Christ/Anti-Christ Tower/Anti-Tower

by Geronimo 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Geronimo

    I've discovered a Christian sect that's the antithesis of the WTBTS. Every negative emotion, word, thought, action, and attitude of Watchtower Madness finds it's mirror image in the Unity School of Christianity. Whereas the WT is authoritarian and demands submission, Unity fosters free thought, inquiry, and individual autonomy. Whereas the Tower rejects modern science, Unity embraces modern science. Whereas the Tower uses fear and guilt, Unity engenders trust and self-acceptance. Whereas the Tower hates the world Unity embraces the world. Whereas the Tower claims they alone have Truth, Unity proclaims that all sentient beings have the Truth. Whereas the Tower inculcates and "us and them" mentality, Untiy fosters inclusiveness. Whereas the Tower uses the Bible as a club, Unity uses it to open hearts to love. Whereas the Tower confines God to a collection of books called the Bible, Unity teaches all to find God everyhwere. You name the negative aspect of the Tower, and you will find it's opposite in Unity. Here is the headquarters of the Anti-Tower, Unity Village, in Lees Summit MO. G

  • lovelylil

    To go along with that if anyone wants to know more specifics about their beliefs, here is a link to their webpage; Lilly

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    But Geronimo, is it possible to be so open-minded that you have no focus at all..?????

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Geronimo, I meant the church, not you....sorry

  • parakeet

    Geronimo wrote: ***Unity proclaims that all sentient beings have the Truth.***

    I guess Unity defines "truth" a little differently from the JWs? Otherwise, this statement makes no sense.

  • pmouse

    I can honestly say that having gone to Unity Churches in Florida and Georgia, it is one of the most uplifting spiritual experiences I have had. I would encourage anyone to visit just once to see the absolute difference.

    As Geronimo has indicated, whereas the Witnesses are negative and full of guilt and don't dos....Unity is completely the opposite...positive and encouraging of the human ability to love and seek the Divine within themselves and others, regardless of faith.

    For more information in addition to lovelylil's post visit

  • jaguarbass

    I went to the Unity church in Clearwater Fla shortly after I left the witnesses in 83, It was a very pleasant experience. I think I went 2 or 3 times but I guess I didnt want to start any new habbits seeing as I was free of the old habbit. I guess that was part of my recovery.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I see there are a few of them in the UK, the nearest one to us being in Birmingham, which is about 40 miles from here. I'm not personally thinking of going to any church, but I know an ex jw friend who is visiting various places of worship, so I'll pass this on, thanks.

  • pmouse

    Small world Jaguargaus, I went to the same one in Clearwater on Nursery Road! This of course was in the mid 80's or so. It convinced me that I could still be a spiritual person regardless of leaving the borg.

  • greendawn

    It is understandable that there will be a reaction to authoritarian organisations like the WTS and an attempt to counterbalance their extremist positions but then that all embracing liberalism (everyone has the truth) is absurd since there will in that case be so many contradictory truths. Eg the Moslems Jews etc don't accept Jesus as the saviour of mankind, to them it is a non truth.

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