Special Assembly 2-Day 2,000 delegates and TWO baptisms!

by MinisterAmos 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well, it's always nice to read some good news!

    Attendance down, and only 2 baptisms, and I wouldn't mind betting they were kids of jws, submitting to blackmail to get dipped.

    The co sounds like he's either still got a brain that works, or he's on his way out of the org.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Either this guy is stepping out of line and using his head or the Watchtower has finally realized that if they want to grow as a cult they need to become more mainstream. You will only attract a small percentage of the population by crying the end is nigh and have them huddle around waiting for it. Educated people earn more so they have more money to donate. They also have more influence on society. The Watchtower will always be small potatoes unless they figure out a way to fit into society better. The trick is to figure a way get people educated and have them still believe the Watchtower has all the answers.

    The Mormons are doing a better job of retaining their young people. They encourage higher education. The two Mormons who were calling on Clyde for awhile are planning to go to college after they finish their 2-years stint. One wants to be a dentist and the other (can't remember). They are going to start out at Brigham Young University and go on from there. That's the only part of their religion that I admire. That's the anwer--the Watchtower needs to start a University for it's young people. Comment from Clyde: "It could be known as the Watchtower University for the terminally bewildered." Bonnie
  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Either this guy is stepping out of line and using his head or the Watchtower has finally realized that if they want to grow as a cult they need to become more mainstream. You will only attract a small percentage of the population by crying the end is nigh and have them huddle around waiting for it. Educated people earn more so they have more money to donate. They also have more influence on society. The Watchtower will always be small potatoes unless they figure out a way to fit into society better. The trick is to figure a way get people educated and have them still believe the Watchtower has all the answers.

    The Mormons are doing a better job of retaining their young people. They encourage higher education. The two Mormons who were calling on Clyde for awhile are planning to go to college after they finish their 2-years stint. One wants to be a dentist and the other (can't remember). They are going to start out at Brigham Young University and go on from there. That's the only part of their religion that I admire. That's the anwer--the Watchtower needs to start a University for it's young people. Comment from Clyde: "It could be known as the Watchtower University for the terminally bewildered." Bonnie
  • garybuss

    A rather high level elder told me personally that information from Bethel is not to be trusted due to undesirable elements in power there and that speeches given at circuit as well as district level assembles are suspect because often the brothers giving the talks present inaccurate information and personal opinions.

    There's nothing in the organization that's not deniable from the Governing Body level, to the assembly speakers, to the service meeting closing prayer. It's all convenience and it's all deniable. There's absolutely no accountability anywhere in the organization.

    Any good Witness HAS to disbelieve current doctrine, otherwise they won't accept new light. One term for a defective Witness is a "steadfaster". Those held to doctrine as if it was important. In the end the doctrine was dispensable . . . and so were the people who embraced it.

    Teachings are a reflection of the current administration and the teachings tend to pass on with the departed administration. There's more of a time lag with religion than with politics but with the Witness religion, not much of a lag.

  • Mary
    Only two baptisms today; two girls about 15-16 out of 2,000 attendees.

    And I'll go out on a limb here and assume that these girls were raised in the Borg----they're not converts. What would be interesting is to find out how many hours were spent out in Service during the last 12 months by everyone in attendance.....the fact that not one person was converted during that time says that door to door witnessing doesn't work.

    I stumbled more than two with my anti-witnessing. I posted UN expose material in the bathrooms along with pre and post Nov 1995 1914 Generation belief.

    LOL! Good for you! I thought about doing the exact same thing as many Dubs have not a clue about any of this stuff that has transpired.

    Ironically the CO closed by saying that spiritualism is important, but SO IS SECULAR EDUCATION AND A CAREER! I kid you not; the man sung the praises of financial independance and having money to retire. He used those specific words.

    That'll probably be his last talk. The official line that just came out last year was that higher education was bad, bad, bad......as far as I know, they haven't changed their midaeval thinking on this, so like others have suggested: maybe this CO can see the handwriting on the wall and is on his way out.....

  • blondie

    I'm positive that the CO was taking a big chance and sharing his personal viewpoint. Is he planning to leave? Maybe. Could be that this was his last circuit anyway. In any event, if he stays, he will probably have to retract that in some subtle way, perhaps adding something indirect in his talks during the congregation visits.

    I am third generation JW and my grandfather always said if it wasn't in writing in the WT it wasn't officially from NY. Back in the olden days, visiting speakers from Brooklyn would make some strange comments and speculations that would get some in the congregation wondering.


  • Blueblades

    The co. is under the direction of the DO. I would like to hear what the do told the co after that talk.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    A couple of years ago our DO told us that we could trust anything that was said at the circuit assembly because they go strictly by the outline from the Society and that the script is looked at by "70 pairs of eyes" before it is released. I have to believe that half of those "eyes" were their lawyers.

  • AuldSoul

    "70 pairs of eyes"

    Or mabye 60 of the 70 were lawyers.

    But as garybuss accurately pointed out, what the DO told you is also deniable. In the case of any legal fallout from anything ANYONE (even a GB member) says, the ultimate recourse is censure of the "offending" party and denial. "HUMAN ERROR!"

    Their system is sick, sick, sick. Zero accountability, zero insight, near-zero visibility. What honor they bring to Jehovah! God must be so proud to have such as his servants.


  • MinisterAmos
    To clarify, was it a two-day or one-day assembly? In the subject line you said it was a Special Assembly 2-day, but the Special Assemblies are only one day.

    Special one-day Assembly that happened today.

    Grammar suffers after five hours driving in an RV.

    I usually leave the wife and go to the beach with the kids, or just park and we play in the RV, but it was cold yesterday so we went in with wifey after lunch.

    One of the funny things I saw was that they had built sign frames out of PVC and blocked off ten or so spots in front of the entrance with "No Parking" signs. The kids and I moved them to random locations in the lot in front of brother's cars and moved the RV to park parallel in the choice spot.

    One really interesting thing is that since we were in our beach clothes in the AM, the brother attendants quickly averted their eyes and basically ignored us. I tested the theory several times by doing things outside, but in front of attendants, that would have ordinarilly earned a sharp rebuke (playing catch directly in front of the main entrance with no shirt on, running up and down the steps in front of the entrance etc.;) they didn't even acknowledge our existance!

    After we changed however it was grins and smiles from the brothers on attendant duty. I'm almost 100% certain that they didn't even recognize us past the clothes.

    As soon as we changed and

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