Where have all the elders gone?

by becca1 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    BurnTheShips, congrats

    I turned in my "privs" on Sunday.

    Can you explain that?

  • valkyrie
    I turned in my "privs" on Sunday.

    "privs" = "privileges of service" -- resigning as an elder/MS/pio./etc.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thank you Valkyrie.

    Now where else could an MS or elder go and be congratulated on resigning?

  • valkyrie

    I can't help but think of the song refrain, "Where have all the cowboys gone?" when I see this thread's title!

    I used to know an elder named "Brayboy" [or was it "Braboy," but pronounced 'BRAY-'?] and so often imagined him wearing chaps, spurs and a ten-gallon hat. How irreverent of me!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Congrats burntheships, you will have a lot more time for yourself from now on.

  • buffalosrfree

    Burntheships, hi, you are/were an accounts servant right? Well are the congregations still paying for the magazines that they use, or has some other way of handling it come into being. What do you know about the congregatins or circuits having to pay x amount per head for the special assemblies (i.e. special = more b.s. the same ole same ole just more of it on a certain day). Would really like to know.

    Onthewayout glad to see that you are stepping down from the into workings of the congregation, I just wish more of the elders would show some guts and also step down. Good for you

  • BurnTheShips

    The congregations don't pay for their mag usage explicitly. The money collected in the box titled "Worldwide Work" gets wired to the Society every month. That money is supposed to be used for literature etc, so conceivably if a cong. did not contribute anything, that month would be "free". Although I am sure we would hear from the CO very soon. Of course, this has never happened in my experience. BurnTheShips

  • Warlock

    They were all spies and they've gone to turn you all in.


  • Dismembered

    Greetings becca1

    That situation was an incredibly rare occasion. The like of which I've not seen since signing up here. I hope they sign on again too.


  • TheKings

    i wish i had been here to see them... did they put up much of a fight for 'the faith'?

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