Anyone had a breast reduction?

by bluesapphire 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Blue, I applaud you for not allowing this to be your husband's decision. If you choose to keep your breasts the way they are, do it because you want it, not because of pressure from anyone else.

    My main concern would be the loss of nipple sensation.

  • bluesapphire

    Well, I love my husband so much. And I DO want him to be happy. But if money is not an issue, then my self-concept is the number one issue, right?

    For example, I feel very self-conscious in swim-suits. I don't like to feel like someone is staring at me. I mean a friendly compliment is one thing, but weirdo-gawking is very offensive. Plus, bikinis make a shadow-tan, I can never get one that fits right... so many reasons...

    I do believe he will still be happy. He doesn't like me getting surgeries. I've had too many in my life already: 3 C-sections, gall bladder removed, overaian cyst removed, appendix removed, ... Did I forget anything?

    Well, I *think* this is the reason why he is against it. Every time I have some sort of thing go wrong, he freaks out. So, even though the chances are slim, he's thinking, "Why take ANY chance?" We've gone through a lot in our 10 years of marriage. We made it through a lot and things are great now. So, whenever things are great for him, he starts to think, "What's gunna happen to mess it up?"

    For me the odds are worth it because it's my self image here. I used to like being large when I was younger. It's now that I'm older that I don't like them. I work at an elementary school. I don't like the 5th grade boys (or the dads) looking at me inappropriately. I want to look appropriate. So, it's not up to my husband here. He's not the one living my life. I really want to do it with his uh, blessing(?) for lack of a better word.

    DD to C = NOT that drastic. And the nipple sensation thing would bother me TERRIBLY. But, I will only get it if they do not have to remove the nipple from the breast tissue and nerves underneath it. I was looking at a website that says they make a hole up higher and cut around the nipple skin without dis-attaching it. Then they just push the nipple through the new hole. They can even take the left-over skin that they cut off and make an internal bra out of it as additional support.

    I'm glad I waited long enough for the advancement of this procedure. It's all gonna be good!

  • Gerard

    A teacher of mine did it. She said the diameter remained the same and they were only "shorter."

  • ellderwho

    My wife had it done 2years ago. When we had our son, she needed special fitted bra's she was in the H's. Painful also as she breast feed him. Anyway it was the best thing she ever did for herself.

    It was a bit painful with the tubes still in for drainage, which I helped drain. Also they can put in a pain medicine release system which is very helpful.

    The surgeon did whats called an achor cut. Which leaves the breast showing no scars from a straight on veiw. And it leaves the aerole in perfect perportion to the breast.

  • juni

    Hi BlueSapphire!

    I know of 2 JW sisters (grandma and granddaughter) who had this done. They were pleased w/the results.

    Do you have back problems w/your size? My daughter is extremely large. She had to order on line for bras when she was pg. Now she's down to a size that she can find at Lane Bryant. But she is still huge. She is seriously considering breast reduction of her "girls" as she calls them. lol


  • smellsgood

    oh, girl, tell me when you got a REAL problem :) j/k

    Congrats on losing the 20 lbs, it's tough to do! When I drop any weight, FIRST place I lose it is, er, from my rack. It'd be ideal if it were possible to do a breast swap, as I am 5'8" and the size you want to be.

    Are you positive you are a DD though? Remember Oprahs bra challenge thingy? Most people don't actually know their real size, and you might be larger than you think! I believe Oprah thought she was a double D, but turned out to be an E,,,for enormous.

    The only people I know who have had the breast reductions are famous girls. Like Drew Barrymore or Christina Ricci. I think they probably look better now. I know some girls who should have it. I'm talking size G women. Woah.

    I would be very careful to find an extremely well qualified surgeon, even if it cost extra. I doubt insurance would cover any of it.

    Your husband may like them, but your the one that has to live with them, and if they get in your way...he wouldn't like to have two melons (sorry) on his chest that are difficult to keep still, and bounce around excessively when your trying to run or whatever. I would find that annnoooooooooying too! Its your choice, and the size you want to be would probably so much more manageable for you and your frame, it'd probably be perfect. Much more comfortable for you, and probably easier clothes shopping I should imagine. If it will improve your quality of life, then heck yes it is worth the money!

    There are risks to any surgery like that, so you have to be careful. There is some scarring, but its really not that bad. There's pictures you can see that on. :)

    with this image

    "Imagine Eva Longoria with double D's!"

    I think you might make some guys head explode

  • towanda

    Alright girl- Something to consider: (Not for those with sensitive constitutions...)

    I got a breast reduction in my early twenties (now in early thirties). Went from a DD (E,really, according to my we all know from watching Oprah, no one in wearing the correct bra size...) to a very full C. 5ft tall, 135 pounds, healthy as a horse. Dolly Parton thirty years ago. Surgeon board certified, best in the city I lived in (large metro area) highly highly recommended, well researched, etc...

    Pros: Yes, it is a hoot to wear a bra from Victoria's Secret...Yes they look dang good braless under a tee shirt, blazers close properly, back improves, all is is true. And, if your doctor feels it is a medical concern, not cosmetic, he will often get your insurance to cover it....

