing you would have done more for Jehovah. (PUKE PUKE PUKE....recruitment time!)
    -Divine help. Quote from publication, July 1879, paraphrased, "courage my brothers and sisters....count every thorn....keep our eye fixed on the prize" (CO didn't happen to mention what exact publication this came from, just the date...)
    -Center our attention on the congregation and the organization.
    -No time to give up as we draw closer to reality of paradise earth (not to mention the death of 6 million people!! forgot to mention that Brother CO)

    Isaiah 40:26, 28, 29, 31, "'Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one [of them] is missing...Have you not come to know or have you not heard? Jehovah, the Creator of the extemities of the earth is a God to time indefinite. He does not tire out or grow weary. There is no searching out of his understanding. He is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound...but those who are hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out."

    CO's last words to the congregation: "May all of us continue staying busy in the work of Jehovah!!"

    *CLAP CLAP CLAP* (gagging and retching on my part)

    concluding song 98, Contending for the Faith


    okay, if you've survived this long you deserve a prize! thank you for reading. i am too tired to comment more on this tonight but will say a bit more tomorrow....


    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

  • larc

    Thank you PLH,

    Seems to me there were some internal conflicts on the old boys presentation. For example, sometimes the folks feel depression, stress, and burn out, yet later on he says that they always have joy. Early on, he says that the folks should wear nice cloths. Later on, he says they shouldn't seek after nice cloths.

    A lot of stuff was just plain old common sense. Keep a neat house and car, and be neat in your appearance. Seems to me, where I live, most people do that without having to be told.

    Harmony, I have to compliment you on your stamina, getting through all this.

  • Tatiana

    PLH, I tried to answer you as soon as you posted, but kept getting "Database Error". I read every word, and agree with larc. Lots of contradictions. I applaud you for being able to sit through it. The equivalent of "Chinese Water Torture"!! Also your thoughtfulness in typing this for our benefit.

    we should be dressed appropiately and neat, modest in appearance (whoops! there i sit, in a mini skirt)

    My kind of woman!!!! I attended my last Memorial in black leather and high heel boots! Lots of stares and whispers...I loved it.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • dungbeetle

    Wooonder-fullll PLH...when I get ready to pass on my 'mantle' be ready!!!!

    And may I add about the 'aging parents' thing...yes I'm sure Jehovah will be proud of us for caring for the aged ones who were never SUPPOSED TO STILL BE HERE THIS SIDE OF PARADISE. You know, the aging parents who don't have two coins to rub together now because they believed the WT crap about not even getting married back in 1941 because the end was sooooooooooooo close. All these old folks sheepishly standing in the welfare lines are making the JW's look bad, so hurry up and take care of them.

    And notice, too...'Jehovah' understands...certainly JW don't when instead of fixing meals for them and taking them to the doctor (a lot) we could be out selling books and magazines. Woo-hoo; not even subtle here.

    And the other point that stuck in my mind was this paragraph from the WT study today... <"We may have opposition from unbelieving family members, inlcuding disfellowshipped relatives, who might try to lure us into unwholesome association">. Yeah, God forbid that a disfellowshipped grandmother wants to pressure her cult member son/daughter to not stand by and let their child die from refusal of blood.

    Actually, today was pretty mild compared to some of the s--t I've had to sit through in past meetings.

    Incidentally, the article made a comment that Terah, Abraham's father, was an idol-maker and perhaps an idol worshipper. Yet when Abraham left for Caanan, he took the old man with him (close on to 200 years of age). God had specifically told Abraham to 'move along' but then Abraham stopped at Haran and remained there untill his father passed on...then resumed his journey. Therefore, neither Abraham nor God put God's interests before family.

    Another day in the life of the WT...

    Great job PLH!!! ((((plh))))

    dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.

  • CoolBreeze

    Hey PLH,

    You know I don’t post here often, but I happened to be in the right frame of mind ;) when I read your post. By attending a meeting through your eyes, I have been able to perceive the gestalt of what the Watch Tower really teaches for the first time.
    For the record, I honestly didn’t pay a lot of attention to the talks at the meetings, because of this rather delightful single sister I managed to sit behind every Sunday afternoon. She wore the most wonderfully tight skirts through witch could see if she was wearing thongs, panties (the kind with the lacy borders) , or just pantyhose. So yea for your miniskirt, you may have kept a potential cult member from giving enough attention to the CO to be sucked in by the rhetoric.
    Anyway, back to my epiphany. I just realized why the JW faith relies so heavily on works instead of faith. Because if you look at it, Christ is only the intercessor for the 144,000, and only they are then saved by faith and grace alone. Since Christ is then NOT our personal Savior, and we are only the Great Crowd, we must then rely on our WORKS in the mosaic sense to attain a second rate redemption which requires us to spend eternity in on the earth in these limited bodies, while the 144,000 anointed ones escape these earthly confines to a much higher level of existence in Heaven. Thanks PLH your experience put it all in perspective for me.


