how many atheist and agnostics on this site

by dannygwalsh 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • dannygwalsh

    hi everyone just a question to satisfy my curiosity , and if you are a non believer are you happier for being so

  • greendawn

    Welcome dannyg, I am not an atheist but there are quite a few of them on this forum that defend the theory of evolution very fiercely. There are often heated debates on the issue of evolution/creation.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I'm an atheist in progress.

    ~luv, jojo

  • RunningMan

    I am an orthodox fundamentalist atheist.

  • done4good

    Atheist by de facto definition. Agnostic by a broader definition.


  • AlmostAtheist

    I'm an atheist. Yes, I am very happy with it.

    Granted, I lost the hope of living forever in paradise/heaven/reincarnation. (Not all atheists reject the idea of reincarnation)

    But I don't believe those possibilities exist anyway. So it isn't a matter of picking a belief that makes me happy, but accepting reality and finding happiness in what IS.

    I enjoy being the master of my own fate. I don't concern myself with whether or not I'm pleasing an invisible, silent God and am therefore evoking his blessing or malediction. Instead I do the best I can and accept the result.

    Things turned out well? Great! I did something right, somebody helped me, or random chance fell in my favor. (Most likely, a mix of all three)

    Things turned out badly? Shoot! I probably screwed something up, somebody screwed me, or bad luck spat on me. (Again, probably a mix)

    I know several atheists, and I've yet to meet one that says they wish they could go back to their beliefs. (But, in fairness, I also know a few people that used to be atheists and are no longer...)


  • Nowman

    I am an agnostic, and I fine with it. I am a person that really doesn't know for sure, and I really don't put alot of effort into finding out. This is because I feel I would wind up back where I started anyway. I think "it is what it is".


  • gymbob

    I'm a dislestic I don't believe there is a dog. :)

  • skyking

    I am an agnostic in the making. NOT a atheist yet, I believe something higher but not an almighty power GOD.

  • Bodhisattva1320

    non theistic ecclectic agnostic pagan buddhist free bird <--- revels in the contradiction of All That Is ;)

    and isnt it all just about being a good human

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