Where have all the elders gone?

by becca1 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    To Burntheships:Why did they wire the money? Don't they (WTS) trust checks from their 'brothers'? It only takes a few days at most from anywhere in the US and not a lot longer from other parts of the world to receive a letter.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Hey Becca,

    I'm still here. Haven't been posting much but still reading.

  • jwfacts

    Welcome TheKings

    No they didn't put up a fight, there have been a number of elders signing on that no longer believe the WTS promotes Truth, but are still hanging around for family etc.

  • willyloman

    They'll be all right. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

  • uninformed
    I am technically an elder until later this week. Well, I resigned weeks ago, but my BOE was afraid to do anything without Mother's directions. They finally got permission to "delete" me.

    OnTheWayOut------------------Congratulations. It is a tough thing at first to walk away. I admire your strength of character for doing so.

    I resigned 5 years before I left. It was my first step out.


  • TheKings

    i see...

    there's a great danger in trying to attract truth-seekers. like dormant volcanoes they will errupt with enough friction.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks, uninformed

    As an elder for another day or so, I guess I can now say how liberated I felt when I turned in my resignation. I realized that, although I was mild, the title made you judgemental. I went to a circuit assembly recently (after resignation was turned in) and hated the talks, but felt so good when listening to others judging, and I put them in their place. I said to one elder, "No, her pantsuit is not inappropriate. First of all, she's not baptized, she could wear jeans if she wanted. Secondly, does it really matter?" Plenty more examples like that, but they are really no big deal.

  • BurnTheShips

    I do not know. But wiring the money through WEFTS (Watchtower Electronic Transfer System) is standard procedure, it is done over the phone with a very annoying zombie-bethelite sounding voice at the other end with a phone menu. I hear they will be going to computer based soon. I think they already have for literature orders.

  • JWFreak

    Hi Becca

    Still hear and lurking

    I am just having a huge crisis of conscience at the moment......


  • willyloman
    I am just having a huge crisis of conscience at the moment......

    JWFreak: Good luck with that!

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