Heard at last Sunday talk...

by Justice-One 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    Hearing about some idiot saying the "1975 thing" never happened reminds me of something that happened to me many years ago. I enrolled in college and took a U.S. History course. I had always been a good student and especially liked history. I was shocked to learn in this class that the U.S. "lost" the War of 1812. I'd always been taught that the U.S. had never lost a war. I did not recall any teacher, in any grade, saying the U.S. had lost 1812 to the British. But there it was in the history books. In 1814, the Brits destroyed and sacked Washington, D.C. burned down the White House to the ground, and the Americans sued for peace.

    But the story's been told differently ever since, and I suspect many, many Americans do not know this.

  • outoftheorg

    Yeah I was there in 1975 and every jw I knew, was convinced that 1975 was the beginning of the end of this "system of things" I hate that phrase!

    In the kd hall I went to one of the elders started berating those who where upset by calling them 75 ers.

    That they only stayed in for them to see armagedon!

    Well what the hell was he (there for). The idiot. About a year or two later he was df,d for talking to others about his doubts about the society.

    But the last I heard the idiot is still there, (a waiting on Jehovah.)


  • Justice-One
    But there it was in the history books.

    Would these be the same books that tell us that our government is a democracy? (And not a Representative Republic?)

    True they burned the White House, but they hardly "won the war."

    "In one of the most important battles of the war, American naval forces, under the command of Commodore MacDonough, defeat a British fleet on Lake Champlain. The American naval victory forces the British to withdraw, and thus ends the British invasion." http://www.historycentral.com/1812/champlain.html

  • lighthouse19something

    Guess they've learned not to put it into print, it is easier to deny a talk than a publication.

    Wonder how many jws mortaged their homes for some spending money in early 70s?

  • willyloman

    Who "won" the war of 1812 has long been the subject of debate. My point was that the U.S. claimed to have won the war and this was taught to generations of school childen, almost none of whom were informed that the U.S. Capitol had been razed by British troops. After a few decades, the "spin" becomes the truth and similarly that's what the WTS has done with the "75 thing." Here's an excerpt from a history book:

    In June 1812, convinced of the inevitability of war against Britain, Madison sent a message to Congress enumerating British violations of U.S. neutrality rights, including the presence of British ships in American waters and the impressment of American sailors... Congress ... passed a declaration of war...
    The American forces, however, were outmatched by British forces, in part because the Republicans had drastically cut military expenditures and programs, leaving the U.S. forces seriously underfunded and under-trained. Nonetheless, the war ended in stalemate, mainly because the British were also occupied with events in Europe. The signing of the Treaty of Ghent in December 1814 ended the war and restored the status quo. Two weeks after the signing of Treaty of Ghent, but before news of the treaty had reached America, American troops won a decisive victory in the Battle of New Orleans. General Andrew Jackson’s troops defended the city, killing more than 2,000 British troops while losing only thirteen men. The timing of the Battle of New Orleans inspired the popular misconception that the U.S. had won the war and had forced the British to surrender and sign the treaty.
  • observador

    I'm glad there are still 'brothers' like him, giving this type of bullshi talk. It was because of one of those talk that I went to research and am here. Thanks a lot, brother Whiteliar. Observador.

  • Frank75
    I just looked it up. True the Society never actually came out and SAID 1975 was going to be the end.

    This is a typical defense and is very supportable. The literature was quite crafty in what was actually said. When you bring this up to a dub who goes on the defense, give them the leeway. Then hit them with the generation. That was not so cleverly put together. The literature is replete with references to the end coming before the generation. Trouble is, the latest generation of dubs isn't aware as much about that one either.

    The 75 fiasco got it's energy from the CO's and DO's who went off the record numerous times during their congregation visits and assemblies.

    Like this one

  • itsallgoodnow

    with all of the recent buzz going on since the circuit assembly where the DO went pretty far with his end of the world about to come BS, which I would doubt will land in an actual watchtower any time soon, these subjects are being talked about in my family. For the first time I can remember, the 1975 subject has come up. I always need to act like I know far less than I really do, or else they will suspect I'm getting information from an "illegal" source. But I asked my family about it and they said 1975 and 1925 the governing body proclaimed the end of the world would come. This really surprised me. That they knew this and keep believing. I figured they would be among the bunch of idiots that would deny deny deny like the man talked about in the first post. It's actually disappointing, in some ways. I'll never get them out. They are convinced it was human mistakes, egos, bad intentions, etc. Nothing will stop them from living out the rest of their judgemental lives in denial, huh?


    WBT$ promoted 1975..I have quoted the WBT$ articles so many times,I don`t even want to do it right now..It`s boreing...OUTLAW

  • jgnat

    On the rare occassions the elders invite my hubby in to their little club, they mock those who felt betrayed by the 1975 prediction. How do I know? My hubby comes home crowing about how stupid those people were to take the words from the platform so seriously.

    I ask, "Then why take any words from the platform seriously now?"

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