Latest films you saw?

by greendawn 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic

    Jeeeeeez, I guess I haven't been to a movie since I went to see "Miami Vice" in JUNE

  • slimboyfat

    Well, when I'm dead I won't know anything at all. Will I?


  • Nowman

    I just rented "Lucky Number Slevin", with Josh Hartnett(?), Bruce Willis, Lucy Lu, I loved it!! I kinda felt shocked, like what??? How did I miss that, and Morgan Freeman is in it too.


  • daystar


    Well, when I'm dead I won't know anything at all. Will I?

    ?? How random...

    Anyway, we watched Must Love Dogs and The Propositionover the weekend.

    Must Love Dogs was cute in that "John Cusack" sort of way, with Diane Lane and Elizabeth Perkins as hot as ever.

    The Proposition was good. I feel aggrandized comparisons to Eastwood spaghetti westerns to be a bit much however. It's likely I will have forgotten this film within the year, whereas films like High Plains Drifter will remain with me for a lifetime.

  • Kudra

    "Buffalo '66" and "Y tu mama tambien"

    Both excellent, especially "Y tu mama tambien"


  • bavman

    V for Vendetta. Very good movie! Sort of 1984ish. I love that V posts here now too.

  • dannygwalsh

    click with adam sandler went with my girlfriend on saturday , very funny , will really cheer you up , and the ringer , with jonny knoxville from jackass , a bit near the knuckle and potentially offensive at times , but nonetheless very funny , i love comedies - laughter is good medicine

  • daystar

    Hey danny. Sorry to be so... American... but what does this phrase mean:

    a bit near the knuckle

    I've just never heard it before.

  • dannygwalsh

    sorry daystar, a bit near the knuckle means close to the edge potentially offensive , i suppose like the carry on movies we have in england which are full of innuendo , oops my regional outlook is showing , i hail from the home of the beatles you see

  • colorado5591

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Overall, a quirky, very amusing film, with a superb cast and nice plot twists

    Secondhand Lions my brother called and bugged me for weeks to see this movie so I finally watched it to shut him up! in the hands of three exceptional actors, Secondhand Lions is totally entertaining and heartwarming, I loved it! We laughed and cried, and laughed some more!


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