I just realized

by mouthy 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    It's wonderful having you here Granny Grace! I always enjoy your humor and wisdom.

    You're not going any place soon so get that out of your noggin'. lol

    Hugs with love,


  • mouthy

    But I want to!!!!!(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS TO YOU ALL))))))))))

  • jaguarbass

    Bless you Mouthy.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    sticks her nose in looking for those nasty buckets that Grace wants to kick.

    You miught have to wait til the hereafter to get those hugs from family who still have their minds planted in the WTS but I expect all of you will have to wait to get there.

  • hamsterbait

    Don't waste energy kicking the bucket you daft bat!!

    Kick a few JW A$$es instead.

    Good strong, stroppy Bints like you live forever. And live on in the hearts of those they leave behind...

    HB OXO

  • mouthy

    Good strong, stroppy Bints like you live forever.

    That gave me a good laugh hampster!!!!! What is a Bints???? Or did you mean a Bitc.?

  • hamsterbait

    "Bint" is from arabic - a wench, woman, with implications of Amazonian strength, determination and stroppiness.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You cannot go - I forbid it.

    We need every Christian soldier we can get here - you can sit a little more than before if that helps - but no kickin' and no buckets!!!!



  • lovelylil


    I for one am just getting to know you so you better live to be at least 100! You are a wonderful person and it is no wonder at all the everyone loves you, including me. Lilly

  • delilah

    Grace, you'd better not "kick the bucket" anytime soon....I'm coming with Mary one day soon, to meet you and have tea. So there!!

    ~love, Dee

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