  • safe4kids


    My hat is off to ya girl for making it through all of that! Hey, I only had to hurl once while reading it!

    One thing that stood out to me:

    Must realize that joy is not external. The world has not figured this out.

    LMAO!!!! The WORLD hasn't figured this out????!!! I love it! They shamelessly rely on what 'worldly' psychologists and other mental health professionals have discovered about emotional and mental health and then turn around and steal it for their own uses! Makes me want to barf...the WTS does their darndest to keep the R&F as repressed and controlled as possible and then has the audacity to say things like the above. I also noticed that the CO didn't offer any real practical advice or explanation about how joy is an inside job. It all has to do with freedom of self; freedom to feel what we feel, to express ourselves, and to make personal choices in our lives without big brother looking over our shoulder and telling us that everything we're thinking, feeling etc. is wrong. "Joy of Jehovah" my a**!

    Ahhhh...thanks girl for your sacrifice. I don't think I'd be able to sit through what you did.
    Love ya harmony!


  • logical

    I couldnt do it. I couldnt read it all.


    From what I did read / notice...

    United brotherhood.

    Yeah right. About as united as a room full of funie members of each religion.

    Relationship with God through Christ. Everyone can on a personal basis can have close individual relationship with God.

    So, why the need for an ORGANISATION? There is none........

    Nice career, furthering your education, nice clothes; all selfish goals

    Ask the CO who made his suit. Ask him how much it cost. Ask him how he paid for it.

    -Center our attention on the congregation and the organization.

    There you go. Center attention, as in make the main focal point, on the congregation and the organisation. Not Jah, not Christ, but man.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Coolbreeze,

    You may not post often here, but when you do, you really cut to the chase, like with this gem:

    Since Christ is then NOT our personal Savior, and we are only the Great Crowd, we must then rely on our WORKS in the mosaic sense to attain a second rate redemption which requires us to spend eternity in on the earth in these limited bodies.

    I've repeated it 'cos it needs to be constantly and repeatedly brought before any who may be tempted to waver in their 'exiting' of the borg.

    Thanks for the reminder. Please come again, won't you.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Undecided

    Hi Harmony,

    One question. How did you remember all that from a meeting? All the time I was a JW, I never remembered that much from a CO's visit.

    Ken P.

  • outnfree


    Don’t understand why you were even AT the 9/23/01 Meeting, but, yes, it’s the same-old, same-old.

    A couple of things I noticed:
    Jah said to Samuel not to notice the outward appearance of Jesse’s sons, but David, although not especially tall, is later reported to be a handsome looking young man!

    >>“Direct attention to ‘the organization’.”
    Until I began to look to LEAVE the organization, I never realized how perfectly insidious this admonition – which has been heavily played up in, oh, about the past 5 years in particular (about the time the Knowledge book was released?) – truly was. Directing attention to “the organization” rather than to the Heavenly Father and his Son, on whom the Bible itself tells one to focus. Remember that John told the angel he was merely a man; Peter would not allow healed or converted ones to do him obeisance.

    >>4. View of non-witnesses
    Titus 3:2, "to speak injuriously of no one, not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men"
    --Superior attitude will not attract others to "the truth".

    “The organization” realizes that they have bred this “superior attitude” into the brothers and sisters. “WE”RE Jehovah’s Witnesses” “Only WE have ‘the truth’” – but let’s not let the non-witnesses glimpse that side of us.

    >>"Abraham--An Example of Faith" from the August 15, 2001 WT p. 14.
    comment from the CO on question b in paragraph 4: "Don't allow family to come between you and serving Jehovah"

    I was incensed when I read this article. For those who do not know what paragraph 4 says, here it is:

    “For all its material advantages, Ur presented a serious challenge to any who wanted to serve the true God. It was a city steeped in idolatry and superstition. Indeed, its landscape was dominated by a towering ziggurat honoring the moon-god Nanna. No doubt Abram was under much pressure to share in this vile worship, perhaps including pressure from some relatives. According to some Jewish traditions, Abram’s father, Terah, was himself a maker of idols. (Joshua 24:2, 14, 15) Whatever the case, Abram was not a practicer of degrading false worship. His aged forefather Shem was still alive and no doubt shared his knowledge of the true God. As a result, Abram put faith in Jehovah, not Nanna! – Galatians 3:6

    4. (a) What challenges did Ur present to worshipers of the true God? (b) How did Abram come to put faith in Jehovah?

