Why the number of "anointed" will never decrease...

by dozy 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OnTheWayOut

    b} - Say that only the "real annointed i.e.Governing Body candidates" really partake, but quit counting numbers of partakers because that is a "distraction" and invites "unqualified persons".

    d} - fudge the numbers in a downward spiral for a few years, then end up with one of the a..b..c.. scenarious. This would lessen the shock wave.

    I like these, but JW style would suggest E, if that doesn't solve it, resort to D.

    e} - start beating up on the R&F about "false partakers" and "drinking blood to yourselves if you are unworthy". Repeat until total submission occurs.

    The nut cases will continue to claim to be annointed..The number of annointed will continue to increase..Heaven will be crowded,so God is building an addition onto heaven...OUTLAW

  • james_woods

    And I think we can say that Outlaw includes in this statement those "New GB Partakers" -

    " The nut cases will continue to claim to be annointed.."

    Just as nutty as the crackpot R & F partakers, maybe more so if you really think about it.


    April 15, 2000 Watchtower pg. 30

    The number of genuine anointed Christians is dwindling, .....

    How do they know this when the number stays relatively the same?


  • FreeChick

    I haven't thought about all this in years. Isn't armegedon (can't even spell it anymore) supposed to come once all the anointed have passed away or something like that?

    They are going to have to spin out quite a story in a couple of years about why they are still here. (eye roll)


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I wondered for years about the number of anointed never going down, and in some cases going up. I am of the opinion now that the idea of an anointed "classs" is just another false wts doctrine, and not to be taken seriously. I think the wts will keep the number fairly constant for as long as they can get away with it. That way they can keep armageddon on hold in the minds of the "other sheep".

  • yaddayadda

    The irony is that all Christians in the bible were anointed. Scripturally, there is no such thing as a true Christian who is not anointed. If anything, the numbers taking the emblems should be hugely increasing, not decreasing.

  • scrubmaster

    That is one thing I have always wonder about and I mention it to my wife, I find it hard to believe that 144,000 or a great deal would have come from tjhe Christians in the first century. Just by looking at some groups of people who were baptised in the scriputures during Christian times not to mention the scriptures said that if everything Jesus did could not be written in the scriptures, so one would have to believe that they should only be a few anointed left on the earth today

  • Quandry

    We are only talking about 144,000 people from the time of Christ. If the "initial sealing" was completed in 1935, how in the heck are the numbers at over 8,000 for so many years and still at that number even now?

    I wondered that when I was sitting in the Kingdom Hall many times, but tried to push the "disobedient" thoughts out of my head. When the "new light" about the Nethinim came out, I began to realize that the oldsters at the WTS headquarters were going to die in this system and there would be no one to replace them if all the annointed were supposed to be so old now. Then LOW AND BEHOLD~ newer, annointed members of the governing body were appointed. They are comparatively young-maybe in their fifties--they just keep on a comin!!!!

    Yes, I can see your point. How could so many of the annointed have fallen away and have to be replaced? Were they a greatly wicked lot? Or are the new ones just holding over their thinking from the past that they must go to heaven?

    It certainly must be an embarassment for the WTS. On second thought, I don't think that after the United Nations thing that they can be embarrased. They just work on creative new explanations.

  • winnie

    I was wondering if anyone out there has considered this point regarding the '144,000'.

    There are supposed to be some of the 144,000 still around to see the 'end' isn't there?

    So if this is the case, there will never be a large decrease in the numbers.

    Aside from the fact that if all the so called anointed die, the WT will have to change another major belief, with the explanation that "the light is getting brighter".

    I believe that the only reason that they changed the generation doctrine is that they began to run out of time for this prophecy to be fulfilled. The ones who were born in 1914, of which some would still be around to 'see' armageddon, are now 92 after all, and with numbers rapidly decreasing each year, they had to do something, didn't they?

    My husband believes that they will soon do the same with the 144,000 doctrine...change the belief that there will be some of the144,000 left who will experience armageddon. After all, they honestly cannot expect the numbers to keep going indefinitely....can they? And if they do change this belief, how many JW's will still blindly accept this change without question?

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