    Cons: The pain was horrific...and I'm a very tough left aereola compex "disengaged" from the rest of my breast three days after surgery, leaving a huge gaping wound that had to be restiched in the doctors office with a portion of my skin being cut away with scissors (awake, no anasthetic because there was too much still in my system from surgery, so too dangerous to introduce more into the body). I have no nipple sensation still, have had three surgeries to "round" the aereola complex (it supposed to be round, all the edges of mine were chewed up, leaving me with about a quarter moon on each breast), and for scar removal, and still have a constant dull pain in my left breast from scar tissue. The doctor that initially performed surgery did not position me correctly, so the thick ropy scars that go from underneath the breast to underneath the armpit form a pocket of tissue that looks like a wing of fat. From the back, my bra strap rides under those wings, and needless to say, it is not very flattering. I have to say, mentally it was a tough row to hoe. I felt disfigured for along time (though I admit the shape of the breasts themselves is perfect). Also, previous to surgery, I hid my body in big sweaters and clothes because I felt like a "slut" otherwise, and as a good dub girl, I always felt my sexuality was shameful. Now I'm proud of who I am and happy to wear something a little revealing for my husband. Your body is beautiful, the weight loss should be congratulated, your husband adores you (mine was a terrific sport through the whole ordeal, but watching his wife go through that just about killed him...). If you really want to get this done, I wish you all the best. My best girlfriend did it three years prior to on a Tuesday, flew to her sister in laws wedding on Friday, no complications (hell of a lot of hideous scarring, especially after her babies were born) thrilled to death. Do what's right for you. But know that my story is not all that unusual, my second surgeon (beverly hills trained board certified) says she has seen many a plastic surgery nightmare, and sometimes restoration in not possible. Find a great surgeon, see her/his portfolio ( my second surgeon was a woman who had a horrible experience with implants herself in the 90's, lots of empathy for a botched job!) and do this if your heart really wants to. I wish you all the best!

  • FlyingHighNow
    But, I will only get it if they do not have to remove the nipple from the breast tissue and nerves underneath it. I was looking at a website that says they make a hole up higher and cut around the nipple skin without dis-attaching it. Then they just push the nipple through the new hole. They can even take the left-over skin that they cut off and make an internal bra out of it as additional support.

    Wow, if you can do it with extra internal support and keep your nipple sensation, that sounds great. All though the experience right above this post should be taken to heart.

    I never had to worry about large breasts. When I was nursing, I wore a D and then a full C. You think I would have been proud as punch of them, but in reality, the men staring made it miserable. I had received enough attention, with B cups.

    I can say there is a blessing to being fat. I rarely get unwanted attention from men anymore. I have found that I know who the true gentlemen are these days. It used to be that men would scramble to open a door for me or give up a seat. Now-a-days? Only the truly polite guys do that and they are few and far between. It's nice to be able to walk down the street and not be cat called. It's also very nice that men don't stare at me and act like boys when they speak to me. Now when I can tell a man is enjoying speaking with me, I realize it's because of who I am and not how I look.

    Unwanted attention is very tiresome. I can certainly understand your feelings there, especially from 5th grade dads. They oughta be smacked.

  • bluesapphire

    Yeah, and how fun is it when you have to wear a larger dress that hangs down and makes u look prego cuz the smaller one stops when it gets to your bra line?

    When I was studying to be a dub and even after I got baptized, I was so looked down on by elders and sisters because I think they assumed I was a slut. I was never invited on car groups or studies.

    Men assume ur a floozie too. And tank tops are so comfortable in the summer but u might as well be naked the looks u get.

    Yes there could be a horrific outcome. So I better do my homework right.

    Incidentally, today there was this scene in 50 1st dates and Drew Ba rrymores beautiful tits were showing through her wet dress. My husband said, "Wow, those look great, don't they?" I said, "They're awesome. She was my size and did exactly what I want to do."

    He was amazed. Great timing! But then he said, "Yours are great too, though."

    Btw, I always thought I was a D but found out, thanks to Victorias Secret, that I'm a DD. So already confirmed that. I wish I were a little larger frame and about 4 inches taller. Then I wouldn't be sitting here thinking about this stuff.

    I need to tell my husband that I don't like the looks I get from dads and boys. I've never told him this. He says he remembers the things the JWs used to say about me behind my back though. I have to remind him of this. I have to make him see how this affects me. I'm glad I posted this topic. Bouncing off of everyone and listening to everyone and typing my own thoughts and experiences really has helped me to make my decision.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I know what you mean about being snubbed by JW's for the way you looked. I didn't know that why was I was treated so poorly by some sisters until we moved away from a West Texas Cong. My exhusband told me of a time when I wore a new blouse to a get together. I had bought it in a hurry and didn't realize that if I bent forward at all you could see my bra. I was not overly endowed, but just perky and young. A sister had sent her husband to tell my husband that she was offended. She was concerned that the teenaged boys would be corrupted by my blouse.

    Then when I mentioned this to my sister in law years later, she told me the sisters used to gossip about me and say their husbands were all looking at me. They realized that I was clueless about it, but it affected the way they treated me. One of the sisters was the one who had sent her husband to straighten me out. I was shocked because this sister was tall and looked like Carol Lombard. I never noticed any husbands looking at me or treating me improperly. The sisters were just insecure. I was so baby faced and petite, I couldn't imagine why the sisters were intimidated by me.

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