Then the body (spirit or physical) is merely a vehicle that only becomes a person when united with a consciousness (which sounds incredibly like the orthodox Christian concept of a soul ). Therefore, did the demons become a creature of flesh when they entered the swine? Oh dear, that one's already been covered. We are getting in a mess...
Revelation 1.17 Jesus divinity? Or just "the first" raised from the dead"?
by Hellrider 239 Replies latest watchtower bible
Right, lt, according to mondo1, spirit is a vehicle for mind or consciousness. * Mind/consciousness left jesus' prehuman spirit body and entered the zygot of what was to be the earthly jesus. Perhaps god placed jesus' dead spirit body in a freezer for safekeeping for the next 33.3 yrs.
If the mind/consciuosness of jesus had no substance, i wonder what was the vehicle for transportation from his spirit body to his physical body. Even more, i wonder what became of his mind/consciousness during the 3 days when he was supposed to be dead. I mean, there was no body/vehicle to house his mind/consciousness during that time. Jesus claimed to be the first and the last. But, maybe he had two blanks in there; one, the microsecond during his transfer from spirit body to physical, and another for his three dead days.
*Well maybe, not even. To him, mind/consciousness has no substance. It may have no separate existence without a body of some kind. As such, it may be the sum total of the mechanobiological or the spiritual machine body which supports it.
Well the word soul is sometimes used to refer to the mind, so in a sense, it is the soul, but it is not some immaterial thing that departs from the body to live on.
We are not told what happened to it. We are told he became something different, which was flesh. We don't need to know how it happened, we only need to know that it did happen, and John 1:14 tells us that it did, but not how it did.
Deputy Dog
No substance came down.
Did Jesus lie? Show me a verse that says:"No substance came down" I do have a verse that says something came down!
If someone asks the Bible "What came down from heaven?" How much clearer can the Bible say it?
John 6:51I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and, for a fact,the bread that I shall give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world."
Jesus is not afraid of answering my question? Jesus said: living bread came down from heaven!
Should we believe you over Jesus? He then goes on to say: the bread that I shall give is my flesh
How do you so easily dismiss the words of our Lord?
Well the word soul is sometimes used to refer to the mind, so in a sense, it is the soul, but it is not some immaterial thing that departs from the body to live on.
But the mind is something immaterial that departs the body and lives on, in this case in a spirit body that (as Satanus raises) was in suspended animation for 33 years???
He's probably not that far off from the reality of it, but methinks he didn't learn that from the WTSBut it certainly sounds like he's got difficulty reconciling the difference between the incarnation and possession of a zygote. If a demon does it it's possession, but if Jesus does it it's something else.
Once again the topic has circled back around. Imagine that!
For me to accept nothing came down, you'll have to indulge us as to what happened to the Spirit in heaven that lost its identity?
Okay lets say nothing came down. What rose up on the third day?
If nothing came down, then how did Mary conceive?
It has a couple of holes in it. But, i give him credit for doing some of his own thinking on the subject.
John 1:14 tells us that the Word assumed flesh.The Word and flesh were joined. The Word did not cease to exist, remain in heaven, became separate or what have you, whether we understand the process or not. The Word didn't change. The Word remained the same. The Word took on flesh; flesh, that's what was different.