I'm scared and I need help

by Chameleon 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Just another thought:

    If you wait until they actuially offer it to you it will at that point become a confrontation where you'll either cause a scene or accept it against your will. It's much better to nip it in the bud, as I suggested.

    Further, there's an issue of personal integrity. When they ask you the usual question: "do you know of any reason why you shouldn't be appointed a Ministerial Servant?" your mind is immediately going to go to all the things you no longer believe. I suspect you can't answer that question honestly in the way they'd want.

  • jwfacts

    There are many different things about the WTS that prove them wrong, not just the UN thing. Many elders are aware of the UN, but dismiss it as being irrelevant, so do not get your hopes up about your father listening to your reasoning.

    Another thing that can be bought up is the false prophecies and Egyptology of Russell. This can be done if you have Studies in the Scriptures at your kingdom hall. Show your father the eye of horus on the cover, talk about the pyramids, and the dates such as 1874. None of that has to come from apostates, it is straight from their own publications. Check out http://jwfacts.com/index_files/davinci.htm and http://jwfacts.com/index_files/1800s.htm for some ideas.

  • LittleToe

    Again, I'm assuming there's a dependance on the current living arrangements to ease the path through school.

    If this is the case, then being encouraged to confront people with the error of their beliefs is unlikely to help the situation. Get into a more financially secure position first, before rocking the boat.

    The man who is standing on a highwire should be careful not to heckle the crowd...

  • HoChiMin


    Tell them you don't like the ministry at all. You feel guilty with a position of responsibility feeling like this and trying to be an example to others.

    Stick to that line and severely cut your hours down to single digits do not give in and stay this course it will work.


  • girasole


    i feel for what you're going through right now. it's the most difficult time when you are pondering whether or not to "out" yourself. That is a very personal decision and one that you cannot take back so you are the only one who knows when the time is right.

    i will say though that when you do, my advice would be to stick with your own personal feelings about things and convictions that you have come to hold rather that centering on any doctrinal issues. As you know, witnesses have a rebuttal for EVERYTHING and the UN issue will be no exception. while they do seem to manage to argue still with a person's feelings, it's harder to refute.

    good luck with everything.

  • jgnat

    Some more ideas for Katie's book. How about planned incompetence? After reluctantly accepting or being appointed regardless, just be really bad at it.

    Accept a reading or a talk then forget to show up.

    Miscount orders, forget to submit to HQ, show up late for meetings.

    Drop the mike down her blouse. Twice.

  • Undecided

    You could accept it but don't do the work, maybe they would give it to someone else then.

    Ken P.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hey Chameleon,
    You have a PM.... I just had an epiphany! ..... or was that a Tiffany???? Last night is a little fuzzy...

  • ?me?

    i would like to first commend all the posters that replied to this thread. you have all been very helpful, thoughtful and reasonable. althought chameleon seems to have a different situation and attitude, everyone did not push and encourage him to go the way of Richie Rich. (even though i know he did not need much pushing to do what he did). this is a young persons WHOLE life we are talking about, 50 more years of FAMILY, WORK AND LIFE. do whatever will make you ulimately happy, if that means being a ms, fine, if you can't do both, that is fine. you are probably one of those people that being helpful, outgoing, and kind comes pretty easy to you. and now the brothers are trying to "reward" you. and take some of the workload off themselves. just politely decline then cite "personal reasons" and struggles that you are dealing with. oh yeah, and cutting your field service time in half would do wonders. me

  • Siddhashunyata

    I think Little Toe has given excellent advice. You might add that you appreciate the awesome responsibility and would like to talk about it again in say 6 months etc. That demonstrates a noncombative attitude and helps everyone continue to see you in a positive light, as on their side.

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