Could anyone tell me how exactly Jehovah chose the WT society in 1919?

by Qcmbr 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lawrence

    Th Urim, the Thummin, and Aaron's staff budding. Makes sense doesn't it!

  • Qcmbr

    Er no.

  • JeffT

    The quote about coal is in the 1974 Yearbook. I will dig it out later (my granddaughter is asleep in the room with my books). This is in fact taken as proof that Jehovah selected them.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    True story. I worked for a huge electronics company in the 1980's in a major US market. We ran a lot of advertisements in the newspapers. So did our competition. During one of our advertising meetings over the competitive Xmas season, we decided it would help if we were voted the number one electonics firm in Chicago. So one of the 5 people in the meeting said, "I vote that ****** company (ours) is the best." Everyone at the meeting raised their hands and voted, laughed and chuckled and agreed We added a trophy and a caption to our next ad that read, "Voted #1 electonics retailer in Chicago".

    The same thing happened with the WTS and 1919. Only they said God voted them #1.

    I love that story!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    JeffT, I hope you don't mind that I went and got the story . It is in the 1975 yearbook, by the way, on page 121:

    Upon Brother Rutherford’s return to the Society’s Pittsburgh offices, he instructed the Society’s vice-president, C. A. Wise, to go to Brooklyn and see about reopening Bethel and renting premises where the Society could begin printing operations. The conversation went like this:

    "Go and see whether it is the Lord’s will for us to return back to Brooklyn."

    "How will I determine as to whether it is the Lord’s will for us to go back or not?"

    "It was a failure to get coal supplies in 1918 that drove us from Brooklyn back to Pittsburgh. Let’s make coal the test. You go and order some coal." [In New York coal was still being rationed at the end of the war.]

    "How many tons do you think I should order to make the test?"

    "Well, make it a good test; order five hundred tons."

    That is just what Brother Wise did. And upon making application to the authorities, he was granted a certificate to get five hundred tons of coal. Immediately he wired J. F. Rutherford. That much coal would ensure operations for a number of years. But where could they put it all? Large sections of the Bethel home’s basement were converted into coal storage space. This successful test was taken as an unmistakable indication that it was God’s will that the move to Brooklyn be made. So it was, as of October 1, 1919.

  • freetosee

    Thanks for posting that Nathan.


  • garybuss


  • headmath


    Rutherford invents a test by ordering a huge amount of coal. They get the coal thinking that it was god who got them the coal. What a madman. Every thing rutherford said had a prophetic fullfilment.



    excellent post

  • GermanXJW

    In 1918, a lot of Bible Students left the Watchtower and constituted other Russellite groups. JFR needed an explanation why it was HIS movement that was God's organization.

  • garybuss

    That's really true GermanXJW,

    If we read Mcmillan's account of the appointment, it was the loyalty to Pastor Russell that was "cleansed" from the organization in 1919. The loyalty to Pastor Russell was described as creature worship, and that was that.

    Rutherford effectively stopped the loyalty to Russell from going forward and completed the split in 1931 when he changed the name of his splinter group to Jehovah's Witnesses. At one point Rutherford was down to a Pennsylvania located printing press, and a wad of cash because his sharp writing and good management got the Society virtually shut down and all the directors thrown in Federal prison.

    Rutherford spent the rest of his life pissed off at everybody. My dad's family thought he was the best thing since buttered bread.

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