How do you combat laziness?

by AlmostAtheist 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    I'm lazy.

    There, I said it. I didn't say "unmotivated" or "lacking direction" or any of the other euphemisms I typically apply to it. I said what I meant, and I do mean it.

    But I can't imagine it HAS to be this way. Surely there's something I can do to combat it. Have you ever been lazy, and managed to overcome it? Or at least deal with it, and still accomplish things?

    Understand, I don't mean "temporarily unmotivated", like everybody gets from time to time. I mean on a day-to-day basis, I find I'd rather sit idle than DO anything. I always related so well to that line in the Bible about the lazy one that puts his hand to the food bowl, but can't muster the energy to draw it back out again. That's totally me.

    I find that when I imagine starting something, even something as simple as addressing an envelope, it becomes this huge hill in front of me that gets steeper with every step. It isn't like the closer I get to completing the task, the easier it becomes. To the contrary, the more time/effort I invest in a project, the HARDER it becomes to keep working on it. I do ok in the middle -- already started, not nearly done. It's the "getting started" and "finishing" phases that are uphill battles for me.

    Any thoughts here folks? "Get off yer a$$" seems like an obvious one, but I'm looking more for the "I felt that way, then I did [something] and it got better".

    So get off yer a$$ and tell me how to get off mine!!!



  • Soledad

    well I was just about to write a well thought out post but halfway through it became too much of a struggle.......

  • Virgochik

    My husband is the same way, Dave! When he gets busy, he works his a*s off, but try and get him off the couch! He finally admitted he has a procrastination problem. When it's something he doesn't really wanna do, that's when it turns into a big deal and he puts it off. Yes, I think laziness enters in, or the couch is just so warm and comfy...but don't you think, if it was something you wanted to do, you'd get motivated?

    I asked hubby, "If there was a gold bar on the floor, would you procrastinate picking it up?" No, because he really wants to do it, and would find the time right away. Me, I think it's easier to just get things done, than fart around and find excuses.

    It's hard living with these opposite views. He thinks I nag him, and I think he's a bit lazy. We drive each other nuts.

  • juni

    Hi almostatheist!

    I hope my post goes through as my Internet keeps going off line.

    Are you sure you're not depressed? Lack of motivation is one of the many signs.

    Are there things going on in your life that have brought you down? That also takes it out of a person from wanting to get going. Everything seems futile.

    You can PM if you'd like.


    PS I noticed from your previous posts that you've been trying to quit smoking. That also could play a part. You're trying your damnest to quit a drug more addictive than heroin.

  • lonelysheep

    It's hard!! I have to make myself want to truly see the results of whatever it is I have to do. Then make myself become frustrated and finally do it.

  • AlmostAtheist
    ...but don't you think, if it was something you wanted to do, you'd get motivated?

    I asked hubby, "If there was a gold bar on the floor, would you procrastinate picking it up?"

    See, there's the real trouble. No, even if it's something I WANT to do, I find it enormously challenging to do it.

    In your gold bar example, for instance, I can see reasoning, "Hey, it ain't going anywhere. I'll grab it next time I'm up." Then some other oaf lopes along and grabs it and the opportunity is lost. Time is like that. It's slipping away and I sit here watching it pass and thinking, "I'd like to get me some of that."

    Well there it is, idiot, GRAB IT! But it slips on by anyway...


  • Beardo

    Don't view it as a problem - view it as an artform and develop it. Afterall, the world is in a mad rush to go nowhere.

  • Warlock

    I think you are just BORED. You haven't found your 'passion' yet. When you do, no one will be able to get you to rest.


  • Gregor

    I have to agree with the poster above who feels that it has a lot to do with boredom. Due to our recent move and getting a new home built I find that I am so busy all day with "putting out fires" and physical tasks that I don't even sit down to watch TV or read a newspaper (both formerly a daily ritual). In the evening, food never tasted so good, I never enjoyed a glass of wine or cocktail more, nor slept better.

  • jgnat

    First of all, you are not lazy. I have lazy employees, and you are not it.

    I am an extremely motivated and productive employee, but I hate spending more effort on an activity than necessary. You might call it lazy, but I call it is a side-effect of my desire for efficiency.

    Two thoughts come to mind as to what your problem might be. You may be depressed. Or you might have trouble with high-anxiety activities. I'm the opposite. I am best at resolving simple conflicts and highly risky conflicts. I tend to avoid resolving medium-risk conflicts, much to the frustration of my employees.

    Try out this quiz to get some insight in to your work style.

    The answer might be as simple as finding the job that matches your strengths. I suspect you would be an excellent team member for long-ish projects. You'd stick to the task at it's sloggiest, and keep the team motivated to the end.

    You might get inspiration from writers. Writers struggle with self-motivation all the time. They've made "overcoming writer's block" an entire sub-industry. The simple answer is that they develop schedules and rituals (I will write five pages a day, even if it's junk) to keep themselves moving until the muse hits.

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