I came into it when I was 10...and I remember knowing my great g-ma would still be alive when the end came....so I figured I had about 15 years at the most......then I got pregnant when I was 24 and I was so scared Armegedon would come when I was pregnent..."Woe to the pregnant woman"....and now that daughter is 8 and told me the end would come before she is 30. It sounds so familiar to hear her say that...How sad! It really makes me mad to think her dad will not be saving for retirement or for her to go to college. I am so glad to have married my husband now that lives in the real world, and is thinking about our future, including my daughters...so she can have a prosperous life.
How old did you expect to be when the New System would come?
by JH 39 Replies latest jw friends
Dear gods... *hugs* rightbackatcha, Jojo!!!!!
Unbelievable. Who in the hell could think that would be okay to tell a child!!!!?????? -
I never had a specific age in mind, maybe it's because deep down I thought it would never come!
"any day now" "so very soon"...
So, really, all my life I thought the world would turn upside down at any moment.
I worked out I would be 21 and oh so mature !
That was 1975 .
I'm 53 now and have 3 children and oh so much I could say.
I regard myself as "damaged goods" and that is not meant to mean I feel sorry for myself but I've been damaged .
I was in my teens before I was dragged into the JWs, so I was a bit lucky in that I was not raised in it from birth. I never quite believed the whole Armageddon/New World bit, so was not disappointed (or elated) that the new system didn't arrive in 1975 (or at any other time). I expected then and now that I would grow old and die, and so far my expectation is working out nicely.
youcanhaveago: "I regard myself as 'damaged goods'"
(((youcanhaveago))) Almost all of us here have been damaged to some extent by the WTS/JWs. With time, much of the damage heals. -
troubled mind
Okay I am 45 now and have been told from day one the end is right around the corner , no one knows for sure , but could be tommorrow . I was four in the early sixties my dad just came back from Veitnam and I had people telling me I would never have to worry about going to school the end would come before that . In the early seventies it was you'll never have to go to high school the end will be here before that time comes . Every trip we took to see my Jw relatives they would cry saying their good byes and say " this may be the last time we see each other before the end comes ." I was told at a very young age ( 6 or 7) that when the Great Tribulation starts my Dad and worldly relatives will no doubt take me away from my JW mother and try to turn me against Jehovah ! Wow that does some crazy stuff to a kids mind let me tell you . My worldly grandparents lived right across the street and were great to me growing up , but in the back of my mind I had to be suspicious of them. By fifteen I had my doubts about the end coming , but I preached it well door to door . I felt like I had a split in my personality as a teenager . It was of course just a normal mind having trouble dealing and accepting lies over logic. At fifteen I for sure thought I was going to die because I slept with my boyfriend and now for sure Jehovah was going to kill me . I prayed the end would wait . At twenty once again a faithful JW, I was afraid the end would come while my kids were babies or while I was pregnant . Anxiety ruled my life then . Then as my children began to grow and I saw history repeating itself (their grandparent telling them the end would come before they went to high school ) I just then start smelling the stink on the pile we were being fed . Even now though there are times I will think maybe the end will be soon and I'm on the outside of Jehovah's org. ......Then I take a deep breath and make peace with those thoughts because even if it were true it's so much better on the outside .
A few years ago I thought, "I don't think this world is going to be here when I am 30" so I didn't have to feel bad about pursuing the limited line of education that I did. Now that I know the WTS is wrong, I focus far more into the future, like a normal person.
9, maybe 10. I am 40. So much for that! Glad it didn't come-I wouldn't have had my 3 kids. I kinda like them!
I am 47 now. I was told I would not make it to kindergarden, then high school. My mom always told me I was fortunate because I wouold not grow old in this system. Today, I am about to become a grandomther and my mom is 83. You do the math...