Exciting New Use For Tract

by Asheron 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Start a rumor that the tracts are contaminated with E-Coli and you can catch it from touching them!!!!!!!!!

    Funny you mentioned origami. Someone on this "worldly" forum mentioned she was going to do that with the tracts!

    http://forums.delphiforums.com/isle/messages/?start=Start+Reading+%3E%3E (Click on "start reading", then "off topic" folder, then "The End is Near!" thread.)

  • Clam

    My daughter recently put a couple of Awakes through an automatic document shredder. It made great bedding for her hamster. This year I'll also be using shredded tracts for the animal bedding in my Christmas Nativity scene.

  • Tuesday

    What about collecting all the tracts received and by using the great recycling paper idea we make flyers for silent lambs. "See Silent Lambs are echo friendly, only printed on recycled paper"

  • juni

    Gumbliar said:

    Juni said,

    You're welcome sweet pea! I love pizza, weed, men, wine, pills, dancing, toilet papering homes, spray painting nasty words on fences too.

    Juni....I hope your real proud of yourself by showing your worldly true colors. Maybe you should grow up and try being a little more spiritual.


    Yer puttin' words in my mouth AGAIN!!

    Perhaps I should ball up that tract and pop it in yer mouth and then cover it w/duct tape?

    Then I can have my way w/ya! And no one will hear you scream!


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