Special Assembly 2-Day 2,000 delegates and TWO baptisms!

by MinisterAmos 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos

    Just got back from the special one day assembly and had to share this important info. Only two baptisms today; two girls about 15-16 out of 2,000 attendees.

    I stumbled more than two with my anti-witnessing. I posted UN expose material in the bathrooms along with pre and post Nov 1995 1914 Generation belief.

    Incidentally, attendance was down almost 25% over last year as well. No rain, no excuses they are just going away in droves.

    Ironically the CO closed by saying that spiritualism is important, but SO IS SECULAR EDUCATION AND A CAREER! I kid you not; the man sung the praises of financial independance and having money to retire. He used those specific words.

    WTF is going on here because this is the biggest flip-flop I have EVER heard! Could this be the announcement that was rumored to come out?

  • Honesty

    Ironically the CO closed by saying that spiritualism is important, but SO IS SECULAR EDUCATION AND A CAREER! I kid you not; the man sung the praises of financial independance and having money to retire. He used those specific words.

    WTF is going on here because this is the biggest flip-flop I have EVER heard! Could this be the announcement that was rumored to come out?

    The next generation may receive some New Light..... Tithing is a biblical arrangement after all.

  • BlackPearl
    The next generation may receive some New Light..... Tithing is a biblical arrangement after all.

    And in order for you to tithe greater and greater amounts, we need you to get better jobs that pay more money!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Ironically the CO closed by saying that spiritualism is important, but SO IS SECULAR EDUCATION AND A CAREER! I kid you not; the man sung the praises of financial independance and having money to retire. He used those specific words.

    WTF is going on here because this is the biggest flip-flop I have EVER heard! Could this be the announcement that was rumored to come out?

    Dear Minister Amos,

    I highly doubt it!!! Maybe the CO is on his way out of the Borg. Maybe he is using his opportunity to put different ideas in peoples minds.

    Don't forget, there are COs leaving too!! Thank you for the assembly report. Seems like that is the normal baptism count these days. I remember the last one day assembly we went to last Fall, and NOONE got baptised!! I had never seen that happen before. Yes, people are leaving in droves..thanks to places like this!!


    Lady Liberty

  • jwfacts

    Statistically 1% get disfellowshipped every year and at least another 1% leave, so 40 will leave over the next 12 months. They need a lot more than 2 baptisms to replace the leavers.

  • AnonyMouse


    The worst part of that for me was "two girls about 15-16" .

    Two less girls for me to chase after once I get out of this religion...

    ;) .

  • nsrn

    Don't forget to calculate the deaths of the old faithful...

  • What-A-Coincidence

    if it ain't in a publication ... it dunt mean nutin :-(

    thanks for the report!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Ironically the CO closed by saying that spiritualism is important, but SO IS SECULAR EDUCATION AND A CAREER! I kid you not; the man sung the praises of financial independance and having money to retire. He used those specific words.

    WTF is going on here because this is the biggest flip-flop I have EVER heard! Could this be the announcement that was rumored to come out?

    Either this guy is stepping out of line and using his head or the Watchtower has finally realized that if they want to grow as a cult they need to become more mainstream. You will only attract a small percentage of the population by crying the end is nigh and have them huddle around waiting for it. Educated people earn more so they have more money to donate. They also have more influence on society. The Watchtower will always be small potatoes unless they figure out a way to fit into society better. The trick is to figure a way get people educated and have them still believe the Watchtower has all the answers.

  • AuldSoul

    Thanks for the good news, Minister Amos!

    To clarify, was it a two-day or one-day assembly? In the subject line you said it was a Special Assembly 2-day, but the Special Assemblies are only one day.

    My wife missed today's session of her two-day Circuit Assembly program, and I would have hated her to miss it if the CO said that today. She's planning to go tomorrow. I don't think I could endure all the pitying looks, otherwise I might accompany her (for her sake).

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