My JW roommate and the false religion tract

by oppgirl63 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • oppgirl63

    I agree OnTheWayOut. I think if she were able to live on her own and support herself they would put more pressure on her to move.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Doctor's are so used to seeing the "NO BLOOD" card and being "Witnessed" too
    that many have started to carry their own "NO EXCREMENT" cards.....

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Ooops what I meant to say was:

    No One at the hospital would have taken the tract anyway!

    Doctor's and nurses are so used to seeing the "NO BLOOD..." card and being "Witnessed" too
    that many have started to carry their own "NO EXCREMENT" cards.....

    There.. Now it's funny.

  • Frank75
    Dont mean to highjack the thread and get off topic concerning the tract, if you two were males the JW living with you would already have been disfellowshipped according to the policies set forth in the elder's manual; even the WTS views homosexuality between the sexes differently in this respect like most of society.

    Mary - Actually no they don't. A uh "former" lesbian from my old Hall became very good friends with a woman who was in Bethel with her husband. Guess he didn't treat her very well---used to beat the holy hell out of her etc. Anyway, she and this sister were practically joined at the hip. After a couple of years, they ended up taking off in the middle of the night and moved out to Oregon, the Bethel sister leaving her husband. While she and the sister from my Hall denied that anything was going on, the elders out there found out about this sister's uh 'history' and said they could not live together. They refused to split up so they were both disfellowshipped. They eventually moved in to their own places and were reinstated, but they're still joined at the hip.


    You took my point out from under me. I guess the only difference is that if the elders were allowed to watch, it would be ok for two women to live together. LOL!

    The part in the KS book is an example which chooses to pick on male Homosexuals. Arguably Homosexual actually is from Greek for same sex and not the Latin for "Man". So the point in the homophobic section in the KS book being made is that if a "brother" or sister was to spend time "behind closed doors" with a known "Homosexual" or lesbian, they would not need any proof of hanky panky but could summarily threaten to DF them. Then actually nothing could stop them.

    You can bet your last buck that this paragraph in this retched book is being and has been applied with equal force to Lesbians. Whether the elders are allowed to watch or not!


  • Kudra

    Back in CA, when one of my best friends wanted to pioneer, the elders didn't let her because it "appeared that she and I were overly affectionate to each other physically" -apparently this was "brought tothe attention" of the elders by this shitty little bigot nephew of an elder that had been visiting and didn't like how we looked when we'd hug or sit with our arms over each others shoulders at the meeting.

    A couple witness friends and I (girls) were very affectionate and would kiss and hug but NEVER even thought that it could be remotely construed as "lesbianism". That was the FURTHEST thing from our minds. we were sweet kids and all loved each other and were always excited to see each other.

    Leave it to those f'n dirty minded old men and a sexually repressed teenage boy to turn it into something "dirty".



  • OnTheWayOut

    I wonder how many JW's will throw their tracts away and count them.
    Your roommate is not alone.

  • misspeaches

    Oh wow. I've just read your thread and I have to say what a great person you are. I think you will be a wonderful presence in your friends life. At least she is not so deeply involved in the religon that she felt she should distribute the tract.

    Show her as much unconditional love as you can. The religon won't give her that.

  • FlyingHighNow

    My nephew, he's 38 years old, lives with his JW parents. He draws disability. They pretty much have him under their thumb and nearly completely controlled. He studies off and on and was able to make it to Publisher status. He couldn't resist smoking again, so they removed his Publisher status.

    This past weekend, he wrote me an e-mail, which he does occasionally against parents' wishes. They had gone off to the assembly and he had stayed behind.He wanted to speak on the phone.

    I mentioned the new tract to him. He said,"Yeahhhh, that tract is going to cause lots of trouble." I asked him why. He replied, "It exposes false religion." I said, "Ohhhhhh. I see."

    I got to thinking, JW's over estimate how seriously any of the so called "false religions" take WTBTS goading. They couldn't really care less.

  • JWdaughter

    There is hope for your room mate.

    I hope she is well soon.

  • parakeet

    "I laughed and said okay....I took them home and threw them away."

    A few years back, my son (straight) lived with a male roommate (straight) for a year to save money on rent. The only person to say anything about this arrangement was my JW mother, who was concerned that two men living together "might give the wrong impression." Only to JWs, it would appear.

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