If you experienced a supernatural event, could you convince anyone?

by free2beme 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I can not remember anything in the Bible, that said the book of Revelations would be the end of God's word to man. At the same time, I know there are many parts to the accounts in the Bible, that were not put in or are not accepted as inspired by God. With this in mind, what if your morning started like this;

    You wake up, the room is all dark and a man who is glowing is standing at the end of your bed. He tells you that he is a messenger from God and needs you to write down dome dire warnings, and information that must be spread to the world. You grab a piece of paper, and listen, and as you do so he shows you images of the world being destroyed and shows you that the world is soon to end. He leaves, and you find out that it has been several days and it was only feeling like a few hours to you. You believe so strong in what happened, that you write every second of your memories down and prepare yourself for telling the world, thinking of how you will do it.

    What do you think would happen?

    Most likely you would find yourself laughed at, you would find yourself scorned for being to extreme, and soon if you took it too far, you might find yourself locked in a padded room with pills to make you calm down. Wouldn't you agree, this is how the world would see your amazing morning. Even if what you saw was real to you, and the message was something that you honestly felt all mankind was meant to hear?

    Isn't it amazing, how much this same type of story would have been accepted thousands of years ago and found people willing to listen and die for it. Yet if the same thing happened today, it would be something considered a joke, and insanity. For this reason, I think that in modern times, it has become about what religions existed prior to this day to choose from. Any new religion, new supernatural event (supposed), or any new books from God, would be immediate seen as insane or people trying to do something to control man to their own dire outcome. Interesting, when you think about it, what really has advanced so much in mankind that new religions are not possible anymore?

  • Satanus

    So true, and w good reason.

    He tells you that he is a messenger from God and needs you to write down dome dire warnings, and information that must be spread to the world.

    This is the key to this phenomanon; god and his messenger are being unreasonable in asking this of one person. If god is truly going to take the responsibility of being a god, then he needs his glowing messengers to appear in the bedrooms of every person on the globe. Imo, passing this responsibility on humans is an abdication on gods part.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Here is one such whack job. Rael was abducted by aliens and given the secrets of life. The usual, where we came from, why we're here and who gets to keep the toys. He insists on being called "His Holiness" when spoken too. He was a race car driver and a pop singer I think. The whole things on the site. Good luck. The more things change....


    He claims to have cloned a human.

    Go here to see the importance of "TOUCH". Jesus, what a whack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq-HPaKNCFQ

    Go in peace....



    I`d quit drinking..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Narkissos

    Wrong premises. New "religions" are started every year and find some audience, either locally or through the Internet. Any charismatic guru still has potential for making disciples -- perhaps the access to such a status is even more open than ever before. What can really be questioned is whether any of those groups can still access to the status of "great religions," holding sway on entire nations or civilisations. The present information network would arguably prevent this to occur. The famous rule cujus regio ejus religio (implying that the subjects of any ruler share his religion, old or new), which still worked in the 16th century, definitely doesn't work now. We're rather in a religious supermarket where everyone picks and chooses as s/he pleases.

  • skyking

    A few posters here that know me personally know about my amazing wife. I had a very hard time accepting what I have learned about her. She has a gift she has kept from the world until she was in her 30's. She hid it from me, her mom and dad have no idea. She is a medium, laugh all of you want but it is true, I have laughed, I have cried, and I have been scared shiteless.

    I'll give an example she woke me up one morning and said my nephew was going to die by getting shot with a hand gun in the head, She told me he was going to put the gun in his mouth and he was going to die. She was scared too death over the dream. I tried my best to not laugh at her because this sounded stupid too me that she was so upset by a dream. This was the first time she had ever told me about her dreams and that they come true. She told me, I had to do something, she was so adamant almost like a crazy woman. I did not believe her and made her promise not to tell anyone else about the dream. I told her it was just a dream and not to worry about it. That same morning my nephew called and asked if he could take the day off work./ You see there was a party he wanted to go too since he already had his hours in for the week I said go, beside most of the kids that were going were other JW's. I told him these exsact words, "Go have fun, you only live once" I have heard those word in my head hundreds of times since that horrible day that changed all of our lives.

    About noon I found out that my nephew murdered at that party. Literally he put a gun in his mouth and his best friend pulled the trigger. I was still a JW at that time. I turned my wife into the ELders they did not know what to do was she possessed by a demon. It was not until then that I found out she has had these types of dream her whole life. She was such a good witness. She thought if she did everything she could personally do by obeying even the smallest BORG rules the Demon's would leave her alone. I thought I had a wife that was demon possessed, she became a different person to me in my mind. It was hard living with a person that was a demon. I thought she was the Devil. But those day's are long gone.

    I no longer believe the Demon's have a hold on her. But the things she does is not by chance I could go on all day telling story's about this remarkable woman that I love so deaply.

  • free2beme
    She is a medium

    You will never hear me laugh about this. Never here me make fun of this. I have a very personal connection to your statement and strongly believe people can be mediums. Remember though, the world is prone to laugh at people who put this title to themselves and that is why many people will not talk about it in the open, only elude to it. There are a lot of people who fake it though, and they are easy to pick out. I love the two series, Ghost Whisper and Medium. Wonderful way to explain to others, the gift.

    Rael... He insists on being called "His Holiness"

    I have read about the Raelins many times. Great way to throw some water in your face, about people who take it to far. This man is about money sex, I think he laughs in back room about what he says to people, but he does know how to put on a good act. I remember them saying they cloned a human, but refused to offer proof or any evidence to what they did. Only that they did it! To bad we live in a world that does not accept people at their word, LOL. Anyway, if they had any creditability up too that point, which I do not think they did, they lost it all after that press release.

  • crazyblondeb
    She is a medium

    You won't ever hear me laugh, either!! I do believe in that, and have the utmost respect for those who are bestowed those gifts!!

    I'm so glad you are now accepting of that!!


  • free2beme

    I was accepting of it as a Witness too. Although, I felt it was something that suppose to be ignored as a Demon thing. How do you ignore things in your own life though? So as a left the Witnesses, I think it played a big role in why I turned to Pagan and Wicca thinking. As it explained it better and without all that Demon fear. It made things make more sense!

  • kid-A

    The issue is not convincing anybody that said event happened, the issue is proving that such an event could indeed be classified as "supernatural". The term "supernatural" merely denotes an event of object for which there is no known explanation in the physical world. As science progresses, these once "supernatural" events are becoming understood as relatively mundane, "natural" occurrences.

    Modern neuroscience is at the point where ANY perceptual experience, no matter how "supernatural" it may seem to the perceiver, may be explained by simple, neurochemical reactions in the brain. Speak to a person who has experienced LSD and you are sure to hear of some "encounters" with the "supernatural"......the reality? Hyperexcitation at the NMDA synapse, most likely in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex.

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