Abuse of elder position and platform

by KAYTEE 26 Replies latest jw friends


    The craziest statement (not lies not incorrect application of scripture) just total abuse of elder position and misuse of platform. An elder when on the platform(or as some might say the stage after all the majority are actors made a statement to the congregation because his wife was a bit sickly asked the bro/sisters to arrange a rota to make his dinners.My thinking was if he can't feed himself how can he feed the flock.Visiting brothers could not beleive what they heard they thought he was joking.

    I can asure you this elder wasn't noted for his humour.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Some of these people really are unbelievable. I hope no one volunteered.

  • lawrence

    Stale bread and tap water should not be too difficult to supply. Old donuts could be collected after FS. Other than that, what does the man deserve? Jesus said feed my sheep, not FEED ME!

  • SPAZnik


  • moshe

    I would remind him That JW's are often directed to public charities for help, so as not to burden the brothers- take him to a soup kitchen run by a church.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I would volunteer to feed him and his wife. I would want to help the wife of this lazy elder. I would bring a wonderful meal for her and a can of something to put in the microwave for him. I would insist on serving her, so he don't switch them.

    If she's not eating, then just the can would do, along with a stale baked good.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Why don't you call some member from another "Church"... there are lots of benevolent people in Christendom... Might be a testimony for those that truly have the love of their brother to bring by a meal for this couple.

    Romans 12:20
    On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."

  • hambeak

    Come on now folks, I agree it was tacky for him to ask this it should have been done by someone else. A couple of questions is he and his wife elderly? Is he somewhat physically disabled? I think just human kindness goes a long way no matter who they are.

  • Warlock

    My wife is not a bit sicky........................she's ALOT sickly. She takes care of everything just fine, even though it may take a little longer sometimes. If she is not up to meals, I'm not a baby and can do my own if I have to. I can also do hers if it is needed. At the very least, I can buy something already prepared for the both of us.


  • gordon d
    gordon d

    OK... Take her a meal and take him a HASBRO Easy-Bake-OVEN...
    Just tell him he'll get food at the proper time...just wait for the light to get brighter!

    Damn... I crack myself up!

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