Recently we received a phone call,
It was a sister whom we had known from the first kingdom hall we attended .She broke in to conversation concerning my health !! asking how i was, this firstly was mightily shocking and secondly not allowed as i am DA'd.Knowing this sister however ( i will for no reason state that she is the wife of an elder, he being a genuine person whom i wish i could draw away from the lies ) i waited for the true reason of the call. Eventually the true reason for the call came out, unfortunately for the sister, her daughter has been diagnosed with skin cancer, I dont know her daughter but i will pray for them all in this time of need ( even though the last time this sister was at my home , she insulted me infront of my family and an elder - i have totally forgiven her).
She amongst other things said to my wife "Its a shame Adrian Da'd himself or the whole congregation would have been there to help him through his health problems".Now here is the point to be considerate of , If the congregation is so loving, Why is this sister phoning Myself ( Da'd) My Wife ( inactive and ready to D'a ) for comfort?? The simple reason is there is no real love or compassion within the congregation/s. When these believers in God, and their spiritual brothers and sisters need to turn to apostates to show love and compassion its a true sign of what they are really involved in - a lie.
As for me, Should anything happen to me in the near future due to health or otherwise, I am so happy i left this mind devastating cult who serving a group of men who claim to be Gods mouth piece, are incapable of emulating the true nature of our God and his Son.
All the very best
May God bless you all
Ade and family
I know i have probably put this post in a unusual place but i want as many to see it as can, even the passers by so to speak. To realize the love they believe witnesses have is a deception.
true friendship, true brotherhood??
by Ade 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Quote: "If the congregation is so loving, Why is this sister phoning Myself ( Da'd) My Wife ( inactive and ready to D'a ) for comfort??"
Wow. You're not kidding. And we all know the answer to that.
Strength to you, hope you are doing well. And you know what? Strength to that "sister" and her family, too... little does she realize, they have healing to do in more ways than one. Hope they find the ...truth. -
The simple reason is there is no real love or compassion within the congregation/s. When these believers in God, and their spiritual brothers and sisters need to turn to apostates to show love and compassion its a true sign of what they are really involved in - a lie.
You are so right Ade, that's one of the things I started to notice more and more when I began having my doubts. They are fair - weather friends, and don't want to know you if your'e long - term sick, it's far too much trouble for them to get involved.
I hope your health problems improve, and that this sister's daughter recovers. Who knows, maybe they are feeling the lack of love very acutely just now, and it might make them question things, if it hasn't done so already. Let's hope so.
darth frosty
Witness friendship and love is on a conditional level. If you are deemed strong in the truth, get at least 10 hrs a month in field service, attend all meetings and give good talks and comments, there is nothing but love and envy for you. Slip in any of these areas and watch the tide turn. It is hard for them to truly love others in the congo, when soon as someone gets DF'd they must treat you as if you never existed.
You are so right Ade, that's one of the things I started to notice more and more when I began having my doubts. They are fair - weather friends, and don't want to know you if your'e long - term sick, it's far too much trouble for them to get involved.
This was the same reason that led ME to wonder about why my "brothers and sisters" couldn't be bothered to call or stop by for MONTHS other than to call for the "time" I was supposed to be reporting when I was too ill to even go outside the house!
The evil WTS keeps them SO busy and SO occupied that they HAVE no time to spend with other JWs facing health problems.....UNLESS they find a way to hobble into a meeting, and then they might be noticed. It is sickening.
Ade, I hope your health improves, and that if she calls again, you can find some way to plant a few seeds in that sister's heart as to what kind of organization she REALLY belongs to!
I think there is alot of love in the congregations, but the GB interferes with it with all their mind meddling teachings that distort the true message of Christ.
I am so very glad I got the boot when I did, so early in my life.
Thank you Jehovah for making me fornicate and force those jerks to kick an unbaptized publishe,r whom they'd known his entire life, out on his ass. It's one of the best things (in the long run) that could have happened to me!
Ade: "When these believers in God, and their spiritual brothers and sisters need to turn to apostates to show love and compassion ..."
Ade, it takes an exceptional person to forgive the JWs and show compassion to those who have treated you badly. That's the goal I'm striving for, but I have a long way to go to overcome my resentment and anger at the havoc JWs create in their own and others' lives. -
Heh. Ironic, isn't it?
When I was a JW, everybody seemed to like me. I was a sweet, obedient girl who always gave the right answers at meetings. Then, one day, it was just more than I could take. I realized that Witness life was literally making me crazy -- depression, self-hatred, suicidal thoughts, the whole bit -- and stopped going. I was also tired of living a lie: the JWs taught a lot of things I simply did not believe, and I couldn't take wearing that smiling mask and pretending that I did.
My "best friend" called me after I had been gone for awhile. We talked a bit, and I tried to tell her what I was going through and couldn't. Since it's easier for me to put things in writing than it is for me to say them, I sent her an e-mail telling her how miserable I was and that I didn't want to be a Witness anymore. Thinking back to the things I said, they were definitely the words of a person having a minor nervous breakdown.
I never heard from my "best friend" again. But at least I was strong enough to keep on going.
I know of someone else, a woman who was disfellowshipped. I know that this is true because her "best friend", still an active JW as far as I know, told me herself before I left. The disfelloweshipped woman called her "best friend" in tears and begged her for help. Her "best friend" only said, "I'm sorry. I can't help you," and hung up. The woman committed suicide shortly thereafter.
JW love. It's a sad, sick joke that's ruined -- and ended -- lives.
Ade, it takes an exceptional person to forgive the JWs and show compassion to those who have treated you badly.
I will agree that perhaps some individuals might be forgiven. But there are some things for which no forgiveness is possible. I can forgive the brothers and sisters for not speaking with me. They were towing the line.
But I cannot forgive them for ignoring my mother, who has always been active, when she's been battling cancer. I cannot forgive the child abusers. I cannot easily forgive the elders, etc. who have been essential in destroying so many families. And I will never forgive the WBTS. There is no way that the GB and the Org could make up for one hundred years of destructive mind-control.
I can let it not effect me. Meaning that it no longer eats at me. But I reserve my forgiveness for those who deserve it.
And for the record, it doesn't take that much of an exceptional person to forgive when they've been treated so badly. It takes a slave.