I sent him a letter, here is his reply!

by Matt_fs 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat
    It is the same with Satan and apostates, all they offer is doubt.

    If I were you, I'd take up the challenge to prove him wrong on this point. Take on new hobbies, charities, and interests. Make sure you tell your friend all about it when you visit. When you go out for coffee, you buy. In every way, prove that your are more charitable, more happy, and more Christian since you left.

    As for the long letter, how about a short answer, "I am sorry that you are not taking my research seriously. Oh well, I'll put it aside until you are ready for the truth."

  • greendawn

    He doesn't address the issue as to why the dubs don't take heed of the many erroneous things their org believes in and does, and prefers rather to evade the issue with the silly pretext that jehovah will correct things in his due time. When is the due time and why don't they just correct the obvious errors when pointed out to them from so many directions? Because they are greedy, arrogant and stubborn and can't accept correction.

  • xjwms

    I remember my attitude was the same as his.

    That was when I was so brain/washed I just did'nt know better.

    The only way out for some is to feel the pain.


  • Kudra

    It should encourage you that most of us here on the board now, could have, at one time written that EXACT letter.

    Look at how far we have all come since then. He is just not as far along the path to finding out the truth yet.


    Don't ever give up.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Again, the main points I allways like to stress should not be forgoten.

    1. Never use the Bible with a JW
    2. Only use JW publications
    3. Help to show them something better than the JWs in the process (freedom)

    When you wrote this letter I am guessing that your mind is allready made up that the JWs are wrong and that their religions is built upon fantasy. The main thing I have learned is that when you decided to talk to a Jw about how his religion is wrong, do not pussyfoot around the issue. Show why it is wrong. I too because of fear of consequence have held back my true feelings behind 'questions' I need answered. The problem is that the questions never sound like they are our own, but repeats from some other source.

    The key to this battle is proving that the WTS are liars, twisters and haters of the truth. This can only be done with photocopy after photocopy of the Watchtowers publications to show where they have proven to be liars. Show where they have misquoted other publications to prove their points. Show where they lie about the past, show where their theories are based upon things that never happened. Show how they actually promoted what amounts to demonism all the way into the 1920's and 30's.

    All with the goal of showing them something better. I am of the opinion that the special authority the WTS has on someone must be taken out in one clean swipe. Leaving the JWs is a process, that can take a very long time. But getting the person to at least start on the path takes effort and good planning. The Bible should allways be left out and the literature should be the only discussions (since their scripture is the Watchtower magazine, not the Bible). I also would stay away from topis like 1975, blood, and child molestation. Topics I think are really good slam dunks are all of the misquotes in the trinity brochure, all of the changes in the Kingdom Interlinear where you can see where they change the Bible, the insertion of the name Jehovah into the NT and how their own theory basically on how to get there means the NT is worthless and corrupted, and my personal favorite the book 'Angels and Women'.

  • Zone

    Like someone told me, only the strong willed can escaped the orginization. Sadly, most of them are not.

  • Sunspot
    But to answer the question about friendship, do you suppose your friendship should mean more to me than my friendship with God?

    Oh please......how self-righteous is THAT? Is "GOD" telling him to drop you as a friend....or is it the Watchtower Society ? Sorry, as hard as they try and claim this---the WTS is NOT God.

    We keep hearing how "apostates keep tearing their faith down"....but WTS opposers are desperately trying to get JWs to smarten UP!

    MANY of us "opposers" are offering the message of Jesus, the REAL Good News that he gave his life so that WE can live through the GIFT he has already promised to all who put faith in him.

    We don't need any pretend organization that Jesus never told us to look for OR identify and JOIN, and we don't need the self-appointed Governing Body from their pretend religion, to issue orders and change doctrines whenever they get the whim to do so! One does not NEED the Watchtower Society to find God.

    ANY "religion" that announces that leaving them is the same as leaving GOD....is THE most haughty and lying form of religion. THIS IS the Watchtower Society.

    It's even hard for ME to believe I believed AND taught this stuff......

    Let him simmer for a while, in his WTS-trained superior and holier-than-thou attitude. That....and 15 cents will by him a package of KoolAid.....which is about ALL he will eventually end up with.

  • Matt_fs

    Ya, his answer about the friendship was a little harsh. Its not like im asking him to drop god friendship for mine. I love how he never answered one of my questions from my previous letter and just went on how i read crap off of the internet which in turn is the WTS own literature! Unreal!

    Thanks for your comments, I love reading em. ANy questions anyone think I should throw in the mix for my next letter?



  • Sunspot

    Just off the top of my head, you could ask him where does Jesus state that his followers need to "be in" ANY organization to be pleasing to the Father?

    By what authority does the WTS say that leaving them is the same as leaving God?

    IF Jesus thought it was absolutely imperative to "use the name" of Jehovah (as the WTS says they must)....WHY didn't Jesus "use" the name when he instructed his followers to pray the model prayer? Wouldn't THAT have been the most appropriate time to bring that out---if it was really a bible teaching?

    How can the WTS arbitrarily choose which bible terms and positions apply to THEM and what applies to "Christendom" who they despise? It all seems to boil down to what THEY DECIDE applies to them! No proof is needed!

    Ask him to show you in the bible, where Jesus chose the WTS as his favorite religion in 1918.

    If "Christians" who speak the "pure language" are not supposed to celebrate ANYTHING but the Memorial because they might have "religious connotations" attached to them....then why are Mother's Day and Father's Day, etc, etc, "displeasing to Jehovah" and bad to celebrate? What "religion" are they honoring?

    Why does Jesus command that his followers be baptized in the name of the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit.....but the WTS has taken the liberty of baptizing ITS followers in an entirely different manner, which changes every few years? Isn't what JESUS SAID good enough for the "Faithful & Discreet Slave" to follow?

    Just a few for starters if you need them......

    Best of luck with him,



  • done4good

    Like someone told me, only the strong willed can escaped the orginization. Sadly, most of them are not.

    Very true. This is why many become "inactive", but never actually stop believeing it's the truth. They would rather go through the pain of thinking they are a failure, rather than consider, that maybe, just maybe the organization is wrong.


    Don't take it personally. We all would have written similar letters not too long ago. I'm learing myself what topics to stay away from talking to jw friends, (there's only two plus my sister that I still talk to).


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