The elder Bush (according to reports) lied to the Saudi's outright so that he could justify an attack on Iraq in 1990. He told the Saudi's that the US had satellite imagery that showed Iraqi troops piling up along the Saudi border and of course as was later found out, this was a lie as the satellite imagery for that time, shows no such movement. What it did though was scare the Saudi's enough so that they agreed that Bush could send in his troops - he told them it would be 100,000 but he had already planned to send 250,000. When he attended meetings with heads of state, including the King of Jordan, it was advised that he negotiate a withdrawl instead of using force - Bush's response was that 'no little dictator was going to hold on to 25% of all oil from the civilized world'. It was obvious that the real reason for attacking was indeed oil, despite having told the American people that they were attacking because of democracy, liberation, jobs, terrorism etc. By the time the attack was over, it cost about 61 billion $$; a couple of hundred American lives and about 500,000 Iraqi dead and wounded. Now Junior has taken on the same game - except it is costing trillions and there are thousands of dead Americans and thousands more Iraqi's as well. sammieswife.