Special Assembly 2-Day 2,000 delegates and TWO baptisms!

by MinisterAmos 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee
    The trick is to figure a way get people educated and have them still believe the Watchtower has all the answers.

    Aye, there's the rub. At some point the brain trust at the WTS may have to devise a formula that will predict the balance of education/retention. If the bOrg needs $$, then they have to encourage the R & F to make more $$ so they can donate more. But they also have to calculate that if out of 1,000 JW's who go on to a higher education and learn critical thinking skills, might not a percentage also leave the bOrg as a result? One approach would be to encourage vocational education and the hard sciences, but discourage (or even prohibit) humanities, psych, philosophy. logic, religion and critical thinking courses. Of course, one would have to take some of these to qualify for the breadth to get certain degrees. What a dilemma! If only Armageddon would hurry up!

  • OnTheWayOut


    discourage (or even prohibit) humanities, psych, philosophy. logic, religion and critical thinking courses.

    They do discourage these. It would be easy to turn up the heat and discourage them more, even if they started encouraging education.
    I still don't think they are going to do it, my CO discouraged higher education recently.

    How many window washers can your town support?

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    MinisterAmos wrote:

    Only two baptisms today; two girls about 15-16 out of 2,000 attendees.

    I believe the stats show that there is a greater female to male ratio in the society. If so thats another two who wont find hubbies in da troof. One day there will be such a LARGE ARMY OF WOMEN, that they'll have to bend the male's only rule for the GB!

    CS 101

  • M.J.

    Didn't get to read the rest of this yet...but I'm here to report that our 1 day special circuit assembly had a bit under 1000 in attendance with somewhere around 5 baptisms...4 of which were teenaged girls. Seems like every assembly 90% of those baptized are teenaged girls around here.

  • Anitar

    M.J. I think you have a point there. I remember out of 800 students in my high school, only three were JWs, and they were all girls. I remember now because I had a class with one of them. I think if they had been boys they would have been ridiculed alot more by the other kids.

    From what I've seen in my mom's congregation, the males are mostly figureheads. The elders have "executive power" and like to remind everyone every chance they get, but it's the women who do most of the work and have the real power, if there is such a thing among JW's.

    So my question is, how much distinction is there really between men and women in the cong? Does this influence the baptisms too?

  • LongHairGal

    Even if it is true what this speaker said about promoting education/work/retirement, it is too late for the thousands of JWs who listened (sadly, to their detriment) to the anti-education, anti-career stance promoted for so many years.

    Some here on this board have felt that "tithing" is on the way. That should be interesting to see - especially for a religion that has no socially redeeming qualities and gives nothing to the community. They have no social programs to benefit anybody.

    Even though it is in the bible, I don't believe in tithing for ANY religion. You would just be contributing for legal defense.

    As far as I am concerned, religions in general have outlived their usefulness in the world.


  • SirNose586

    A CO that doesn't dismiss higher education? I'd like to meet this man! At mine, higher education, pensions, and retirement plans like 401(k)s were "NOT to be trusted." You can't have it both ways, Borgtower. You can't have dubs scraping by month after month, and still have all the money you desire.

    At mine there were 7 baptisms in nearly 1000 attendees. Less than 1% baptized means the numbers are not being replaced.

  • mcsemike

    More good points, Anitar. Somehow, I seriously doubt that the WT gives a damn about JW's in general. They sure didn't when it came to child abuse, quality of life, what car to buy (some JW's went into debt to buy a 4-door car because it was "service transportation"). We had a self-righteous couple in our congregation. I loved them because I knew they were insecure and felt worthless. The man was my best man at my wedding. I understood them, so I forgave them. We had many 2 door cars because my wife's sister was married to a worldly man who owned a foreign car repair shop. So we got free cars and my wife cleaned his shop. This couple constantly razzed us about the 2 doors. I finally said, "If you want us to have a large van or 4 door car, YOU buy it for us." After that, they shut up. Plus, I outranked them and said I'd have them before the elders if it didn't stop. I could take it, but my wife was falling apart over it. Now I own a large 4 door classic BMW735i that I'm restoring every last bolt. And it's NOT for service. I have it because I have a bad back and get headaches and I can drive it for 700 miles without stopping and step out and it feels like I've driven 50 miles. Yes, I'm selfish. Remember all the CO cars?? Four door, all of them. Not even a van, which would have been far more practical. In fact, why did the CO need a car? With all the brownies rushing to go out with him, couldn't he ride with someone? And couldn't someone drive him 10 miles to the next congregation each week? BS, if you ask me. Waste of money.

    I'm agnostic. I don't donate money to any church. I give to Silent Lambs because I'm active there and I post all the time. (I'm sure you can guess who I am.) I might donate things to the Red Cross so they can sell it at their thrift shop here in Florida. That's how I help.

