What do you think about gays and abortion now.......................?????

by vitty 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I'm not gay, nor would I want to be, but I wouldn't condemn anyone who is, people's sexual preferences are their business. As for abortion, I think people should be allowed to make that choice as well, though I find the idea distasteful personally.

  • vitty

    Wow what great replies...............I think the big change is that we dont judge ppl anymore..........what a reliefI got so tired that i had to actively condemn this and that. When really I didnt give a s...t what other ppl did as long as it didnt harm me or mine.

    I had my values already established by the time I went into the org............at 26......so it was tough that I had to start condeming stuff that I thought was normal.......like sex before marriage. Well I had lived with my husband for 2 years before we got married and it did us no harm, but then I had to start condeming ppl for doing what I thought was OK. But if it got me through the big A....whatever

  • buriram

    Possibly a lot of homosexual gay people may be slightly put off by the subject thread..

  • MsMcDucket
    As for abortions, my best friend in high school got pregnant in college and freaked back in 73 and got an abortion. She was never able to get pregnant after that either. She thinks it rendered her infertile.

    My aunt got pregnant at an early age. My grandfather made her give the child up. She never had any other children. My mother said that her sister was never the same after she had to give her child up. I remember my aunt as being very, very quiet. My mother said that my aunt loved being around us children. I don't know what made her infertile.

  • vitty
    Possibly a lot of homosexual gay people may be slightly put off by the subject thread..

    And why would that be ????????

  • buriram

    little bit of irony here ,..... quote from the TV series , Little Briton , I'm the only gay in the village.

  • hambeak

    Now that I am spiritually free I no longer have that self loathing over something I have no control over. True many people don't like gay folks and thats ok I don't like liver but I won't stop you from eating it. As for abortion I don't believe in it Adoption is the answer but really birth control and sex education is much better. just my 2 cents

  • vitty

    buriam............little britain...........LOL

    Possibly a lot of homosexual gay people may be slightly put off by the subject thread

    gosh we live in an overly sensitive culture


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    When you saw the WT for what it was and realized it was NOT the truth, how did that affect your thoughts on subjects like homosexuality or abortion for example.

    Initially I didn't think of it all. But I got to know a few men who were gay and discovcered wonderful friendships with them. Later on I met a few lesbians and they were great too.

    Did you start to think differently suddenly or did it take a long time ?.................or maybe you havent changed your minds on what the WT condemns.

    Something I have always tried to do is regardless of who I deal with is to accept people as they are. Whether people are gay or women who had had abortions ; those things are such a small part of their lives. I don't get on too well with people who take advantage of or abuse other people so as long as a person does neither I'm fine with them.

    I was quite shocked at how I accepted my teenage son was sexually active and I talked to him about condoms and this being an important thing in his and GFs life and where they sure they were ready. I didnt tell him not to do it !

    I sat down with both my daughters when the time came and let them know I would prefer if they waited but gave them the info they needed to stay safe. I even took them to the doctor to get what they needed. I don't think sticking my head in the sand and pretending they would wait would have helped them much

    Actually I think I always had my thoughts on different subjects that werent in line with the org, I just pushed what I really thought to the back of my mind.

    In my case it took going to college and university and taking courses in human sexuality and later working with people to begin to realize these issues are complex and I don't have the right to impose whatever I believe on others. I've watched a couple decide to terminate a very much wanted pregnancy when the doctors said the child would not live. My heart ached for both of them.

    Most definitely my post-JW education opened my mind to almost everything the WTS condemned. Granted I still believe some thing: I would never smoke (allergies), I rarely drink, never use recreational drugs (yes I tried), gotten to the point where I know sex is better with someone you love (although marriage doesn't have to be part of the equation).

    oh and I don't think going to meetings or out knocking on doors will save me from destruction some maybe date in the future

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