Resources will be gone by 2050

by oldflame 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • catbert

    Oldflame, watch any show that reveals animals in the wild. My wife is an animal lover and can not watch these shows. People portray humans as being the disease of the planet. Humans are obviously the most civilized creatures on the planet. And they will survive and strive, some human groups will not. There will be extinctions. It is as it has always been.

  • Tigerman

    Tigerman, why is an extinction of an animal a "bad thing"? catbert said. See below what it would be like and you tell me.

  • Tigerman
  • catbert

    Tigerman, your post indicates an empty planet (universe?), void of all life I believe. I don't see that happening. Each passing year and century man becomes more civilized. As man becomes more knowledgable, and continues to fear his ultimate demise, he (she) becomes more astute at solving the big problems. Every generation throughout history has felt the end was near, and the problems insurmountable. And yet, some life goes on, some does not.

  • catbert

    Tigerman and Daniel, I will agree the last 150 years have been an interesting "blip" on the course of history. I chose to be facinated by it.

  • Tigerman

    No, I didn't mean to imply an empty planet, just another one of God's beautiful creatures gone forever off the face of the earth. Gone forever, unable to sniff the air, run through the forests in search of food or to find a mate, build a nest and raise a herd of little golden haired widgets, all with one green eye and one blue eye and very sharp tiny horns. Then when you and your wife would walk through the forests you would not see them hanging by their tails, you would not see the entire family all lined up for your enjoyment. You wouldn't be able to tickle their bellys, as once you could and have them sing any requested song from the 70's . . .as before.

    Now, how could we as a population ever let those gorgeous little widgets ever become extinct?

  • Satanus

    The only thing worse than religious doomsayers is scientific doomsayers...

    Four decades ago, scientific doomsayers painted a bleak picture of the future. They claimed the world would be wracked by famine because dwindling resources would not be enough to feed an exploding population. They said nothing could stave off the looming famine. Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb, predicted in the 1968 book that hundreds of millions of people would starve to death in the 1970s and ’80s.
    One man proved them wrong — Dr. Norman Borlaug.
    The Nobel Peace-Prize-winning agronomist, who turns 90 today, is the man behind the “Green Revolution” — the boom in crop productivity and farming techniques that saved the Third World from starvation. Instead of experiencing massive famine, countries such as India and Pakistan were able to feed themselves, with enough wheat left over to export to other countries.

  • catbert

    Tigerman, I absolutely agree with you. And I want to know how we have come to this point where we feel this way. You are an animal lover, as am I. If the God that we learned about has his way, we will have to accept the death of the animals we love. Even if the story of the "new system" we learned about is true, and the Lion that lays down with the lamb has a peaceful life, he will die, and will we not feel pain when he is gone? I just don't see how this "the former things have passed away" helps animal lovers. The more I analyze, the more I see "survival of the fittest".

  • oldflame

    Do you think we will become vegatarians ?

  • buffalosrfree

    These stories of doom and gloom are just that stories (at least partically). The United States gets blamed for a lot of waste etc. and fillingthe air with smog. But have you ever seen some of these 3rd world countries, Philippines, Thailand, HongKong, Macau, Singapore, Indonesia (Jakarta), Malaysia, India (bombay) Pakistan (Karachi), well I have and to breathe over there is sometimes to breathe in pure crap. The tricycles in the Philippines put up more smog than anything else I know. Those people have no concept about cleaning the air, its all about the almight peso, (i.e. how else will the drivers earn any money?) `In the mean time, they are putting up so much polution into the air, slowing traffic which causes more polution and generally being a menance to human life. I have traveled all those countries and it just amazes me how the US people get blamed when all you see over in these countries is polution. Its impossible to breathe correctly at times. And many of them use charcoal to cook with which causes even more breathing and polution problems.

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