    Young JW's in college, along with the Internet, is going to be the end of the WT and new people. You'd have to be an idiot to join this cult after taking four years of psychology, philosophy, and using the internet to research the WT.

    It's funny about you saying they never get anything important done. Their secular work is usually minimum wage, they make no social contributions, they invent nothing, they teach no college classes, they help no one. One of the other posts here showed that it took thousands of hours to make one baptism, and that often was a child raised in a JW family. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me. I don't approve of Hitler, but if you look at the amount of people who joined the Nazis within 15 years, it's really incredible. If the WT had the truth and it was so obvious, why the negative growth rate? This is why. RESEARCH, INTERNET, THINKING, TELLING ELDERS TO F*** OFF, USING YOUR BRAIN, HELPING TOTO TO PULL THE CURTAIN AWAY FROM THE WIZARD OF OZ FAKER, AND MANY OTHER THINGS. Easy, once you see it happen.

    If you want to demolish the WT, find the page here on Noah's ark and the flood. It shows beyond any doubt that the flood was a physical impossibility. Once that fable is dealt with, the Bible crumbles. Sorry to those who believe, but physics comes before Genesis.

    end of line.

  • SirNose586
    It's funny about you saying they never get anything important done. Their secular work is usually minimum wage, they make no social contributions, they invent nothing, they teach no college classes, they help no one.

    Good observation. I forget who mentioned it, but someone mentioned how sad it was that the better a dub you are, the less you've done in life. Dubs who don't get married, don't have a full-time job, don't get an education, don't question, don't think, don't complain, don't better their community in practical ways, are looked upon as better than the ones who do all these things.

  • Anitar

    Mike: Yes! I thought it was just me. Some people think Revelation is the most complicated and strange book in the bible, but actually I think Genesis is. To me, it seems like every sentence contradicts the last sentence. Maybe I'm not understanding it, but here goes.

    Ok, assuming you take it word for word, like my fanatical mother, God created the earth in six days. Then, he created Adam and Eve to be perfect in a perfect paradise. It sounds nice, but it's impossible. Simply put, human nature is by design against perfection. The JWs believe that humans were exactly the same when God created them as they are now. So lets put their theory to the test.

    When you're perfect, that means nothing in your life or in the world is going wrong. That means you have no problems at all. And when you have no problems, that means you have no need to improve yourself. You don't have to do anything at all. Now, a clever JW would say that Adam and Eve did plenty before they were banished from the garden of eden, such as farming, naming the animals, and learning from Jehovah's teachings. Well guess what dubs, a perfect person does none of those things!

    However, the words are still there. So, assuming God is not as stupid as the watchtower, lets say he was trying to send us a message. And what was that message? Well, lets go to Cain and Abel.

    Ok, the bible says that Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve after they left the garden. Again, if you take it word for word, Cain becomes jelous of Abel, he kills him in cold blood, and is caught red handed by God. At this point, it says nothing about any other children of Adam and Eve, they have more later. So, according to this, there were four people living on the planet at this time, minus Abel equals three. And it never mentions how old they were. Cain could have been 15 or 50.

    First of all, there are two possibilities, either Cain was an uncivilized brute who killed Abel on a whim, (which would be consistent with the lack of civilization at the time), or it was a premedated act. I think it was premedated, otherwise he could have just thrown a rock at his head in full view of his parents. When God confronts Cain of this sin, he lies and talks back to God. This suggests that Cain is a bit of a sociopath. Then he expresses fear of being killed by the "other people." Now that seems a little strange. The bible never mentioned other people, yet God gives out commandments that he will kill seven people for whoever kills Cain in revenge. So who are all these other people?

    Again there are two possibilities. Either Adam and Eve had more children before Abal died, or there were other tribes of humans, suggesting that they were not the first and only people on earth, thereby negating the previous scripture. Then there's the matter of God. Now I'm no theologan, but it seems to me that Cain gets a pretty easy punishment. Think about it. He beats his brother to death with a club, then in the blink of an eye, his wife pops out of nowhere, and they go off into the wilderness to start a new tribe together. Does that sound even remotely fair?

    And as for Cain, his actions are rather strange for a man of his background. In sociology, there is a term used called "feral children." This means a person who was raised by animals or was so isolated during their childhood that they have no idea how to behave and are usually mentally challenged. Cain, being one of only four people on earth, would certainly be isolated. Yet his jelousy, anger, cowardice and lying all indicate a civilized man who knows better. From a sociological point of view, he's just any other murderer in society today. Yet how can that be when there were no other people? My answer is that there are several books missing from the bible, and there is more to the story than we know.

    In conclusion, I think God's message to us was to start thinking for ourselves. Even if you try to take the bible literally word for word, your brain won't let you! I don't mean to toss the bible out the window. But I think it was written for people who use thier brains, not the idiot JW's who are a complete waste of oxygen. So you don't have to believe what I say.

    What do you all think?


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