Getting DF'ed next Thursday -- hold me!!

by JimWood 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul


    I would hold you, but I feel it is now finally time to let you fly!

  • Honesty

    Congratulations !!!

    I’m now waiting for the PO to call, my mother-in-law outted that we recorded the meeting (hid my MP3 on my person). That is going to be fun.

    Before I DA'd the elders called me into a meeting with 2 of them to 'discern' if I was a 'spiritual danger' to my family and the congregation. At the advice of my attorney, I placed a mini-cassette recorder in front of me after the prayer and invited the 2 brothers to proceed. They told me I couldn't record the meeting. I asked them if they were taking notes. they said, "Yes." I said, "So am I and this is my notepad." They decided to end the meeting and that was the last I heard from them until I called one of them up and told him, "I QUIT. You guys are being lied to by the APOSTATES on the GB."

  • AuldSoul

    Funny how the monkey running the show kept quoting those who left Jesus, eh?

    John 6:60Therefore many of his disciples, when they heard this, said: "This speech is shocking; who can listen to it?"

    The WTS has NEVER claimed there was some underlying spiritual symbolism in that membership, such as with Jesus comments in John 6 that were so horrible to his followers.

    On the other hand, had Jesus become king, like the people wanted, his followers would have been happy with him and God would have been displeased.

  • bluesapphire

    Wow! Amazing that the drones just sit there and repeat themselves. And it doesn't even phase them that the "shocking speech" is true information. You're being disfellowshipped for "causing divisions" by spreading facts. You described these dudes well as "monkeys".

    I have many fantasies about what I would do if I ever get called to a meeting. So far they've only asked me at the door if I still believe it and I said, "I haven't given it much thought."

    The guy at the door that was talking was really nervous though. The more I think about it, I think he might even come to this board. Just a feeling I've been having lately. The one elder who stood in the background was grim and thought himself as an authority. But the one who did the talking, nah. He could have persued it further but he dropped it after just saying I'm accountable to god.

    I think I would actually bring my lawyer with me. Of course they wouldn't hold the meeting with the lawyer present. Wonder what would happen. Anyone ever do this?

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Jim,

    (((HUGS))) to you and your wife!! Unbelievable!! They didn't like you holding their feet to the fire to answer your questions about their UN involvement! They cannot address it without incriminating themselves!! To be honest with you we refused the Elders visit they recently requested because we were so disgusted it took 8 months to get back to us, and knew they were not coming back to answer our questions regarding 607. So.. I suppose a announcement will be made soon regarding my husband, the "Black Pearl" and I anytime as well. So..hang in there, you are not alone! They are getting rid of anyone that they see as a threat, who knows what they are hiding!!


    Lady Liberty

  • I quit!
    I quit!


    JimWood.....Jeff......Lady Liberty and your families.

    Being kicked out of the Watchtower is like being kicked out of hell.

    Enjoy your new found freedom.

  • LennyinBluemont

    Right on, Jimbo! Good for you for recording it. BTW, if anyone wants to record a meeting, first check with your state law to be sure it is legal to record the conversation without the knowledge or consent of the others. Here in Virginia it is perfectly legal to do it, as long as you are a party to the conversation. Then get yourself a good mini digital recorder. I got a really nice Sony that'll record up to 7 hours with decent quality. I've also gotten a "pen" microphone. If you're a guy, you could use a suit or sport coat, put the "pen" in your outer chest pocket, make a small hole inside the pocket to route the wire through and plug it into your recorder in your inside pocket. (The recorder is really small.) I recorded the four hour meeting with the 2 elders in my home in April of 05 and it came through fine. If you don't, you will wish you did!

    They used the same routine on you they used on me, asking me over and over again, "Well, do you want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" Like you, I refused to answer them, knowing it really put them on the horns of a dilemma. If they refuse to answer your questions, why should you have to answer theirs? Because they're the elders! What bullshit. If they're gonna make an announcement, I would also be present for that and as soon as the PO gets up to make the "Brother Smith has an annoucement to make" announcement at the beginning of the Cervix Meeting, I would yank out a video camera from my bag, which was already switched on, and hit the record button and zoom in on him. (You might want to provide him a written notice in advance that any public announcement made which is necessarily construed by your friends and family as a clear indication that you are an immoral person who should not be spoken to, may be considered a basis for civil action against the person making the announcement.)


  • Amazing

    Hi Jim Wood,

    Your experience demonstrates that the JWs have been boxed in from thining like human beings. They are mere parrots of a publishing corporation. It is sad, yet refreshing to see just exactly how the wolves in sheeps clothing are getting easier to spot as they so quickly shed the sheep's covering these days. I am looking forward to listening to your recording. Thanks for sharing. And I support what others have said, Welcome to Freedom ... Galatians 5:1.

    Jim Whitney

  • rebel8
    17 Now I exhort YOU , brothers, to keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that YOU have learned, and avoid them. 18 For men of that sort are slaves, not of our Lord Christ, but of their own bellies; and by smooth talk and complimentary speech they seduce the hearts of guileless ones.


    I don't see how you did that. What contrary teaching did you disseminate? Whose heart did you seduce?

    Did you actually say one of the wt teachings was wrong? I thought you just asked questions after finding proof they joined the UN.

    I say appeal on the grounds of false accusations. Ask them to state what contrary teaching you talked about and to name the person who was stumbled.

    Are you going to tape the announcement at the kh? Can't wait to hear the jc recording!

    (Yes it is legal in NY to tape a conversation in which you participate, in case anyone's wondering.)

  • Dansk

    Well done, Jim!

    The monkey running the show

    But please don't insult monkeys. They're more intelligent than that!


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