If You Don't Believe In Jehovah's Organization You Can't Believe In Jehovah

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow
    If you want an alternative god to worship in place of Jehovah without infringing on Watchtower copyright, feel free to use my trademark brand: "Jehoobie".

    Oh so it was you who came up with that one, Kid-A? I have wondered, and have occassionally slipped it into posts, usually when replying to a jw apologist. For some unknown reason, they seem to take offense to my using it. Thankyou so much!!


  • Honesty

    "You can't say that you believe in Jehovah if you don't accept His Organization."

    Can anyone say, "It's time for a Reality Check?"

  • reneeisorym

    • Philippians 2:10
      that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth
    • 1 Corinthians 5:4
      When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present,
    • Philippians 2:9
      Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name

    I keep wondering why they worry about Jehovah so much. Jesus never even said the name Jehovah!

    So.. I'm convinced as well that they have made up a god. Thank goodness I left!

  • Golf

    Right on Min. about no witnesses visiting your mom, all talk about love but no action. When my mom was sick, no one but NO one came to her aid. Her so-called non-witness son (me) took her in and cared for her.

    Any relationship I have with my Creator is between him and I, period. For anyone to tell me otherwise, well, they can go where the sun doesn't shine.


  • nicolaou
    I'm the smart one in the family.

    You can actually get away with that Min'!!

  • LongHairGal

    On what basis do they believe that Jehovah chose them??? Just ask her who the brothers were who Jehovah spoke to and ask how and when he communicated to them.

    Of course, they can't answer this. If they DID they would have advertised it all over the place and people would be coming from far and wide to make pilgrimages to Bethel to shake hands with the "holy brothers" and they would be richer than any religion on earth because of all the donations and gifts!


  • These3Words


    It has been a while since I've been in this chat room. I miss it!

    16 years ago just after leaving the Org, I checked into drug rehab. The only JW to call me during my stay was my Father. He called me to tell me how dissapointed he was in me and how I was anounced In the Kingdsom Hall as" unfit to associate with". That was one of the most pivotal momments in my life! I'm now closer to our Heavenly Father than ever before! The only organization I belong to now is mankind!

    From birth till the age of 18, were the darkest years of my life spent in the Org! I now see the light and have become an example of the light, with a pure connection with our Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Mother Mary.



  • These3Words


    I forgot the Chaper in my last post, Sorry!

    John 12:34-36

  • Legolas
    "The Generation of 1914 will never pass away"..Jehovah`s Witness`s say lots of stupid things...OUTLAW

  • hambeak

    Funny, people believed in Jehovah long before there was any Watchtower society or governing body interpreting scripture. Sorry to hear about your mom and the people from her hall that didn't visit. Unless she is part of a unique clicke in the hall don't ever expect anything from them they are to busy trying to get converts. As for your brother consider the source and pity him, because one day he will wake up and maybe be quite angry about the phony front the org puts on as there is no real love shown amongst them

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