Kinda like the Conservatives supported Clinton, right?
Actually No, exdub.
I cannot speak of the conservative camp at large, only myself. If it were instead Clinton who was dealing with these matters, I would feel a need to support his efforts - not in aggreement always, but in solidarity. This was my entire point. Conservative/Liberal agendas' - hidden or open - just add confusion to a touchy situation.
I know few believe me, but I think that if my vote is made on the other side, and my position is not electable, I must, as a citizen of this country support the efforts of the one who holds power. One, it will not change until election changes it. And two, it becomes a weak spot in national policy and getting something done. That is just my view. There are plenty of elected officials who can proffer opposition, and that I think is absolutely healthy.
Most likely, as I suspect the Dems will hold the office next round, they will make decisions I don't agree with. Although that may be true, and I may express such, I will hold short of name-calling of either the rabid supporters, or the president himself. That is just me. Calling GW names is what I object to.
Hillary - yes, I admit that I never liked the idea of invasion of Iraq to begin with. I certainly do not support the cover-ups and spins that try to justify it now. I do not now, nor will I ever, I hope, waffle to and fro to the current spin. I just think that some interpret the Iran/NK situation in a wrong light - that GW is just looking for a new fight. I don't. He might be. I just don't see that currently. I would hope that any administration faced with nuclear proliferation by a country like Iran, would not take such as 'none of our business'.
We have entered a new world - I don't have the answers - I just think name calling or comical remarks about my education in the matter are uncalled for. We all have the same info before us - yet there are as many views as there are observers. It is not cut/dried. I respect you - and your opinion. Ditto in return. What's wrong with that?