If you experienced a supernatural event, could you convince anyone?

by free2beme 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon


    If you dislike proving your wild claims, let them hang there looking like what they are; wild claims made by someone who makes excuses not to prove his claims. Undermine your own credibility as much as you like. it's one area you have a definate talent.

    Just to clarify, this George Bush quote; were you repeating rubbish you had accepted without checking it (not the first time, eh?) or does it exist?

    And please don't make your lack of credibility and your poor research out to be my problem.

    It is a little rich you making out I quote out of context, as this thread is a good example of your misrepresention (the link you cite on csicop), as already noted. But as you seem to care little for whether you pass on lies, manufacturing them about other people is the next logical step for you I suppose.

  • free2beme
    First of all if you don't present your claims for approval or validation they don't get criticised.

    I will stop you right there. Don't let your head explode trying to disprove me, as I did not ask you too. I don't respond to skeptics, not even interested in the idea. Last time I will respond to you on this subject. If it makes you feel better to think you won something, go for it. Does not bother me in the least. I think that anger about anything, just leads to a negative outcome with both sides losing and when it comes to this subject, that got off my idea of, "why do we accept the supernatural" Bible and yet we would laugh about it today." Feel free to respond in kind to what I say here, as nothing I am saying is insulting to anyone.

    I have no issue with healthy scepticism. I also don't think of thesceptical or hyper-sceptical as being jerks.

    Ditto. I feel everything has it's place in a balanced world.

  • Abaddon


    I will stop you right there. Don't let your head explode trying to disprove me, as I did not ask you too. I don't respond to skeptics, not even interested in the idea.

    Maybe you don't see it as I do. If a JW apologist comes here and says x y and z, they will be responded to. If a supporter of the W-o-T comes here and says x y and z they get responded to. If someone who likes Ned's Atomic Dustbin (a real band believe it or not) comes here and says x y and z they will be responded to. If someone who believs they can fortell the future comes here and says x y and z they will get responded to. If someone who believes WalMart are evil comes here and says x y and z they will get responded to. If someone who believes in evolution comes here and says x y and z they will get responded to.

    None of the above people HAVE to react to the response what they say generates. It is not about claimants 'having' to respond; it is about objecting to people expressing their opinion about what one says or refusing to even enter into dialogue with anyone other than 'approved associates'; only you're the one that decides that now, ot the local Elders...

    This is strange, as afterall, this is a discussion board, not a statement board.

    Note I don't dispute the reality to YOU of what YOU experienced. I also don't (normally) dispute the reality to OTHERS of what OTHERS experience. I also admit if it happened to ME, I would be of a different opinion. I also encourage my daughter's interest in Wicca, LOL.

    Whether this shows me to be more or less interested than someone who won't even discuss a topic with skeptics is a matter of opinion.

    Please note; you're in a totally different class to certain other posters I've responded to in this thread; this is a compliment.

  • funkyderek
    If you experienced a supernatural event, could you convince anyone?

    I'm pretty sure I could. I doubt I'd even have to really experience a supernatural event. I could just make one up, and plenty of people would believe it. Let's face it, people believe Uri Geller has supernatural powers because he can bend a spoon using his bare hands. I've seen posts on this board where someone posts an alleged experience of an alleged supernatural event, and at the first appearance of skepticism, someone who doesn't know the original poster and wasn't there has leapt to their defense and claimed that they believe it happened.

    So if I could learn to lie convincingly, I'd have no problem getting some people to believe me. Of course, those who require evidence would require evidence and I don't have any. But if I did, I'd take every opportunity available to present it. After all, convincing those who don't require evidence is hardly an acheivement.

  • Dansk
    So if I could learn to lie convincingly, I'd have no problem getting some people to believe me.

    I stopped believing in you ever since you stated you were sober at E-man's BBQ!


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