    >>(b) How did Abram come to put faith in Jehovah?
    CO: “Don’t allow family to come between you and serving Jehovah”

    "NO DOUBT Abram was under much pressure to share in this vile worship… WHATEVER THE CASE Abram was not a practicer of degrading false worship. His aged forefather Shem was still alive and NO DOUBT shared his knowledge of the true God. AS A RESULT (!?), Abram put faith in Jehovah, not Nanna!"

    Does the Bible REALLY SAY that family members pressured Abram to worship any God BUT Jehovah?

    Paragraph 6 makes reference to a non-Witness publication:

    The book Family, Love and the Bible observes about ancient times: “The gravest of all punishments that could be meted out to a family member who became guilty of a serious crime was to cast him out, to deprive him of his ‘membership’ in the family …. This is why it was such an extraordinary manifestation of unquestioning obedience and trust in God when Abraham, folloiwng the divine call, left, not only his country, but also his kindred.”

    This paragraph and its quote do two things: They point out that JW’s presently impose “the gravest of all punishments” on their ‘members’ via modern-day disfellowshipping., AND they give the impression that Abraham left all his family behind.

    BUT HE DIDN’T … as even paragraph 8 of this same study article points up:

    What about Abram’s immediate family members? Evidently, Abram’s faith and conviction had a dramatic effect on them, for both his wife, Sarai, and his orphaned nephew names Lot were moved to obey God’s call and leave Ur. Abram’s brother Nahor and some of his offspring later left Ur and took up residence in Hara, where they worshiped Jehovah. (Genesis 24:1-4, 10, 31; 27:43; 29:4,5) Why een Abram’s father. Terah, [you know, the idol-making guy according to SOME Jewish traditions!], agreed to leave with his son! The Bible thus credits him, as family head, with making the move toward Canaan.
    (Genesis 11:31) [What!!! The idol-maker gets credit for the move?!!!!] – bracketed comments mine.

    As others noted:

    -the article insinuates that Witnesses should be prepared to suffer materially for 'Jehovah.' Paragraph 9

    Before setting out on his journey, Abram had ... to sell property and goods and purchase tents, camels, food, and needed equipment. Abram may have suffered financial loss in making such hurried preparations, but he was delighted to obey Jehovah.

    -It's okay to postpone obeying Jehovah "out of consideration for" aged parents. Paragraph 10:

    When that is necessary, such ones can be assured that their loving sacrifices are "acceptable in God's sight." -- 1 Timothy 5:4.

    Hey! You can even MOURN your aged parents' death!!! Paragraph 11:
    Abram was surely grieved by this loss (when "Terah died in Haran."), but when the mourning period was past, he immediately departed."

    - If you're obedient to Jehovah, even if you suffered material loss in order to BE obedient, God will bless you with wealth. Startling though this may sound, the article says it was true!!! Paragraph 12:

    ...while in Haram, Abram 'accumulated goods.' Although he had made material sacrifices in order to leave Ur, Abram left Haran a wealthy man. Clearly, this was due to God's blessing."

    So all you publishers who suffered loss for going to serve where the need was greater? Prepare to 'accumulate goods.'
    Er, um, well, no, WAIT!... Paragraph 12 continues:
    While God does not promise wealth to all his people today, he is faithful to his promised to provide for the needs of those who 'leave homes, brothers or sisters' for the sake of the Kingdom.

    So you'll still grow old and have to go on welfare, sign up for medicare, and be cared for by your younger relatives (even if THEY are not 'God's people') after all... (You knew deep down you're not as worthy as Abram-turn-Abraham, didn't you?)

    - youths are encouraged in Paragraph 16 to take

    a bold public stand as a worshiper of the true God, Jehovah, [Abram did,] exposing himself to ill will and possible physical danger.
    because some of us -- particularly young ones -- might "hold back from letting our neighbors of schoolmates know that we worship Jehovah."

    Never mind that Abram was a mature man with whom God spoke directly!!! All of us, and particularly our youth, should be willing to be ridiculed, mocked, ostracized, bullied and possibly beaten! (Does Jehovah speak directly to ANY Jehovah's Witness today?)

    - the Bible says that Abram 'acquired souls' which the Society takes to mean (along with the Jerusalem Targum and the Chaldee Paraphrase) more than 'acquired servants' but rather that he made converts : 'proselytized.' Abram also, Paragraph 17:

    built an altar to Jehovah and began to "call on the name of Jehovah." (Genesis 12:8) The Hebrew phrase ... also means "declare (preach) the name." No doubt, Abram boldly declared Jehovah's name among his Canaanite neighbors.


    As the CO said, It'll make you joyful despite the depression, stress, burn out and just plain tiredness!
    And then you can live with all the other perfect JW's in paradise on earth because most of you are not good enough to get to heaven [i}and never will be!

    After all, Abraham, "the father of all those having faith," won't even make it to heaven -- but good old Uncle Miltie will!!! -- Yeah, right!!!


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes[/i] -- Lacordaire

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