What will Pres. G. Bush do now?

by hambeak 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1
    So Kim thinks he is going to be able to bully the world into allowing him to occupy south Korea because nobody will have the guts to risk the horror of the use of nuclear weapons. That is his endgame, the reunification of the Korean peninsula under his terms.

    Finish a war that was started and ended years earlier. Boy does that sound familiar.

  • 144001

    Well, accept it or not [a mere 6 years too late], this man was elected twice to be the President. And just how is his being president related to a nut job in two separate countries who want to build nuclear bombs, and use them?

    Please scenario for me how it would have been different and less grave, with someone else, say Mr Gore, sitting in the oval office. I am constantly amazed that the madness of the world is laid at the feet of those struggling to address said madness. Did all this badness come to germination due to Bush? In your opinion, he is the bad guy. So what would you have the world do? Wait for the next president [2 years hence] while we sit around and bitch that the current one is 'bad'? Counterproductive could not be used better in a sentence than that.

    He wasn't elected to his first term, he was appointed by the conservative supreme court.

    Gore is not a butcher like Bush, so yes, it would have been dramatically different had the popular vote actually counted. I doubt Gore would have invaded Iraq without any justification whatsoever, as Bush did.

    I hate to even imagine what Bush will do during the remaining years of his bloody presidency. I'm sure whatever he does will result in more death and misery for many people all over the world.

  • jayhawk1
    I hate to even imagine what Bush will do during the remaining years of his bloody presidency. I'm sure whatever he does will result in more death and misery for many people all over the world.

    Me too, I just hope there is enough people willing to vote for a congress to keep this man in check.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Gore is not a butcher like Bush, so yes, it would have been dramatically different had the popular vote actually counted. I doubt Gore would have invaded Iraq without any justification whatsoever, as Bush did.

    Sorry I brought it up. Bush invaded Iraq to move the war on terror to another theater, lest it be fought on western soil.

    Done with this thread.


  • 144001
    Sorry I brought it up. Bush invaded Iraq to move the war on terror to another theater, lest it be fought on western soil.

    I'm sure Bush would like everyone to believe this BS, too bad it's absolutely false. Evidence shows that Iraq was not a country that supported terrorism, and despite the efforts of shotgun toting Dick Cheney to fabricate a connection between Al Quaeda and Iraq, no evidence has ever been found indicating that Iraq was involved in terrorism.

    Evidence does show that the Iraq war is helping Al Quaeda recruit many more individuals to its cause, which increases the likelihood that we will be fighting terrorism on our own soil.

  • hillary_step


    Sorry I brought it up. Bush invaded Iraq to move the war on terror to another theater, lest it be fought on western soil. Done with this thread.

    lol...This brings to mind an image I saw on a movie once, when a drunken lout was forcibly ejected from a Bar in which he was making trouble, and picking himself up and dusting himself off, he shouted through the open window, 'I was leaving anyway'.

    This may have been the result of the ill-advised invasion of Iraq, but by accident.


  • jayhawk1

    Oh, I see... that's how we fight terrorism. We go fight a country that had nothing to do with what happened in New York, so the baddies can go have a place to blow up things. Wow, what a bad arguement. If the baddies need an excuse to blow something up, they can do it wherever they want. Starting a war in Iraq is not going to cause the baddies from around the world to congregate like flies to honey. Last time I checked the bombings in Madrid and London, happened outside of Iraq. That is unless you are prepared to argue Madrid and London are now in Iraq. I am not an expert on this, but my guess would be that the Iraq war has not, nor will it end, terrorism.

  • sammielee24

    The elder Bush (according to reports) lied to the Saudi's outright so that he could justify an attack on Iraq in 1990. He told the Saudi's that the US had satellite imagery that showed Iraqi troops piling up along the Saudi border and of course as was later found out, this was a lie as the satellite imagery for that time, shows no such movement. What it did though was scare the Saudi's enough so that they agreed that Bush could send in his troops - he told them it would be 100,000 but he had already planned to send 250,000. When he attended meetings with heads of state, including the King of Jordan, it was advised that he negotiate a withdrawl instead of using force - Bush's response was that 'no little dictator was going to hold on to 25% of all oil from the civilized world'. It was obvious that the real reason for attacking was indeed oil, despite having told the American people that they were attacking because of democracy, liberation, jobs, terrorism etc. By the time the attack was over, it cost about 61 billion $$; a couple of hundred American lives and about 500,000 Iraqi dead and wounded. Now Junior has taken on the same game - except it is costing trillions and there are thousands of dead Americans and thousands more Iraqi's as well. sammieswife.

  • jaguarbass

    Well I agree he's a clown. I think a war with korea would have been more appropriate than a war with Iraq, Hes kind of bankrupted America on his boondoggle in Iraq.

  • Spectre

    If Gore had been President, I don't quite think that he would have labelled Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the "Axis of Evil" and then proceeded to invade one of them. With Mr.Cowboy Diplomacy out there, I think I would arm myself if I was one of the other two countries.

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