My story

by FreeGirl2006 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JWdaughter

    Consider yourself vitually hugged! I am in awe of what you have overcome to escape. You are a hero. I hope you continue in all the good things you are doing for your physical, mental and emotional health. Continue associating with those who love and support you. You must be such a strong person, and you now have such personal power to have overcome and thrived. Wow.

    I am so sorry that you were treated so poorly by all those that should have loved you the most and cared for you. That they didn't was a reflection of them and their values-now shown to be without any true worth or value. I wish all of us could just hug you for real-you have been deprived of the love and support that all deserve. Please value yourself. You only know what is possible if you are here to try! Blessings and good wishes to you.


  • Borgia

    Hi freegirl2006 and a warm welcome here at our virtual meeting place.

    By telling your story you´ve shown a bravery a lot of people still have to aquire. And it warms me to read you did not hide your own mistakes. But it also angers me to see that men are protected by a powerhouse called instituationalized religion and can use it to bring people down. It is unethical.....

    Recovery is a road with ups and downs. So is life. But regardless of were you are on this road, don´t forget to come here so now and then to articulate whatever is on your liver. You´ll find us here to listen and talk to.



  • anewme

    Welcome Freegirl2006!
    This is the place!


  • Quandry

    "Having courage does not mean that we are unafraid. Having courage and showing courage means we face our fears. We are able to say ' I have fallen but I will get up.'"

    Maya Angelou

    Thank you for courageously sharing your story with us. You are "getting up." You are showing that you have the courage to go on. Please know that you have worth. May you live your life sharing yourself with others and striving to make this world a better place.

    Many of us on this board have gone through heartache perpetrated on us by the WTBTS. We are with you. Welcome.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I love this saying. Women are like tea bags, you only know how strong they are when you drop them in hot water!

    I hope this forum will help you on your journey to recovery.

  • wifey

    Welcome FreeGirl, You are really free now.

    Stick around and read and feel the love and care on this board.

    It helps us all heal!


  • OnTheWayOut

    Just read your story. Welcome, and isn't it wonderful to be a free girl in 2006, finally.

    There are great people here that can relate to what you are going thru.

    Again, welcome.

  • love2Bworldly

    Welcome freegirl!

    Sorry about all you went through, but you are ONE STRONG LADY!!! Your story will help many others who are lurking and dealing with similar stories.

  • outoftheorg

    Well Free girl I think that you must have a lot of strength. Both mental and emotional, to have gone through all the idiotic beliefs and actions of the jw nitwit elders etc' and come out of it all in one piece.

    In a way you are starting your life all new and over again. Make the best of it, may the rest of your life be rewarding and filled with pleasure.

    The pleasure of dealing with and working with the real world and its real people.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    To disfellowship a suicidal person is about as far away from Jesus' teachings of love that one could get. And I know that physical pain is destructive of body and mind. You need to take credit for the inner strength that you have shown to make it through all of these things and basically without the help your family and husband should have given you.

    I can't remember who posted this, but I wanted to say that I know how this feels. I was already disfellowshipped at the time, in a JC meeting, very depressed and suicidal, and I pleaded, begged and cried, big big (real) tears, was at my lowest of lows, for the elders to please reinstate me, after nearly two long lonely years of doing everything they asked, having almost no association with anybody. I told them that I was thinking every waking moment of suicide and I couldn't bear any more loneliness and pain. It wasn't an excuse, it was an honest plea for my life.

    They replied, with no emotion whatsoever, that I was missing the point of the discipline, and they couldn't reinstate me just because I'm suicidal, but it had to be for Jehovah.

    WTF. (I did attempt suicide earlier this year, and that woke me up to finally walk away and pursue my happiness, for the sake of my life, which is weirdly meaningless to my JW family.)

    Some of your story is so far beyond anything I've ever had to endure, and I'm amazed by your inner strength and beauty. I'm so so so glad you made it here; like many have already said, I'll echo it whole-heartedly, you will meet real, genuinely caring people here, who know how to show real love!

    So many virtual hugs to you, Free Girl, your story brought me to tears because of all the pain I could read in your words. You are such a strong and amazing person. What happened to you was so completely wrong, and you didn't deserve any of it. You are a good person, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. It looks like you don't need me to say those words, because of how strong you seem, but it doesn't hurt to say them anyway. You have endured many years of pain, and so now you should have many many (the rest of them) years of happiness and people telling you how loved you are.

    WELCOME to the FORUM!!!

    Good Girl or Bad Girl

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